diff --git a/src/content/docs/en/guides/migrate-to-astro/from-nextjs.mdx b/src/content/docs/en/guides/migrate-to-astro/from-nextjs.mdx
index 82632aa88d9aa..86d3612704ad1 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/en/guides/migrate-to-astro/from-nextjs.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/en/guides/migrate-to-astro/from-nextjs.mdx
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ stub: false
framework: Next.js
i18nReady: true
-import AstroJSXTabs from '~/components/tabs/AstroJSXTabs.astro'
-import PackageManagerTabs from '~/components/tabs/PackageManagerTabs.astro'
+import { Steps } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+import AstroJSXTabs from '~/components/tabs/AstroJSXTabs.astro';
+import PackageManagerTabs from '~/components/tabs/PackageManagerTabs.astro';
Here are some key concepts and migration strategies to help you get started. Use the rest of our docs and our [Discord community](https://astro.build/chat) to keep going!
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ When you rebuild your Next.js site in Astro, you will notice some important diff
Each project migration will look different, but there are some common actions you will perform when converting from Next.js to Astro.
### Create a new Astro project
Use the `create astro` command for your package manager to launch Astro's CLI wizard or choose a community theme from the [Astro Theme Showcase](https://astro.build/themes).
You can pass a `--template` argument to the `create astro` command to start a new Astro project with one of our official starters (e.g. `docs`, `blog`, `portfolio`). Or, you can [start a new project from any existing Astro repository on GitHub](/en/install/auto/#starter-templates).
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ You may find it useful to install some of [Astro's optional integrations](/en/gu
Following [Astro's project structure](/en/basics/project-structure/):
1. **Keep** Next's `public/` folder untouched.
Astro uses the `public/` directory for static assets, just like Next. There is no change needed to this folder, nor its contents.
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ Following [Astro's project structure](/en/basics/project-structure/):
2. **Copy or Move** Next's other files and folders (e.g. `pages`, `styles` etc.) into Astro's `src/` folder as you rebuild your site, following [Astro's project structure](/en/basics/project-structure/).
Like Next, Astro's `src/pages/` folder is a special folder used for file-based routing. All other folders are optional, and you can organize the contents of your `src/` folder any way you like. Other common folders in Astro projects include `src/layouts/`, `src/components`, `src/styles`, `src/scripts`.
### The Astro config file
@@ -110,13 +113,13 @@ Here are some tips for converting a Next `.js` component into a `.astro` compone
2. Change any [Next or JSX syntax to Astro](#reference-convert-nextjs-syntax-to-astro) or to HTML web standards. This includes ``, `