Cancer research UK Cancer & Medical research Sanjay Overall 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2015 Yes • EDUCATION / TRAINING • THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH OR SAVING OF LIVES • THE GENERAL PUBLIC / MANKIND • MAKES GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS • MAKES GRANTS TO ORGANISATIONS • PROVIDES SERVICES • PROVIDES ADVOCACY / ADVICE / INFORMATION • SPONSORS OR UNDERTAKES RESEARCH 4,000 £602,400,000 £2,100,000 £103,600,000 £73,200,000 £423,500,000 £105,875.00 Currently using the comment in the accounts that say that it employs more than 4000 researchers. This seems to result in a slightly high cost per researcher though, although it might be right. I have asked C R UK about this, and they have not been able to answer the question, so I will stick with this figure. The £2.1m of income from charitable activities is for cancer information and policy outreach. There is a further £87m for "research", however I'm inclined to think this is probably not income from charitable activites under the sogive definition £634,900,000 £430,600,000 £307,000,000 51% The policy is for 3-5 months spend, and the charity has (to its credit) published its view that it should hold no more than 5 months' spend. Its current level is 5.7 months (according to its calcs - more like 6 months under my calcs, not sure why they are different, but it's not so important). CRUK explains in the accounts that has plans for the reserves to run down over time. Taking a forward-looking view like this is best practice for reserves management. The figures come from P23 of the accounts. You funded XXXX hours/days/weeks of cancer research, well done! Yes Low The cost shown is based on CR UK funding 4000 researchers for a cost of £600m, minus some deductions to get to £400m. It is not clear whether this is right, for example, those 4000 researchers might include some who are partfunded by other organisations, or it may be that there are 4000 "inhouse" cruk researchers, but CRUK also funds some researchers who work externally, and some of the cruk funds are also partfunding some other researchers outside of the 4000 mentioned in the accounts. When I contacted CRUK for clarity on this, they were unable to clarify the situation Request sent via website on 25 Jan 2016 asking for a conversation to talk about how they look at impact. Site says they will reply in 5 days. Reply sent on 15th Feb (while I was travelling, so I didn't see it for a while). The response included several paragraphs, but not one referred to how they assess impact, and I infer that they do not do this. Response email sent on 6th Mar asking about how to compare costs with number of researchers. The people I spoke with demonstrated themselves to be poorly equipped to deal with these questions. C 4 Lots of really high impact, but perhaps very comfortably funded already? Givewell has done an initial analysis of this question:
Solar Aid Energy & climate change & health & education 1115960 Sanjay Overall 1-Apr-2013 31-Mar-2014 Yes • EDUCATION / TRAINING • THE PREVENTION OR RELIEF OF POVERTY • ENVIRONMENT / CONSERVATION / HERITAGE • ECONOMIC / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / EMPLOYMENT • CHILDREN / YOUNG PEOPLE • ELDERLY / OLD PEOPLE • PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES • OTHER CHARITIES OR VOLUNTAY BODIES • THE GENERAL PUBLIC / MANKIND • PROVIDES HUMAN RESOURCES • PROVIDES BUILDINGS / FACILITIES / OPEN SPACE • PROVIDES SERVICES • PROVIDES ADVOCACY / ADVICE / INFORMATION • SPONSORS OR UNDERTAKES RESEARCH £6,027,655 £3,875,317 £322,593 £0.00 £1,829,745 #DIV/0! £6,332,904 £870,000 You enabled access to XXXX solar lights, well done! No, old data High Plenty of information provided, and it seems to align with independently conducted calcs, as far as they can be checked #DIV/0! 5 Impact seems high, with beneficiaries enjoying health impacts, improved education, and there are climate change benefits too. Coudl look at GWWC's research, but it's incomplete:
Solar Aid Energy & climate change & health & education 1115960 Sanjay Overall 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2015 Yes • EDUCATION / TRAINING • THE PREVENTION OR RELIEF OF POVERTY • ENVIRONMENT / CONSERVATION / HERITAGE • ECONOMIC / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / EMPLOYMENT • CHILDREN / YOUNG PEOPLE • ELDERLY / OLD PEOPLE • PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES • OTHER CHARITIES OR VOLUNTAY BODIES • THE GENERAL PUBLIC / MANKIND • PROVIDES HUMAN RESOURCES • PROVIDES BUILDINGS / FACILITIES / OPEN SPACE • PROVIDES SERVICES • PROVIDES ADVOCACY / ADVICE / INFORMATION • SPONSORS OR UNDERTAKES RESEARCH 624,443 is the number of solar lights sold - see page 5 of the impact report. 3.9 million have access to clean safe light as a result according to accounts: 624,443 3,900,000 132,000,000 775,000,000 2,200,000 330,000 £6,326,794 £3,654,481 £324,602 £0.00 £2,347,711 £3.76 £0.60 £0.02 £0.00 £1.07 £7.11 Could also have used the 3.9 million who have access to clean safe light as a result. Good to look at the social impact calculator that solar aid has - £6,191,995 £821,599 £109,121 2% Reserves taken from note 16. This figure looks low. Could there be other reserves held within the Sunnymoney entity? The comments on page 8 indicate that the target is 3 months, and they are planning to build back up to this level, which presumably means that they acknowledge their reserves are too low. You enabled access to XXXX solar lights, well done! Yes High Plenty of information provided, and it seems to align with independently conducted calcs, as far as they can be checked Multiple meetings and emails A 5 Impact seems high, with beneficiaries enjoying health impacts, improved education, and there are climate change benefits too. Coudl look at GWWC's research, but it's incomplete: