clojure -Sdeps ‘{:deps {paragon {:mvn/version “1.8.4”}}}’ -m paragon.main
use interceptors to make a very testable executor model on the server use re-posh for datascript goodness on the frontend use reitit+tilakone to make kee-frame style controllers
I was expecting topsort to be checking node ids for cycles, not node values.
In my example, it’s more accurate to say that the edges are `[1 2] [1 1’] [2 1’]`, which doesn’t have any cycles and should sort to `(1 2 1’)` However, I see now that the edge `[1 1]` is interpreted as a self-directed edge.
In my case, I happen to know that I will never actually have a cycle and that “duplicate” values are in fact distinct. But that won’t work with ubergraph because it uses values as the lookup keys in the :node-map.