Camel case: numberOfPeople A series of words, with each intermediate word started with a capital letter. Called "Camel Case" because the capital letters make it look like the humps of a camel.
Kebab case: number-of-people Hypehated words - like chunks of meat or vegetables on a kebab skewer. Note that cannot case only works in a gew languahes such as Tcl and Perl 6, as the minus sign most usually is the subtraction operator.
Snake case: number_of_people Words separated with underscores - the word snakes along past the underscores. Like Kebab case which is of limited (language) use, you can use Snake Case with most modern languages.
Hungarian (Systems) notation: iNumberOfPeople In hungarian notation, you preceed the variable name with an additional character or characters to indicate the type of variable - in Hungarian Systems notation, that’s an indication of the internal data type such as i for Integer. You can see the developemnt of Hungarin Systems Notation from old Fortran conventions where variable names starting with I J K L M or N were integers, and other were floats.
Hungarian (Apps)) notation: cntNumberOfPeople Prefixing the name of the variable with character(s) to indicate the use make of a variable within the application - in my example, I have used cnt to incicate it’s a counter … and in my old Fortran programs you’ll find "JPxxxxx" all over th eplace to indicate an integer pointer.
Shortening and English / American Should you use init, initialize or initialize as the name for a piece of setup code? Some languages will force a built in standard on you for such specials, but I strongly recommend that you use your own convention (for your organization) rather than mixing them up. There’s nothing quite so frustrating as typing to debug a piece of code where sometimes the word colour is used, and at other times the word is color
add annotation suffix to name
areas of application should be specified
@Target( { ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType .CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType .FIELD, ElementType .LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementType .METHOD, ElementType .PACKAGE, ElementType .PARAMETER, ElementType .TYPE, ElementType .TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementType .TYPE_USE})
you cannot create an empty marker interfaces with no members, do you need to use a marker annotation
when to use the interface
TC interface is a type then you can set parameters of type Serializable and this allows you to notice errors during compilation
ask yourself if I might want to write one or more methods that would only accept objects of such an interface?
do I want to restrict the use of this token to elements of a particular interface forever?
when to use annotation
if I want to add more information to the token in the future?
parameter names in methods start with a small letter, camel style
in the two-letter acronyms are the first letters of both small
- for example ioStream
TC parameters-methods are displayed in the documentation and auto-substitutions for them, too, must apply naming rules
parameter names must be descriptive enough to be used with their types to determine their meaning in most scenarios
if there is no other sense in the extreme case to call the parameters:
- left, right - value
Do NOT use numeric indexes
- for example: param1, param2
(option 1) it is recommended to base on meaning rather than type
TC IDE will show the type itself
(option 2) the name of the parameter can be the same as the name of the user-defined type
it saves meaningful names
but it is likely that this title is not descriptive enough to be useful
(??option 3) if the word matches a key his to isovercome, but that it was similar to the original
for example not class but clazz
(??вариант4) the name of the insignificant of the parameter, those that which we don’t use you can simply write a dash
for example (_)→"rez";
ligbez terminology:
method parameters - names of variables in the method Declaration, for example func(String a,int b)
method arguments - the actual values passed to the input method at run time, such as func("mike",12)
reference type is the variable type when declaring ** compile time is known
used for overload
object type - the real type of the assigned object
calculated runtime
used for override
another term for local variables:
automatic variable
variables on the stack
method variables
- 1) parameter type - the highest possible type in the hierarchy
then the set of possible object subtypes that this parameter can accept will be expanded
theoretically, the most pre-respectful interface is Iterable<> and not a specific type of collection (in case you just need to list items)
practically the same, the collection is now the preferred method for returning TC values and is iterable and contains stream, of the drawbacks: the number of elements should be less than 2^32
select the interfaces List, Set, Queue, Map the most suitable for the task at hand and not the specific implementation
but writing frameworks recommended superobese the Iterable
- 2) if you want to call certain methods of the parameter object, on the contrary, you need to limit the "highest possible type in the hierarchy"
parameters cannot be reserved "for the future"
it is better to make an overloaded version of the method with a new parameter in the future
the number of parameters should not exceed 4
otherwise, the user will not remember them and will always be all the time to look in help
to reduce the number of parameters
split the method into several (as for example in NEW-SET-CALL for each parameter a separate seter)
make a group of parameters in the value class (nested static) (helper class)
all the parameters of stitches in the pattern Builder, which parameters you can assign in the queue (so that the Builder applies to the mutable object)
use Currying, and assign these parameters in advance to a function that will return another function (an analogue of our method)
avoid a number of parameters of the same type, so that the user does not confuse them
- 1) methods do not have parameters that must be constant in all method calls in basic scenarios
TC such constant arguments must be specified by properties
those only such parameters which are necessary for each call and do not remain constant
- 2) you should add a parameter to the method if I want to focus on the parameter
those to make the obvious connection between the parameter and the method
such as timeout to specify the method, despite the fact that it is the same for each call
- 3) you should check the consistency of the object, as there may be problems due to
the method should check all used properties for null and valid values
properties can be set arbitrarily and independently resulting in inconsistent object state
the default constructor allows users to create a sub-initialized instance
- when consistently object should cause an IllegalStateException exception
the exception message should clearly explain which properties should be changed to get the object in valid States
exceptions should be thrown when the operation is performed and not when the component is initialized
- 1) you should allow null pointer to be passed as an argument to the method and inside the method do a check for null and valid values
to avoid null checking before calling a function and move it inside the function call and in the case of zero inside the method to put a default value and possibly log such an input argument
- 2) and if null is not allowed then call ArgumentNullException
it is necessary to check all arguments of public, protected methods passed to the input method by the user
it is necessary to test arguments as thoroughly as possible
TC it will provide the best error message
if an error occurs in the argument, call ArgumentException
it is necessary to remember that mutable objects can change after checking
1) if I don’t want to spread the side effect, I can make a COPY of the object(!not a copy of the link), check IT and pass IT on
2) I can convert/copy a mutable object to a non-mutable object, then I won’t have to copy it again on the getter
3) it is better to accept only non-mutable objects (and make the whole hierarchy of class composition non-mutable)
check should be done already on the copy to protect against attack TOCTOU (time-of-check/time-of-use)
this applies not only to non-mutable classes but also to mutable classes: if the object is mutable then think: are you Tolerant of unexpected mutation of the object? If you are not ready for an unexpected mutation mutable object then make a protective copy ! This applies to heterosexual and Setaram
- 1) the check itself does not necessarily have to be made directly in this public method, it can be made at a lower level in the sub-methods and etc
- 2) argument checks are better placed up the hierarchy closer to the common api and further away from advanced low-level scenarios
TC low-level functions are called more often and they cost more
- 1) use assertions to check method parameters of private methods
use assertions for situations that can never occur
we recommend that you use specific data types (such as URL) rather than General data types (such as String)
for example, a URL is recommended even if you can use String instead
specific types should be used everywhere for:
class properties
the return values of methods
parameter types and the actual arguments of the methods
for its methods accepting a SPECIFIC TYPE(e.g. url)
for convenience, it is recommended to provide for stupid users overloaded versions of methods that take a COMMON TYPE(for example, string)
but calling version with specific type (those URLs)-
if a string is received from the user often enough, you should add a convenient overload to receive the string
such methods are intended as helpers for common scenarios
be selective and provide such helpers only for frequently used options
not all methods with a parameter of type url blindly automatically reboot versions with stroke TC preferred api based on url
it is impossible to have only the version of the method without method with a String with the URL
should be called T for obvious parameters
the name of the parameter is a constraint name in the extends are prefixed with T
for example <TString extends String> , <TKey, TValue>
in a parameterized method, call the parameter E
to distinguish it from the parameters of generic classes
alternative one-letter naming system:
E for an element K for a map key V for a map value N for a number T for a generic data type S, U, V, and so forth for multiple generic types
not recommended for types <?>
for example, Collection<?>
not recommended <T> void Method (T p1)
argument name must be plural
- (1) if users pass arrays with a small number of elements, it is better to form vararg
but if the user will transmit many elements of the vararg is also nice
- (2) replace more than 3 parameters of the same type with vararg
for example (object1,object2,object3,object4) on (… objects)
all parameters are of the same type
if the parameters differ only in numeric suffix
if the method does not already have an overloaded version of the input receiving array
- (3) method with vararg, on the contrary can be overloaded methods with different numbers of parameters
to provide higher speed
for example, add to the of(e) method… elements)
of(E e1)
of(E e1, E e2)
of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E e7, E e8, E e9, E e10)
if the nick is almost always the input of the transmit array to the vararg is not recommended
you should always check vararg argument for null and if null then call expansion
if you want vararg to have arguments, it is better to declare it with a separate first argument, for example, instead of checking for non-zero inside
int min(int firstArg, int… remainingArgs)
it is recommended to move the array type parameters to the end to leave the possibility to make vararg from the bottom in the future
it is recommended not to overload methods with vararg TC it will confuse the user
methods with vararg can be preloaded, the method is already without the same vararg
for example, method(String param1,String ...objects) method(String param1,String[] objects, String param2)
for a type conversion operation, it is better to use an explicit constructor or factory instead of transformation methods
TC need to show that in this case, an object is explicitly created
for example, if a non-object(elementary type) is converted to an object
in such operations, you can call ClassCastException
if there are no constructors, the default constructor must be specified explicitly
in order not to break the existing code when entering the constructor with the parameter
TK it will automatically remove the implicit default constructor
constructors should do nothing but accept constructor parameters and set properties
constructors should throw exceptions if required
you cannot call overridable(normal or abstract) methods inside the constructor
the TC method can be overridden by a subclass and calling this method will cause an error for an uninitialized subclass from the base class
you can call super.someMethod() TK will be called neperedavaemye version
you can call final methods and private methods because they are not overridable
see pattern of private helper methods called from overridable methods
designers should be preferred to factories
constructor this is the most natural way to create objects: as a result of the constructor’s work, a unique instance of a class of a certain type will be created, initialized and returned
users will search for them before they find factory methods
auto-substitution in IDE does not work for factories
factories sacrifice detection capability, convenience and ease of use
most users find that the designer template is simpler and more detectable, because users are used to objects created by designers
there must be a default constructor
it is recommended to design components so that they can be used after a very simple initialization
constructors that do not accept parameters are called default constructors or default constructors
can be a very simple constructor with one parameter (parameters of basic properties)
you should use the constructor parameters to set the basic properties
should not be difficult designers of TK most of the settings are initialized using the setting properties
all of the constructor parameters correspond to properties and just inicializirati them
there should always be a choice:
call the constructor with parameters, so you should make the constructor with parameters specifying all properties
call the default constructor but then set the properties via seters
the names of the constructor parameters must match the names of the properties
except the case of the first letter
simple tasks of one main scenario should be feasible with only one object
users cannot create instances of multiple objects in the same script
each of the top 5 main scenarios should have no more than one new operator
that you can set the parameters selectively
there can be several varargs parameters, for example each property has its own vararg,
unlike a constructor, where there can only be one vararg in one constructor
possible problems: the default constructor allows users to create an under-initialized instance
which may result in an invalid state of the object when the method is called
problems should be mitigated by exceptions/error messages in methods
exceptions should be thrown when the operation is performed and not when the component is initialized
those in the constructor I can allow to assign null, but I signal about it in log
.II) the pattern of NEW-CALL nemetalni CLASSES
you should design types so that objects cannot exist in an invalid state
therefore, you should check the consistency of the object in the constructor and call IllegalStateException
in the designer, do check for null and valid values
in the designer, all parameters required to configure the object are set at once
settings cannot be changed after initialization in the designer
it is necessary to make the constructor without parameters private to save the user from an error
and to create empty objects make an explicit separate factory
the client calls a static method to get the Builder (or immediately the Builder constructor which is an inner static class). The client then calls the setters on this object to set all the parameters of interest. Finally, the client calls the build method to generate an object that will be immutable. The build method calls the private constructor of the object receiving the Builder object
you can get a non-mutable object in a consistent state, as if manually "freezing" the object after its creation is completed,
one Builder can be used to create multiple objects
allows you to get rid of the cascade/ladder/telescoping constructors
worse performance of TK it is necessary to create in addition to object and builder
if in addition to the Builder already a lot of designers it is difficult to maintain such code
all parameters that should be constant to make a separate function, which should return another function(= our original method)
a variable parameters will have this second return function
- 1) singleton
the method that returns a singleton must be called getInstance
BUT the best way to implement singleton is through enumeration
- 2) builder/object Assembly
usually need to nemetalni classes
- 3) caching
- 4) sharing objects, object pool
to preserve identichnosti instances nemetalni classes (as strings in the constant pool)
- 5) when the specific subtype of the return type will be known only the runtime
the disadvantage of constructors is that you cannot dynamically resolve the type of what you return at run time, you cannot return a previously distributed instance of a class(such as a cached instance).
If I am sure that I will never need these features, then designers are the best choice
creates only instances of a specific type/subtype (and not all in all)
can return a hidden private class object / hide class implementation
at the time of writing the factory , the type of returned class may not yet be / late binding in services and services to service providers
- 6) it is recommended to use factories if the presence of a named method is the only way to make the operation obvious
TC designers can not have names sometimes when using the designer there is a lack of information about the context and because of this, the user has a bad idea what the operation does
you can make several factories with the same signature. Because static generation methods have names, they do not include a constructor constraint that prevents a class from having more than one method with a given signature
- 7) for value type conversion operations
such methods take a value type in one view and convert it to an instance of a class of another value type, keeping the same logical state
this is done not through the constructor so that the creation of the object was not noticeable, was implicit
for example, d=DateTime.parse('01/02/2019')
for example, e=MyEnum.valueOf("SUMMER")
- 8) copying factories:
for non-mutable classes, it makes no sense to support copying objects (in constructors or factories) because copies will be virtually indistinguishable from the original.
for non-mutable classes, static copy generation methods make sense if they get a more General interface parameter and a mutable argument (see as in Java collections) they are called conversion constructors / conversion factors
- 9) copy of factory: in the mutable objects the serial numbers and IDs to be copied inappropriately
TC they naturally should vary
- 8) the factory can output the generated types types from the context (type inference) thus making the record more compact
- 9) you can put such factories into interfaces (and a hidden class right into the interface method)
- 10) if I use only static factory (because of all private constructor) then such class cannot be inherited
- 11) the problem of detecting such factory methods is solved by naming conventions
- 12) can use factory as lambda argument of supplier
* for example, Elvis::instance as Supplier<Elvis>
often this is a static method
often the factory method belongs to the same type that it produces
you should call the method of, CreateCopyOf, CreateDeepCopy
- valueOf (analog of from or of) returns the object type. This is a static generation method . Returns an instance that, roughly speaking, has the same value as its parameters. Static generation methods with this name are actually type conversion operators. - of aggregating method, takes several parameters and incorporates them - in java9, methods that return non-mutable copies of collections are called "of" (take input parameters without converting them). - a more concise alternative to valueOf an example of that List.of("1","2","3") - instance/getInstance — returns an instance that is described by the parameters, but you cannot say that it will have the same value. In the case of singleton, this method returns a single instance of the class. This name is common in systems with the provision of services - example, StackWalker luke = StackWalker.getInstance(options) - create/newInstance is the same as getInstance, only newInstance gives a guarantee that each instance is different from all the others. - getType is the same as getInstance, but is used when the generation method is in another class. Ture denotes the type of object returned by the generation method. - newType is the same as newInstance, but is used when the generation method is in another class. Ture denotes the type of object returned by the generation method. - type (short analogue of getType / newType) - example, List<Some> l = Collections.list(enum) - from converts input parameters to a target class instance (may include loss of information) - for example Date d=Date.from(instant) - parse parses the input string to produce an instance of the target class - parseInt returns primitive type
this is the type with abstract factory method
factory method returns a dynamically defined subclass
you should name the type of the generated type+Factory
the user has no control over when the initializer is called
you cannot throw exceptions from the initializer
TC then the type will be unusable
but this type can still be surrounded by try-catch
it is not recommended to use initializer to initialize static fields
it is better to initialize static fields when declaring for example because they can be made final
it is better to initialize static fields in a separate static method that can return the expected output
the library name can be the same as the package hierarchy
each word with a small letter
break module packages basic and advanced scenarios
high-level api and low-level
high-level api wraps low-level api in convenient facades
It is NOT recommended to create deep package hierarchies
TK them hard to browse all the time climbing up the hierarchy
It is NOT recommended to create a large number of packages
it is recommended that you model high-level concepts (such as physical objects) rather THAN system-level tasks
for example, components should model files, directories, disks rather than streams, formatters, Comparators
most developers use a small set of common scenarios
therefore, all efforts should be focused on these several common scenarios
those key scenarios is the most commonly used areas of functionality
availability of simplified high-level operations is essential for those developers,
who do not want to learn the full range of features
they just have to solve their often very simple tasks -
core script packages must be higher in the hierarchy than advanced
those types of advanced scripts should be placed in sub-Packages/sub-Classes of basic scripts
the simplest and shortest names to use for types of common scenarios
to enable users to have it right the first time makes type, even if it is contrary to the inheritance hierarchy
best and most easily recognized names for the most commonly used types (even if the name better matches another rarely used type)
leaves should be a more beautiful name than root TK most users use only leaves and not roots
this increases the "visibility" and user findability of the types from the main scenarios
common api should include 5-10 main scenarios
only one type of object should be created in the most basic scenarios
you should optimize the performance of the core api
you can borrow script names and common parts from other well-known APIs, frameworks, and libraries
then the user will already know how to handle the new api by analogy with the other api already known to him
copy only the General part of the api, should be unique for its
common api should be simple
you should ensure that simple API scripts can be used without DOCUMENTATION
the developer should be able to start using the api IMMEDIATELY
self-evident api does not require knowledge of the interaction of multiple objects within
the worst part is the api design, which looks simple, but once developers start using it, they find that it is not (sometimes find with great difficulty and hours of digging)
make sure that the components support the create-set-call pattern
users should be able to code most scenarios through this pattern
should not be extensive initialization(and configs) for basic scenarios
TK they raise the threshold of entry and require knowledge of underwater relationships
rarely used types should be placed in separate sub-packages
low-level APIs must also fully duplicate the functionality of the high-level api for the developer to choose
complex things should be possible with the advanced api
at least if not easy ,as in the main scenarios, then at least possible
in order to understand the extended api, the user will need documentation and knowledge of the internal implementation of the low-level api
availability of classes open for configuration is one of the main differences between the infrastructure and the library
different frameworks/libraries/modules should be compatible with each other
libraries should be "boring" (only basic functionality)
users cannot be required to do anything other than code
for example, configured components in a configuration file, generated resource files
antipattern example: IoC configurable in Spring Framework or Spring boot configuration file
split functions into separate types so that properties/methods do not overlap
the package names in the hierarchy
each word with a small letter
the company is registered on the Internet domain name provides uniqueness in the world
use a reversed domain name (those not vova.com and in reverse order com.vova)
the hyphen in one part of the domain name should be replaced with an underscore
if one of the parts of the domain name begins with a digit (or non-letter character), it should be added to the beginning of the underscore
if one of the parts of the domain name matches one of the Java keywords, it is necessary to add an underscore to the end of it
product name must be sustainable rather than short-term technological marketing (TK it in a namespace will remain forever)
Developers should take steps to avoid the possible coincidence of the names of two published packages by selecting unique package names for widely distributed packages.
package name must be different from type/class
the package should NOT be less than 5 types
types from the same script must be in the same package
not to import a large number of packages
the main package should NOT be a deep hierarchy, many levels TC user all have a long time to learn
ALL rules apply to public members only
for private methods, use the suffix _
method names start with a small letter, camel style
methods are referred to as verb phrases
the first word can be made a verb in the active form
thus methods differ from the names of types of nouns
method and property names should be long, descriptive, and detailed
TK now, IDs can still gain Avtozavodskaya input
name according to the task to be solved, not the implementation details
where possible and appropriate, base the method names of the new class on the method names of the existing class, especially the JavaSE API class, to make them easier to use.
standard prefixes for the method names:
- compute means that the operation is calculated and cached for a long time - find means it is a simple search method with a minimum of calculations - initialize means that the object/concept is set - assert methods for the verification of the object causing exasan - a method that returns the length of something must be named length, as in the String class. - a method that checks the logical condition V associated with an object (or requesting the state of an object) must have an isV. An example is the is Interrupted method of the Thread class. - with returns a copy of the object with one modified element - to converts an object to another type - as returns a representation of an object of a different type than the object itself - Oh ..Value returns a simple type with the same value as the object - at combines this object with another - format formatted output - plus returns a copy of the object with the addition of - minus returns a copy of the clipped object - a method that converts the object to some format F should be named toF. Examples of such methods are the toString method of the Object class and the methods toLocaleString and toGMTString of class java. util. Date. - sin and cos methods of the class java . lang.Math have convenient mathematical names, even though these names violate the conventions below (they are short words, not verbs).
the method name must not include the name of the type
TC is redundant and type and so visible
for example line.getLength() and not line.getLineLength();
Boolean properties and functions must make sense as an English phrase
for example, if(collection.Contains(item) is better than if(collection.IsContained(item))
for example if(expression.Matches(text) is better than if(expression.Match(text)
nested if not recommended
TK is very poorly read
better else if , switch instead
symmetric methods should be called symmetrically
- get/set - add/remove - create/destroy - start/stop - insert/delete - increment/decrement - old/new - begin/end - first/last - up/down - min/max - next/previous - old/new - open/close - show/hide - suspend/resume
if the method only provides access to the value, there should be a property (getter/setter)
operation returning the internal state is better to do the method and not the property
the operation returns a different result each time, even if the parameters are unchanged, it is better to do the method rather than the property
For Example Guid.NewGuid() , DateTime.Now()
the additional parameter of the method to be reloaded should be clearly named
so that you can see what the default value will be in the absence of this parameter
(in another version of the same reloaded method)-
for example, the names method(name) and method(name, ignoreCase) show that the first method ignores case
you should call the same parameters in different reloaded methods the same
they must also be in the same order from the beginning
it is not recommended to do two reloaded functions with the same number of parameters, because it will confuse users
instead of rebooting, it is better to give a few different names. for example, writeBoolean(boolean), writeInt(int), and writeLong(long)
avoid overloading designers by replacing them with factories with different names
if you still want to do overload with the same number of parameters
it is better to have at least one parameter of type +instead so that they can not be led to one another
you should call the same parameters in the original and overridden methods the same
the name of the method abstract = the name of a public method + suffix Core
you cannot use the legacy Impl suffix
use @Override annotation everywhere
inheritance can be safely used within a package (those with package access level) where the implementation of both the subclass and the superclass is under the control of the same programmers.
inheritance violates TC encapsulation, the proper functioning of a subclass depends on the details of its superclass implementation.
by default, a regular class (not intended for inheritance) is better to do final or with all private constructors
it is recommended to finalize user-defined methods overridden by abstract
especially if I’m not planning on thinking about extensibility further here
once I finalize the method, I can avoid the side effects of inheriting my user class
all public methods it is possible to make the final, and template methods to make abstract
as an alternative to the pattern "calling private helper versions of methods from public"
an abstract method enforces the extensibility
if you make the abstract method, the user must exactly inherit it
should be carefully documented
TC user need to explain in detail how to replace them,
explain to the user what is the pattern template method and etc
should be carefully designed:
those should be a clear scenario requiring extensibility,
those you have already come up with how the user should use them
it is impossible to make the members of the abstract, if there is no good reason and you consider the cost of designing, testing, and support for abstract methods
changes to abstract methods in the future pose a greater risk of compatibility issues
you should do abstract methods as well and protected
protected method provide extensibility without complicating the main public interface
protected methods should be designed as carefully as public
those within need to provide the same level of inspection and documentation
it is not recommended to make public methods abstract
TC chip pattern is just to spread the public and abstract methods
abstract methods are created protected only for extension AND not for direct use by the user
ABSTRACT should make only the longest overload
all shorter versions will use this longer version
template method should do PROTECTED abstract so that extensibility is manageable
those it could not be called directly from the outside but had to be redefined
in short neperedavaemye versions will be implemented all boring logic check input parameters
such methods can be made public final
it is recommended to limit extensibility only to what is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY with template method
this pattern should be used to achieve controlled extensibility TC user should only override some methods
you cannot overload the abstract method
TK will have two abstract methods and both will have to inherit at the same time,
and the user can not know and override only one method
it is recommended to check the parameters in a public method to not check them every once in abstract methods
pattern is used to centralize logic in one place
you can use the reload ladder: the method uses a call to the next overloaded with a +1 parameter
to centralize logic in one place
pattern can be replaced by pattern Builder
the latest method in ladder can be just protected by abstract template method
with the largest number of parameters
used in classes designed to inherit so that implementation details do not leak into subclasses
in the class for nasledovne use helper method’s
for each public method generate a private counterpart(helper method)
inside each public method should only be calls buried counterparts
helper methods should only call each other and not open methods to avoid calling the inherited class
simply base class inheritance is replaced by composition inheritance (implementing interface) with forwarding
forwarding class: the forwarding class implements the common interface and contains a reference to the base class
- and all methods forward to the base class
public class ForwardingSet<E> implements Set<E> {private final Set<E> s;
decorator class: inherits the forwarding class
- and as a decorator adds some additional functionality
public class InstrumentedSet<E> extends ForwardingSet<E> { public InstrumentedSet(Set<E> s) {super(s);}
this approach will work with any pre-existing constructor.
TC accepts a base class object so you do not have to override all its constructors
protects against unexpected expansion of the base class because the subclass method in this case, too, would need an override (and in the version with the composition in it would remain the same methods and the new method of the base class would not have access)
but does NOT protect against unexpected extension of the interface by default methods
the downside is that such wrapper classes are not designed for use in callback schemes, where one object passes a reference to itself to another object for subsequent invocation. Because the wrapped object is not aware of its shell, it passes a reference to itself, and as a result, callbacks bypass the shell. This is called a self-identification problem (SELF problem)
- 1) be sure to override this method for classes NEMETALNI-values
compare all properties by value
for this comparison, the term "meaningfully equivalent" should be used instead of the word "equal."
not recommended if implementation is slow
If the class implements an interface that clarifies the conventions for the equals method, specify this interface as the type, which allows comparison of classes that implement this interface.
If the type has been defined as an interface, you must access the meaningful fields of the argument using the methods of the interface itself.
- 2) you CANNOT override this method for MUTABLE classes, based on the equality of all properties
TC as only one of the properties changes then the equality is immediately lost
also the object will be lost immediately in the hash tables TK the hash of the object will change
usually by default equals looks at link equality and many users will be surprised when the default behavior is changed to value equality
the fundamental problem of equivalent relations in object-oriented languages. There is no way to extend the class that generates instances and add a value component to it while retaining the conventions for the equals method. The problem is solved by replacing inheritance with composition
for mutable classes (for example, DDD aggregates), you should override this method based on the equality of the property selected to determine identity
it is recommended to make sure that hashcode returns exactly the same value regardless of any changes made to the object
should both reboot and override equals
for example, there will be two methods equals(object p) calling equals(MyClass p)
whenever implement IComparable should redefine equals
but contrary to do not necessarily: those when do equals not always need comparable
if there is a lack of consistency with equals then it should be explicitly prescribed in Javadoc
equals and hashCode should be overridden at the same time
these two contracts are interdependent and both are mainly used for search
this ensures that two objects that are treated as equal have the same hash code
if objects are NOT equal, they CAN also have the same hash code
it is recommended to make sure that if equals returns true for any two objects,
the hashcode returns the same value for these objects -
ensure that the hashcode generates a random number distribution for all objects of this type
TK that minimizes conflicts (matching keys) in the hash table, maybe collisions will decrease the performance
do not throw exceptions from equals and hashCode
from equals it is better to return false than to throw an exception
on a non-mutable type, you can cache the hash code in the object itself instead of having to recalculate it every time you need it
by the way, on immutable reference types it is hard to notice the difference between the equality of references and the equality of values
do not override equals for a class with an object pool that manages its instances because there will be no more than one instance with this value (for example, for enumerations) and they can be compared ==
if you override[someone in my class] of the equals method, call super.equals
if you override[no one in my class] the compareTo method, you must choose one of two strategies
do not override the method and make the base class method as final
inside both methods, make a check for absolute equality of the type of the class being compared, so that the comparison is symmetric for those cases when the subclass object is compared with the superclass object
you can choose not to override this method at all, but to sort items using Comparator, or use ordered collections that are passed to Comparator (TreeSet, TreeMap, PriorityQueue) instead of Comparable items
- 1) in equals, the order of comparison is Unimportant
To achieve the best performance, you should first compare those fields that will differ with greater probability, or those that are easier to compare.
if the value of the excess field is equal to the total description of the object as a whole, the comparison of such fields will allow you to save on comparing the actual data, if a discrepancy is revealed.
- 2) in compareTo, the order of comparison is important
If a class has multiple meaningful fields, the order in which they are compared is critical.
You have to start with the most significant field and then follow in descending order of importance.
t-f: it is not recommended to override or use this method at all
instead, you need to use a deep-copying designer or factory
this method and interface have a completely atypical way of using
if you put the class interface-the marker Cloneable, then the Object.clone will become public for him
provided that in each class in the Clone method you need to call super.clone which will eventually result in a call to Object.clone (this nonauthoritative grip designers)
it turns out that the object is not created explicitly using the constructor, but is created inside the Object.clone
for a mutable object with mutable properties, make a recursive call to the clone method for all properties
you should explicitly write to JavaDoc that it is a deep or surface copy
copy types
deepCopyOf deep copy, copies the object and recursively those all objects in the graph
copy shallow copy, copies only the part of the graph
intended for debugging purposes only
each developer can change this method as he wants, so this method is unstable
not intended for output to the end user in the UI
to do this, you need to do your own individual methods
should override this TC method the default implementation is not very useful
it is necessary to make the string returned from toString as short as possible
no more than the length of one screen placed in the debager (80 characters)
for large objects or objects whose state is difficult to represent as a string. In such cases, the toString method should return summaries such as "MyClass (1487536 people)»
it is recommended that you return a unique string associated with this instance of the class
those hash code or address in memory
it is necessary to display more understandable property names, if their real names are unreadable
you should output a localized string that depends on the region
in case of formatting money and dates
it is necessary to format the string according to the current Locale settings.getDefault()
cannot return an empty string or null
you cannot throw exceptions within a method
ToString should not have side effects
TC is one of the reasons debuggers call it otherwise it can make debugging very difficult
it is recommended that you output a value that can be parsed by the parser for this type
on the type to make a complementary method MyType.parse(obj.toString()) to parse a string back into an object
describe in detail the format of the string in Javadoc. The disadvantage is that if your class is widely used, then by setting this format once, you are bound to it forever
it is necessary to consider security and safety of that information can get not to those hands TK this message can sometimes get to UI
inside the method to request permission to display classified information, and if there is no permission to return only unclassified information
to be able to call the user code, use the parameter-lambda method or lambda property, instead of overriding this abstract method
the method should make protected abstract it will be called when the event occurs
the subclass must override it in order to process the event
method should be called Orimashita
?the method takes one parameter "e" of the EventArgs subclass type as input
it should always be checked for null in the method
single-character names of local variables or parameters should be avoided, except for temporary variables and loop variables or when the variable contains an unimportant value. The commonly used single-character names are:
temporary variables have a scope of several lines of code
b - for a variable of type byte; C - for a variable of type char; d - for a variable of type double; e - for exception; f - for variable of type float; i, j, and k - for integer values; l - for a variable of type long; o - for a variable of type Object; s - for a variable of type String; v - for an arbitrary variable of some type. T - type for the generated class E - element for the generating method R - return for generated class/method - return value
the strongest technique for narrowing the scope of a local variable is to declare it where it is first used
if the program is improved and the variable is no longer needed, it is easy to forget to remove its Declaration if it is far from the place of the first use of the variable
to reduce the scope of local variables, you can split the method into two
The last technique to reduce the scope of local variables is to create small, well-positioned methods.
abbreviations are recommended, i.e. the first letters of word sequences, for example as the CP for the variable storing szypko to an object of class ColoredPoint.
abbreviations are recommended
for example, the variable buf to store a pointer to a buffer of some kind
mnemonic terms are recommended, organized in such a way as to make it easier to remember and understand, usually when using sets of local variables modeled on common class field names, such as:
in and out, some types of input and output; off and len, which represents the offset and length.
long local variables should be made in lowercase with prefixes so that they differ from camel-style properties
for example v_a_r
it is not recommended to declare multiple local variables in the same Declaration statement
to make the code easier to read
although almost any expression can be part of the for loop statement, it is recommended that all three parts only initialize, validate, and update the same counter
if you do not follow these rules, the resulting code will be inconvenient, if not readable
recommended foreach instead of for
TC in for Iterator occurs three times in each loop and index variable four times, which gives a great opportunity to use the wrong variable
recommended streams instead of foreach
TK they have filtering, transformation and parallel iteration
multiple return in method code is recommended
cannot return null, return an empty collection instead
those the user has to write additional code of check on zero and the user can forget to check on zero
as an empty collection it is better to take existing singletons Collections.emptyList()
it is recommended to think about the admissibility of repeated method calls
for example, put at the beginning of the method check that the method has already been called
???the main work in the program is performed by calculating expressions
streamapi is recommended instead of ForEach
if the non-return value is the normal operation of the method, it is better to return Optional.empty
it is better not to use it to return values from get-eras
do not use it in cases where the method returns a collection of TC in this case it is better to return an empty collection
avoid double packs: other containers, it is better not to turn in the Optional TC they can also be blank as Optional
prefer to use non-mutable versions in return values
it is recommended to create your own collections inherited from the basic ones
cannot return null, return an empty collection instead
TC users will wait for the object
prefer to use Map if the items stored in the collection have unique keys
collections that depend on external objects should be returned as a copy
for example, the files on the disk are an external object
a collection that would promptly online track changes to files on disk is difficult or impossible to implement
call a property in the affirmative form
for example isError instead of isNoError
for example isFound instead of isNotFound
in getter you should prefix is instead of get
you can also use the prefix can, has, should
setters are called as usual
you should choose meaningful names
do not use General: isStatus isFlag
leagues without: they are also referred to in jargon as:
- object fields - instance variables - instance attributes - class variables - static variables - static attributes
property names must be plural
this will allow the user to distinguish the properties of the collections from the usual properties
as a property type, it is recommended to use: (in order of priority)
their collections inherited from the following basic
List<>,Set<>,Map<>,Queue<> most suitable for the problem to be solved
Collection<> or Iterable<> if I’m writing a framework
prefer to use non-mutable versions of collections in the final property
properties should always return an online collection (not a copy - snapshot)
TK creating a copy is expensive
property should never return null
must be initialized by default with an empty collection
property must be final OR with getter only
that the users are unable to take the place of the collection to another by setting the property directly
instead of the setter, you can set the AddRange method to add elements
=== constant .NAMING
constant names of non-mutable objects are written in capital letters with an underscore between the words for example PERIMENAPAUSAL
names of related constants must have a common prefix for example: COLOR_RED COLOR_GREEN COLOR_BLUE
Java formally considers constants to be:
static final primitive types
static final object types that are never written with a dot
static final arrays that are never written with a period and [ those are a simple or primitive value or a reference to a non-mutable object
the instance of a constant object itself must be of non-mutable type
so it can’t be changed.
avoid using magic numbers in your code, always use constants instead
they’ll all be in one place.
TK they will improve the readability of the code
it is recommended to use enumerations instead of static constants
improve error checking at compile time
improve the readability of TC all in one package
auto-substitution IDE
common constants can be placed in an auxiliary class (with private constructors so that it cannot be created)
it is not recommended to put constants in interface to TK the wrong is to implement such interfaces TC then you can not get rid of the "implements IConst" -?? the class itself and the public methods but they will not be exposed by the jigsaw modules
it is recommended to use constant-valued functions instead of constants
to more flexibly then it was possible to change the return value
for constants, use public final fields
for predefined instances, use the private STATIC final field + get-Ter/function to get the value
?or is it better separate the factory default instances
?thus devonny object is a singleton there will be only one
already set values of constants can never be changed,
otherwise, you would have to recompile all the code that uses them
TK they are embedded as macro permutations
ALL rules apply to public members only
for private properties, use the suffix _
you can open(make public) fields of private classes(which no one from the outside will see) and private nested classes
property names start with a small letter, camel style
in the two-letter acronyms are the first letters of both small
for example ioStream
for a property name use nouns, noun groups, or an adjective
the property should be called in the affirmative form
for example CanSeek instead of CantSeek
active voice is better than passive voice
CanSeek instead of IsSeekable
?it is recommended to give properties the same name as their types
for example Color color
it saves meaningful names.
do not use the get set prefix for the property name, only for the method name
numberOf prefix for variables representing the number of objects
do not use the N prefix, Num
use the no suffix to denote variables representing the entity number
examples: tableNo, employeeNo
tf: properties are defined as private fields set with setters/getters (accessor/mutator)
all fields must be private, never set fields as public
under is meant a property of a class
simple properties create read-only (final and getter only) if the program should not change the value of the properties
by simple we mean non-mutable value-types (not reference types)
but if the property contains a mutable type, then placing only the getter will not help, the type itself can be changed
do not set the property to setter only
it is necessary for the couple to expose a public getter
you must still retain the value even if the seter throws an exception
those even if this property has not been tested in the setter it is still set, or save the value to another location
do not throw exceptions from hetero
hetaera should be simple operations and should not have post-conditions
if it can cause an exception then it should be made by
long operations should be a method and not a property
for example, those who access the network or files
properties are used for easy access to simple data with simple calculations
you should use the property if logically it is an attribute of the type
Do NOT use Optional as a class property
this is a pattern in which the class is designed with
with a default or relatively simple constructor
a large number of properties set via setters
and the subsequent call of simple methods of an instance of the class without arguments or a small number of arguments TC all already pre-defined in the properties
- 1) this pattern implies
setting a large number of properties of the object controlling the semantics of method calls, and you can set each property separately
and a small number of parameters in the methods themselves
methods must provide actions and properties data for these actions
- 2) the disadvantage is that you can not use the method in parallel, the object itself can be used only for one query TC parameters are set by the properties of the object
- 3) plus, there can be one version of the method working with a different set of properties, depending on what properties are set
for users, it is important that simple TC methods are much more difficult to study the purpose of each method parameter
all properties should be given default values
TC the user should be able to call the methods of the object created by the default constructor without parameters
- 4) with each new feature, you can only add a new property and leave the method the same (inside it will take into account this new feature)
it should be possible to set properties in any order
this can cause problems in the form of invalid object state when calling the method
the benefits of this pattern exceed these drawbacks (when used in the main scenarios for users, the main thing is the convenience and ease of use)
problems should be mitigated by exceptions/error messages in methods
- 5) In the setter, you can assign null, but output a message about it in the log
you should check the integrity of the object state already in CALL methods, not in constructors
properties provide natural self-documenting capability
components should primarily rely on properties and components as a means of changing their behavior
this is a pattern in which the class is designed with
complex methods that pass a large number of parameters in calls
- 1) this pattern implies
setting a large number of parameters in the methods, and all parameters should be filled in all at once with each call (see the Chapter parameters: the number of parameters is not more than 4)
and a small number of object properties
- 2) plus that it is possible to call such methods in parallel
- 3) the disadvantage is that this pattern produces a large number of overloaded methods
- 4) and with each new feature you add more and more method overloads
conversion and transformation operations are best done by methods with parameters
you should check the integrity of the state of the object in the constructors and not in the CALL-methods
- 1) pre-events pre-events
to use the present tense of the verb
called before there will be a side effect
Example: Closing event before closing the window,
- 2) post-events
the past tense of the verb is used for names
called after a side effect has occurred
Example: Closed event after window closing
- do not use prefixes/postfixes before/after
to be able to call user code, use the-lambda method parameter instead of overriding this abstract method
add a dashed suffix to a class field/property that is not exposed via public getter/setter
for example someProp_, it helps to distinguish internal properties from exposed outside via getter/setter
all fields must be private, never set fields as public
under is meant a property of a class
the property is set only through heteras and seter
ALL rules apply to public members only
type names start with a capital letter, camel style
in both the two-letter acronyms are the first letters of the title
for example IOStream
avoid acronyms
you can use well-known acronyms XML,IO,HTML
you can use: Ok, Id
three or more letter acronyms are considered a common word
for example ProcessHtmlTag, htmlTag
try NOT to use common names but sometimes can be used in cases when the name has no special meaning and the type is unimportant
example of common names: value, item, element, node, log, message
you should specify these names: FormElement, XmlNode, EventLog, SoapMessage
words should not have double interpretation to avoid side effects
users in their scripts will probably use these names that will lead to a conflict of names
word order to choose from all the options was the most easy to read
for example HorisontalAlignment vs Alimenthorisontal
readability should be at the expense of brevity example CanScrollHorisontally vs ScrollableX
names should correspond to business or scenarios and not to technologies or patterns
names should reflect usage scenarios rather than inheritance hierarchy
type names can be the same for different application models but should not match the names of types of basic frameworks java core
must not match the keywords of the java programming language
TDD is recommended to generate test first
the object model follows from the code examples
class name must be a noun or a noun group
you can add a suffix as the base class name
TK is very readable and clearly explains the relationship
recommended for types inherited from standard Java framework types
for extensibility better than regular classes
not final
without abstract methods
without protected methods
extensibility must be designed in advance
TC users can expand in ways that architects could not foresee:
therefore, it is recommended to use interfaces and abstract classes specifically for extensibility
finalisation is a mechanism to prevent extensibility
it is necessary to finalize only what is necessary, otherwise users will be very dissatisfied with the TC they like to expand for no reason and just for convenience
finalize methods and classes that are important from a security point of view
you can always remove final from a class, but you cannot add it back
you cannot make protected or abstract methods in the final class
TK implies that final classes are not inherited
??add Abstract prefix for abstract classes
these classes are designed for advanced advanced scenarios, and therefore uninteresting to most users
such classes should be in a separate namespace, such as the subpackage of the main scenarios
users cannot be required to: inherit classes or implement interfaces
where it is possible to use lambda instead
we recommend that you place this logic in the default interface methods instead of abstract classes with partially implemented logic
specially designed for extensibility through inheritance
such classes themselves are not suitable for the role of TC interfaces contain too much implementation
must be accompanied by a complete set of reference documentation describing the necessary semantics of the types implementing the contract
first-class documentation should clearly and thoroughly explain all pre-and post - implementation conditions
otherwise, users will refuse to use the type
do not make public the TK constructors you cannot instantiate an abstract class
the presence of the designer will only confuse
you should make the protected constructor
abstract class is not applicable here for modeling multiple inheritance
help implement interfaces so that users get part of the implementation
for example, if the root of the type hierarchy is an interface:
List → AbstractList(*) → MyList
maybe they add another level of hierarchy, they complicate the infrastructure.
you should study the interface and decide which of the methods are primitives in terms of which other interface methods could be implemented. These primitives will be abstract methods in your skeletal implementation. You must then provide a specific implementation of all other methods of the interface.
List → SimpleImplementationClass
at least one implementation should be done for each abstract class
this allows you to check the correctness of the design and correct errors in time
A smaller version of the skeletal implementation
This is the simplest possible working implementation
add suffix to name
add a prefix representing the name of the element type
for example, AddressCollection for Collection<Address>
add prefix for nemetalni Immutable collections
for example, ImmutableAddressCollection for Collection<Address>
it is recommended to create your own collections inherited from the basic TC: to give a better name
add your auxiliary members
in the future, to expand the implementation without hindrance
for a high-level api should prefer collection for low level is to be preferred to faster arrays
the use of non-mutable arrays is extremely expensive TC will have to clone the array all the time
do not use obsolete collection types without generic <T>
TC they subtypisation what is the source of errors
the collection must be a simple type designed to manage a group of objects with similar characteristics (storing, accessing, and managing items, and no more)
it is strictly impossible to use collections for complex types not related to the above simple actions
types of collections:
a copy (snapshot) is a collection that represents a state at some point in time
operational collection - a collection that ALWAYS represents the current state
for nemetalni collections, you must enter the method bool isReadOnly returning true
prefer to use Map if the items stored in the collection have unique keys
you need to create a nested type if you want a class that has access to private variables of another class
maybe that’s the whole point of the nested class. but these classes cannot be created independently, maybe if the type may be created independently it means that he has an independent place in the infrastructure
it is not recommended to make the nested class public
TC users do not know how to handle such classes and will not explicitly refer to them or explicitly create objects of such classes
users will see only the interface of the nested class
return an instance of such a class in a separate method of an external class
used to store extension methods or functions for which there is no fully object wrapper
it is impossible to use as a heterogeneous set of additions, there should be a clear concept of the methods located in it
it is recommended to use only as helper classes for the object-oriented infrastructure kernel
all properties and methods must be static
should not be ordinary members
you cannot create objects of this class, there can be only one instance of the class
to make the private default constructor
as well as the inside of such a designer is necessary to put an AssertionError that the constructor was not accidentally caused from the inside
there should be no other public or protected constructors
access to a static property/method of a class through an instance is not welcome
static properties and methods cannot be inherited
you must explicitly mark this class final
all methods can be marked as final
in Java pure static can only be nested static classes
??add prefix for classes nemetalni Immutable objects
(mutable)classes with open mutable fields are unsafe in a multithreaded system
used for small, simple types such as primitive types int, String
type logically represents a single value
recommended when instances are small, short-lived, and embedded in other objects
class instance size is less than 16 bytes (if the class is large, you should carefully consider whether there will be problems when generating a large number of objects)
short lifetime for example if they are created in a method and are no longer needed after the method performs a reset
all public properties must be non-mutable those final
if the properties are mutable then use protective copy/defencive copying on seerah and courtesans
private default constructor
public only constructors that assign final properties
only getters, no setters.
so that you can not inherit and erase the data of the subclass
option a) make the class final
option b) close ALL designers and receive objects only by factory
methods should not return errors, instead of Optional errors (in order to better match functional programming )
be sure to implement equals
comparison by property values
nemetalni classes used in the functional approach:
operations of a non-mutable class can return a new non-mutable object
often newtablename class comes companion: mutable class
this is necessary in order to avoid performance problems and to generate many classes of values
do not use for accurate/cash calculations float. double, use BigDecimal,int, long instead ⁃ float. double has been made to quickly get the correct approximation for a wide range of values. However, these tipene give accurate result ⁃ BigDecimal has eight rounding modes and the user can control it ⁃ Note that BigDecimal’s String constructoris used rather than its double constructor. This is required in order to avoid introducing inaccurate values into the computation. new BigDecimal(".Ten");
for a name use a noun in the singular
Do NOT use the suffix Enum, Flag
do NOT use any prefix for enumeration values
TK to the values of the enumerations, and so are turning always with the name of the enumeration type itself
reserved values cannot be used in the future
TK they only pollute and can lead to errors
I can always add a new value later
I can actually use the enum without values, and add the value then
but in themselves methods I tested on future meaning can add
be sure to enter a zero value in the enumeration
or the most common value will fulfill this role
call it None
- 1) if the property is usually set via the setter, it is better to use bool
- 2) but if the value is usually set through the constructor it is better to use enum
it is better to use enumerations instead of bool parameters
with Boolean parameter it is easier to make a mistake
for example, in the method it is impossible to understand: what is true "case-insensitive" or "case-sensitive" ?
you can use chaining methods or chaining method with lambda instead of bool parameters double value = new TaxCalculator().withTaxRegional() .withTaxSurcharge() .calculate(order); double value = new TaxCalculator().with(Tax::regional).with(Tax::surcharge) .calculate(order);
if the method signature contains two bool parameters in a row, it is better to replace them with an enumeration
TK is very easy to make a mistake by confusing them in places
it is better to use meaningful names of enumeration values instead of true/false
listings with only two values are fine and common practice
when passing an enumeration value to a method, check that the enumerated parameters are correct
in Java, the enum value can have properties, so I can check their values for correctness
the enumeration is extensible with new values in contrast to bool
methods should be designed based on the premise that new enumeration values will be added
for a name use a plural noun
those name must end with s, i, ae
you cannot create values that are not valid for simultaneous use or that contradict each other
for this purpose it is better then to create separate enumerations
be sure to enter a zero value in the enumeration
it’s supposed to mean NoneOfAll "all unchecked"
represents the default value that is set if none of the values are set
cannot be called None, can be called Default or Error
useful additional methods
use separate values for check box combinations only if such combinations are common
check box enumerations in methods should be checked for the inadmissibility of certain combinations of check boxes
add to the name the suffix Exception
failure occurs when a method cannot do what it was designed to do
for example, if a method does not do what its name suggests, it should be considered a failure at the method level
?therefore, the exception can be called a CanNotMethodnameException
it is necessary to document in Javadoc all exceptions caused due to breach of contract method
such exceptions externally should not change TC they are already part of the contract in Javadoc
when the user uses the basic api, then it should not be to the exclusion of the extended api
the user core api needs to only exclude the main api
to do this, low-level exceptions{in high-level methods} can be wrapped in high-level exceptions
the problem is called loss of failure atomicity and is solved through exception translation idiom
you cannot use exceptions for normal flow control
those implying that the error will be caused frequently or systematically
exceptions are ONLY used for error messages, problems, failures, abnormal situations
exception is expensive TK it captures the stack from bottom to top
additional context information should be passed to the exception constructor
those cannot be called on an exception constructor without parameters
it is better to make a separate designer
it is recommended to make serializable exception
default Serializable TC exceptions are inherited from Throwable
to be able to do remote debugging and forward it through remote interaction
it is recommended to your class explana add hetero/cetera to store additional information about the error and the error context
in exasan must be public - otherwise it will be impossible to intercept - but you will be able to intercept parentage exception
it is recommended to make a call to a separate method exasan
to reduce the code if exasan often called
(choice of safe standing is 1) to bring or throw new exception
(option 2) or make only new exception, it is better for unsupportedOperationException TC do not have to write a mandatory return in the absence of the word throw in the method
you cannot EXPLICITLY throw exceptions from finally blocks
but implicitly can be
do not call ixepshen inside the exception class
the exception must contain 4 standard constructors
public Exception()
public Exception(String message)
public Exception(String message, Throwable cause)
public Exception(Throwable cause)
finally block must not contain return
TC it will interrupt the standard return in the try block
- 1) the type of exception itself is the most important information
based on the exception type, the program decides what to do with it
- 2) the exception should clearly describe what you need to do to fix the problem
the text of the message is intended primarily for the developer
end users should not see these messages
bug reports should help developers fix bugs in their code
be sure to report the wrong way to use the api
- 3) a message about the reason for the refusal, explaining what went wrong
4) the exception itself is the documentation the exception is the best form of documentation of TK, many developers prefer to code by trial and error and not reading manuals
it is recommended to call the most specific exception that makes sense the most profound/detailed in the inheritance hierarchy
need to localize the message into different languages
important security information cannot be disclosed
if the end user does not have the appropriate authority
you should make separate methods(which can only be called by trusted code) to return such information
should the toString exasan to enter the code requesting the right to output the secret information
the message must be grammatically and syntactically correct
each sentence of the text should end with a period.
do not use question marks or exclamation marks
ensure that the terminology used in error messages makes sense in the context in which it is used
for example, low-level terminology makes sense only for those who work at the lower level
- 1) programming errors, API misuse error (hierarchy Exception::RuntimeException)
occurs as a result of an incorrectly written program
such errors are not handled NEED to reprogram the code
the developer must ensure that such an error never occurs at runtime
you need to stop the prog and in detail to inform the user
to throw an exception, you can use an existing subtype from RuntimeException:
An UnsupportedOperationException is called for example when you try to use write methods in readonly collections
for example, you try to use an object until it is initialized correctly
for example, write to a file stream that has been opened for reading
for example, the method tries to access a nonexistent resource
NullPointerException Objects.requireNonNull()
IndexOutOfBoundsException Objects.checkIndex()
IllegalStateException is called for example, when the values of the object properties contradict each other and the method cannot be called
IllegalArgumentException is called for example when the user passes an incorrect argument value to the method
ConcurrentModificationException if an object is in the same thread, detects that it is being changed/modified from a parallel thread
- 2) environment/environment error (hierarchy Exception::RuntimeException::MyApplicationException)
this execution error can be handled programmatically, for example by compensating logic (General processing strategy: attempt recovery)
to throw an exception, it is recommended to create your own exception inherited from RuntimeException
to separate the hierarchy of run-time errors from a hierarchy of programming errors RuntimeException
inherit from Exception is not possible TC exception will immediately become then Checked
you can use the suffix ApplicationException for the name of your exception
- 3) system failures (Error hierarchy)
in case of system failure, it is better to simply terminate the program
in the case of an internal failure, it is better that the program fails completely, rather than returning incorrect results, which would only confuse and complicate the situation.
.STRATEGY WITH THE EXCEPTION IN THE METHOD default means unchecked/unchecked exceptions
- 1) throw concrete UNchecked exception strategy
just generated in the procedure of exasan, exasan should be uncommon
interrupt strategy
xepshen just automatically goes up
thus, it will help to centralize error trapping at the higher level
- 2) catch concrete exception / resolve exception strategy
compensation and resumption strategy
the error allowed right here
catch only the specific exacty, the rest will preobrazyatsya up to catch the exception at the point of failure
to intercept an exception is only when you understand that it was caused in this context and you know how to gracefully correct the situation
catching an exception is recommended at the higher TC level too frequent exceptions at the lower will affect performance
here you can for example run the method again to run after a while and count the number of attempts to run
- 3) retrow exception strategy: checked→unchecked
required/check/checked exception wrapped in an unchecked/unchecked exception
xepshen just automatically goes up
it is necessary when re-throwing an exception, stick to it source to poteryalsya call stack TC if you just re-raise the exception then it replaces the original
- 4) a handler for unhandled situations, shuts down the program
it is recommended to terminate the process when the code is faced with a situation in which further execution is dangerous for data integrity
handle only those exceptions to which the application can respond reasonably otherwise complete the program
the user should show a standard message: "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and should close. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
the raw situation handler is used to recover the file and run the application again
you can also send an error message to improve the product
save the results obtained by the user and restore the data, restart the program or ignore
- 1) return optional strategy
return an optional value in the method, which will be empty in case of an error
but you do NOT get the continuation of operators and methods on empty values
you cannot make an optional argument to pass a default parameter, instead it is better to make two reloaded functions
you cannot use Optional to represent a total value with three States, it is better to use enum instead
as a result, you can use a chain of functions (optional api, stream api, complete future, reactive api) with implicit checks(covered inside libraries) for an empty value with (as opposed to an explicit check for null)
- 2) Try.Success / Try.failure
code execution with exepsilon conveniently automatically wrapped in a Try
unlike Optional, here we in the second branch(in case of error) can get information about the error
allows to handle errors as values, not as control flow
allows the user to choose whether to generate an exception or not
- 3) Either.left/Either.right
when an exception is unnecessary to us, those we do not create it for ourselves Either consumed (for example based on the Left write the log)
when we need more information about a bug, but we don’t want to extend the Exception
- 4) Publisher<>
can get a large variety of convenient signals
you can combine streams into one long continuous stream
- 4) return default value strategy
in case of error, return the object dummy
thus we get the continuation of the program on empty values
this specially-reserved value is called "sentinel value"
- 5) tester-doer pattern
for example, the add method (to add an item to a collection) will throw an exception if the collection is read-only this can be a performance problem in scenarios where the method will often fail therefore, before you try to add a value, you should check the collection with the tester method isReadOnly
pattern will improve performance if the TEST is much cheaper than ACTION to challenge explana
this pattern can introduce race conditions in a multithreaded method call if the class was originally designed with multithreading in mind(which is probably not the case)
tester -a method used to check the preconditions of another method, and returning bool (instead of an exception)
doer -method that actually does the job
- 6) try-parse pattern
this pattern is recommended only if you need to improve performance in a low-level api
if we have a method (e.g. Parse) that can throw an exception then we can make an alternative version of the method (call it TryParse) without exception
it will return true if successful in the tuple (true,result)
Parse is actually any method for which we make an alternative method
TryParse is an alternative method that does not throw exceptions and returns (true|false,result|null)
- 7) catch all → log →rethrow
Sometimes you need to pledge an exception in one place and re-generate it without any changes, and process it in another place
- 8) the pattern of costly verification, then, they did not check the code
if the check is implicitly performed when the object is working inside the code
but then may need to make a stream exception rethrow exception strategy: unchecked→unchecked so the user got exasan which he expects
- 1) catch all exceptions strategy: catch(Exception e), catch(RuntimeException e)
absolutely can not "swallow" the error by catching an undefined General exception
in this case, you can not predict at all what state the software model is in.
you risk that the use of the continuation of the work of the program will exceed the risk of processing unreliable data
it is only allowed to pass this exception to another thread those it is in this case not actually swallowed
- 2) throw Exception/RuntimeException strategy
General exceptions should not be thrown
TC these exceptions are too General to provide useful information
- 3) throw concrete checked exception / throws strategy
generate in procedure checked/checked xepshen, should not be common
it is not recommended to generate checked exceptions
it is not recommended to do throws methods
- 4) retrow exception strategy: checked→checked
not recommended TK under the new exception you have reported about the new failure instead of the failure which has occurred actually
but sometimes it is beneficial to wrap a lower-level exception into an exception that is meaningful to higher-level users
this wrap should be rare.
this wrap will probably have a negative impact on debugging capabilities
the practice of catch c wrap is undesirable and is just another form of swallowing bugs
this also applies in part to paragraph (3)
- 5) return null strategy
it is not recommended to use TC in when trying to use a null object will throw an exception {not in the method but elsewhere}
leads to frequent null checks
null (as error) can be confused with null (as with business value, also called "business null")
- 6) return error
it is not recommended to return an error or error code in return
the presence of two alternative mechanisms{1) acceptenv 2)return error} the error message is confusing and leads to inconsistent application API
exceptions, unlike return, cannot be ignored, which increases the reliability and robustness of the code
but you can still return status information in return if the operation is successful, the user can expect it (for example, the number of inserted records, etc)
special tools are created for exceptions: debuggers, profilers
exceptions are not associated with the method signature, which makes it possible to design the return value independently
for feature interfaces, the name must be an adjective
adjective+noun, but the adjective is the main word (the so-called adjunctive adjective)
like endings, formed from adjectives in -able and -ible, for example Runnable and Accessible
the implementing interface class must use the suffix as the interface name
for example, Default+interface name for the default implementation
out-of-date suffix Impl not using
the interface does exactly one thing, if the interface has several functionalities then it is bad
easier to understand the interface by understanding how it fits into the wider picture of the implementations of this interface and the code calling this interface
for each interface you need to make at least one implementation of the usual class, the user can inherit the implementation and get the implementation for free
each interface must have at least one method or property that uses it
you also need to provide test cases so that the user can check whether he understands the interface correctly
service methods do static methods on a class with a private constructor and not on the interface TC processing methods can contain state and caches intrface only be used to specify the type
users cannot be required to: inherit classes or implement interfaces
where it is possible to use lambda instead
specially designed for extensibility through inheritance
you should choose the interface if the program needs a common api
interfaces are used to model multiple inheritance
at least one implementation needs to be done for each interface
this allows you to check the correctness of the design and correct errors in time
must be accompanied by a complete set of reference documentation describing the necessary semantics of the types implementing the contract
first-class documentation should clearly and thoroughly explain all pre-and post - implementation conditions
otherwise, users will refuse to use the type
you cannot create TC constructors you cannot create interface objects
once an interface is developed, the set of its public abstract members is set forever and does not change
therefore, the main difficulty in designing the correct set of abstract interface methods
optional public default methods can be added for the extension
number of public methods
if the interface has too many methods, it is difficult or even impossible to implement
if the interface has too few methods for the promised functionality, it becomes useless in many interesting scenarios
best suited for creating the root of a type hierarchy {in the example below, marked with an asterisk}
List(*) → AbstractList → MyList
pattern is implemented by default methods on the interface
such implementation is more incomplete in comparison with abstract class
TC cannot be overridden by equals, hashCode, toString
TC default methods can not override the Object methods (but in General they can be overridden )
at least one implementation needs to be done for each interface
this allows you to check the correctness of the design and correct errors in time
add a suffix to the functional interface name
to add to the name of the method of the functional interface raise
do not use the words fire, trigger
it is better to use function references instead of lambdas
TK the meaning of lambdas is that they are a more concise form of anonymous classes, and links are obtained even more concise record
especially better to use existing library functions
if lambda more than 3 lines of code it is better to make such a lambda in a separate function and make a reference to it
use lambda instead of anonymous functions
functional interface method parameters for the event handler:
Object sender - to send the object from whom the event came
EventArgs e - to pass event arguments
void - for return result
in the EventArgs class, it is recommended to make the Cancel event parameter to cancel the event from inside the handler
it is recommended that you notify property changes only in high-level APIs of common scenarios
otherwise, such events will come too often if you bring them to a lower level
property change notification events: it is recommended to notify only when properties are changed from the outside
when calling the event, the user is strictly prohibited
specify a zero sender when sending the TC event subscribers can use it and expect it to be non-zero
specify a null event parameter, it is better to pass EventArgs instead of zero.Empty
the lambdas can be problems with the locks of TK yuzersky code lambda unknown
do not require users to: inheriting classes or implementing interfaces is better to use instead of the lambda lambdas can be compared with the extensibility using abstract methods lambda is easier for users of TC do not require knowledge of OOP inheritance and the template method pattern
lambdas can provide runtime extensibility , and abstract methods are implemented only at compile time lambdas work more slowly (and take more memory mesta) than pre-compiled overridden methods
lambdas provide extensibility by allowing user code to be called from the infrastructure
lambdas are usually passed in a method parameter
a custom subclass is recommended instead of EventArgs to pass an event parameter
then it can always be expanded with additional properties
it is recommended that you use standard lambda types instead of creating custom lambda interfaces
interface Function<T, R> R apply(T);
interface UnaryOperator<T> T apply(T); interface BiFunction<T, U, R> R apply(T T, U U);
interface BinaryOperator<T> T apply(T t, T u);
interface Predicate<T> boolean test(T);
interface Consumer<T> void accept(T);
interface Supplier<T> T get();
in some cases, do not use standard types of lambdas:
It will be commonly used and could benefit from a descriptive name.
It has a strong contract associated with it.
It would benefit from custom default methods.
static properties and methods cannot be inherited
you need to make this interface final methods I may not be clearly marked as final TC refers to the default