<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">





            <name>Apache License 2.0</name>





        <air.release.preparation-goals>clean verify -DskipTests</air.release.preparation-goals>



          America/Bahia_Banderas has:
           - offset change since 1970 (offset Jan 1970: -08:00, offset Jan 2018: -06:00)
           - DST (e.g. at 2017-04-02 02:00:00 clocks turned forward 1 hour; 2017-10-29 02:00:00 clocks turned backward 1 hour)
           - has forward offset change on first day of epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 clocks turned forward 1 hour)
           - had forward change at midnight (1970-01-01 00:00:00 clocks turned forward 1 hour)
        <!-- Be conservative about memory allotment, because tests start background process (e.g. docker containers) -->


        <!-- TODO(https://github.com/trinodb/trino/issues/13051): Remove whole module when Phoenix5 is released -->

            <!-- Trino -->














































            <!-- TODO(https://github.com/trinodb/trino/issues/13051): Remove when Phoenix5 is released -->































            <!-- Trino external -->











            <!-- Airlift -->

































            <!-- 3rd party -->



















                        <!-- Exclude everything because shaded version of calcite-core still pulls in all the original dependencies -->



                        The `trino-parser` library is being used internally within the `coral-trino` library for
                        parsing Trino SQL statements. This functionality is irrelevant in the context of
                        using Coral for Hive view translations within Trino.
                        This dependency is excluded because `trino-parser` does not guarantee API or behavioral
                        backwards compatibility.
                        Trino cannot provide the version on which `coral-trino` library depends on, because the
                        current version of `trino-parser` is used in tests of this module.
                        The dependency is therefore intentionally excluded to avoid breaking in an unexpected way,
                        or silent correctness issues.












                        This library depends on:
                         - org.glassfish.hk2.external:jakarta.inject that conflicts with javax.inject:javax.inject

                <!-- This is under Confluence Community License and it should not be used with compile scope -->

                        This library depends on conflicting:
                        - com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation and jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api
                        - jakarta.el:jakarta.el-api and org.glassfish:jakarta.el
                        This library depends on:
                        - org.glassfish.hk2.external:jakarta.inject that conflicts with javax.inject:javax.inject
                        - jakarta.validation:jakarta.validation-api that conflicts with javax.validation:validation-api
                        - jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api that conflicts with javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api
                        - com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation that conflicts with javax.activation:javax.activation-api
                        - jakarta.ws.rs:jakarta.ws.rs-api that conflicts with javax.ws.rs:javax.ws.rs-api
                        - jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api that conflicts with javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api






            <!-- io.confluent:kafka-avro-serializer uses multiple versions of this transitive dependency -->

            <!-- io.confluent:kafka-avro-serializer uses multiple versions of this transitive dependency -->





                <!-- org.testcontainers:testcontainer's dependencies pull two different versions of this artifact and this is to negotiate the version -->




















            <!-- force newer version to be used for dependencies -->
















            <!-- Transitive dependency from jackson-dataformat-yaml. Avoid different versions being used -->







                            <!-- getOnlyElement is more readable than the stream analogue -->
                            <!-- getLast has lower complexity for array based lists than the stream analogue (O(1) vs O(log(N)) -->
                            <!-- TODO: requires getting to common understanding which of those we want to enable -->
                            <!-- com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding.base64 provides more reach interfaces than java.util.Base64 -->

                            <compound implementation="com.github.ferstl.maven.pomenforcers.CompoundPedanticEnforcer">
                                <excludes combine.children="append">
                                    <!-- TODO: fix this in Airlift resolver -->
                                <excludes combine.children="append">
                                    <!-- We don't use log4j2, additionally versions < 2.15.0 are vulnerable to the RCE Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) -->


                        <!-- A workaround to make build work in a Git worktree, see https://github.com/git-commit-id/git-commit-id-maven-plugin/issues/215 -->
                        <exceptions combine.children="append">



                <configuration combine.children="append">

                        <!-- Tests classes should start with "Test", but we do also want to include tests incorrectly named, with "Test" at the end -->

                        <!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
                        <configuration combine.children="merge">
                            <!-- forking not required due to JVM flags in .mvn/jvm.config -->
                            <!-- see https://errorprone.info/docs/installation#maven -->
                                    -Xplugin:ErrorProne \
                                    -Xep:BadInstanceof:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:BoxedPrimitiveConstructor:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:ClassCanBeStatic:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:CompareToZero:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:DefaultCharset:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:EqualsGetClass:OFF <!-- we would rather want the opposite check --> \
                                    -Xep:EqualsIncompatibleType:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:FallThrough:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:GuardedBy:OFF <!-- needs some careful inspection --> \
                                    -Xep:HidingField:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:OFF <!-- flags enums with List fields even if initialized with ImmutableList, and other false positives --> \
                                    -Xep:ImmutableSetForContains:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:InconsistentCapitalization:ERROR <!-- fields/variables should not differ only in case --> \
                                    -Xep:InconsistentHashCode:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:InjectOnConstructorOfAbstractClass:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:MissingCasesInEnumSwitch:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:MissingOverride:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:MutablePublicArray:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:NullOptional:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:ObjectToString:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:PreferredInterfaceType:OFF <!-- flags List fields even if initialized with ImmutableList --> \
                                    -Xep:StreamResourceLeak:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:UnnecessaryLambda:OFF <!-- we deliberately use it in a couple of places --> \
                                    -Xep:UnnecessaryMethodReference:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:UnnecessaryOptionalGet:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:UnusedVariable:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:UseEnumSwitch:ERROR \
            <!-- Allow to run goals with an empty local Maven repository -->
                <!-- the *local* master, not refs/remotes/... -->
                            <!-- Skip tests and checks for upstream modules since they have not been modified but are still required to be built -->
                            <argsForUpstreamModules>-Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dair.check.skip-all</argsForUpstreamModules>
                            <!-- Any modules selected with -pl will be built fully (with tests etc.) if the selected module itself is changed
                            or one of its (non-selected) upstream modules -->