MyGrades is an application for students to keeps track of the grades he or she receive in their college or highschool courses and calculates their GPA. The "What Do I Need" feature allows a student to calculate a grade that they need to get on an upcoming assignment (homework, exam, project, etc.) in order to get a specific grade (that the user inputs) in the course.
You need a few things in order to download and run MyGrades:
A Firebase database to store user grades. Once you have created the Firebaes database and have your keys, create this file (with your own keys):
"use strict"; app.constant('FBCreds', { apiKey: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", authDomain: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", databaseURL: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" });
Node Package Manager (NPM) was used to install and manage dependencies
cd lib
npm install
- If you're using Bower, be sure to change the <script> tags in index.html to reflect the correct filepaths.
- Connect with Me
- Code with Me
- Email Me: [email protected]