A completed dynamic new media work that:
1 - demonstrates proficiency in at least one major area of the course
- text analysis (regex, string methods, concordances, n-grams)
- text generation (regex, markov chains, grammars, use of concept net, wordnik, etc.)
- p5.js (for DOM or canvas or both)
- APIs, datasets (conceptnet, wordnik, nytimes, weather, etc.)
- server side JS (node, heroku, amazon)
2 - demonstrates engagement with a major conceptual topic addressed in the course
- data visualization
- experimental/avant-garde text
- language as a medium
3 - exists in the form of a
- standalone piece of software
- website/web application
- chrome extension, bot, other web-based software
- screen based or hardware installation
Some precedents:
http://www.stfj.net/index2.php?year=2015&project=art/2015/Fortune / http://www.stfj.net/index2.php?year=2013&project=art/2013/Fortune