Base endpoint is
Example how to use:{endpoint}
All endpoints return time in Unix-time format.
All endpoints return either a JSON object array.
For receiving responses from API calls please use http method GET
If endpoint required parameters you will need to send them as query string
"success": false,
"message": "ERROR MESSAGE",
"params": []
[GET] /api/v2/public/markets
This endpoint retrieves all information about available markets.
Response is cached for: 1 second
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": [
"name": "SON_USD", // Market pair name
"stock": "SON", // Ticker of stock currency
"money": "USD", // Ticker of money currency
"stockPrec": "3", // Stock currency precision
"moneyPrec": "2", // Precision of money currency
"feePrec": "4", // Fee precision
"makerFee": "0.1", // Default maker fee percent
"takerFee": "0.1", // Default taker fee percent
"minAmount": "0.001", // Minimal amount of stock to trade
"minTotal": "0.001", // Minimal amount of money to trade
"tradesEnabled": true // Is trading enabled
[GET] /api/v2/public/ticker
This endpoint retrieves information on recent trading activity on all markets.
Response is cached for: 1 second
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": [
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "2020-07-10T13:37:27.000Z", // ISO 8601 time format of last update
"tradingPairs": "ETH_BTC", // Name of market pair
"lastPrice": "0.026014", // Last deal price
"lowestAsk": "0.026027", // Lowest ask price
"highestBid": "0.026001", // Highest bid price
"baseVolume24h": "13445.988", // Volume in stock currency
"quoteVolume24h": "350.113082102", // Volume in money currency
"tradesEnabled": true // Is trading enabled on exchange
[GET] /api/v2/public/trades/{market}
This endpoint retrieves the trades that have been executed recently on the requested market
Response is cached for: 1 second
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": [
"tradeId": 157257950, // A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction Note: Unix timestamp does not qualify as trade_id.
"price": "9371.69", // Price.
"volume": "0.145642", // Amount.
"time": "2020-07-09T14:13:01.000Z", // Time.
"isBuyerMaker": true // Sell order is taker: true, Buy order is taker: false
[GET] /api/v2/public/fee
This endpoint retrieves the trading fee.
Response is cached for: 1 second
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"makerFee": "0.1", // Default maker fee (percent of trading amount in money currency)
"takerFee": "0.1" // Default taker fee (percent of trading amount in money currency)
[GET] /api/v2/public/assets
This endpoint retrieves the assets status.
Response is cached for: 1 second
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"BTC": {
"id": "4f37bc79-f612-4a63-9a81-d37f7f9ff622", // Asset id
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "2020-07-10T13:20:07.000Z", // ISO 8601 time format of last update
"name": "Bitcoin", // Name of currency
"canWithdraw": true, // Is currency withdrawable
"canDeposit": true, // Is currency depositable
"minWithdrawal": "0.001", // Minimal amount to withdraw
"maxWithdrawal": "0", // Maximum amount to withdraw
"makerFee": "0.1", // Maker fee for currency
"takerFee": "0.1" // Taker fee for currency
[GET] /api/v2/public/depth/{market}
This endpoint retrieves the current order book as two arrays (bids / asks).
Response is cached for: 100 ms
Parameters: NONE
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "2020-07-09T14:49:12.000Z", // Timestamp of last update
"asks": [
"9431.9", // Price of lowest ask
"0.705088" // Amount of lowest ask
"9433.67", // Price of the next ask
"0.324509" // Amount of the next ask
"bids": [
"9427.65", // Price of highest bid
"0.547909" // Amount of highest bid
"9427.3", // Price of next bid
"0.669249" // Amount of next bid