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I study fundamental dynamics underlying intricate tropical phenomena, using idealized models that distill particular processes. My research challenged the conventional understanding of TC interactions with ocean mixed layer and atmospheric wind shears, and explained conceptually [how the observed monsoon extent emerges from effects of individual ingredients](#monsoon-extent-as-an-emergent profuct-of-individual-ingredient).
I look into alterations in atmospheric dynamics that profoundly impact regional climate, over a broad spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. This includes an unexpected early-summer Hadley contraction that shifts the subtropical monsoon equatorward, an eastward shift in the MJO teleconnection that amplifies MJO impacts on the Pacific-North America region, and changes in local radiative-convective processes that intensify tropical convection and affect diurnal and seasonal amplitude of land temperature.
Besides these projects focused on atmospheric dynamics, my research also touched upon [remote effect of the extratropical land on the deep-tropical rainfall] and [interactions between atmospheric jets and extratropical ocean circulation].