- Add a parse date to ignore hour in start and end times
- Using batch to avoid database time limit
- Add retry in connect update project call
- Set application name in generate report msgs query
- Use template field in generate report messages task
- Fix bug in build image
- Add project_uuid filter in TicketerQueueViewSet
- Add vtex adds in update-vtex endpoint
- Add client UTC to the template message report
- Fix build error
- Fix error returning value in create globals_retail
- Add delete endpoint in GlobalViewSet and new GlobalRetailGlobalViewSet
- Fix: Adjust user token filters
- Update project model to save project_uuid in org model
- Update recent activities to avoid flows tests errors
- Endpoint to list flows with pagination
- Add option to send delete in flow activity
- Change recent activities to EDA
- Endpoint to delete chats sector
- Remove update user in WeniOIDC
- Remove analytics flows call
- Endpoint to update project config with has_vtex key
- Create user permission in project on creating WhatsApp(WA) Channel
- Endpoint to update project
- Add parameter to remove wpp-demo objects from the queryset list
- Add filter by status in template report
- Report send msgs change date filter to created on
- Changes in the view and task generate_sent_report_messages
- Import generate_sent_report_messages
- Report of sent messages
- Adjust Flows app to new Project model
- Adding list and update methods to external service viewset
- Create viewset for prompts
- Adjust Statistic app to new Project model
- Fix error in CI
- Change create external service to use project over org
- Add has_channel_production flag in success orgs
- Removes the ticketer object from the queue.release() method
- Run black and flake8 in rp-apps
- Add user to release ticketer
- Filter active orgs to return statistics
- Add external_api channel form in channel retrieve
- Release ticketer instance before delete queue
- Optimize search filter for active contacts
- Add Project model to internal app
- Adjust Channel app to new project model
- Adjust Org app to new project model
- Adjust Users app to new project model
- Update permission endpoint from User permission
- Update pre-commit config
- Removing the internal ticketer from org serializer template
- Add agent permission in get_permissions method
- Add delete endpoint in external-services
- Update globals endpoint to filter by org
- Add endpoint allows the generic creation of an external service
- Add endpoint that allows creating, retrieving, destroying and listing globals
- Adjust the org field in the channel listing return
- Fix: does not create activities when updating the channel.config at whatsapp and whatsapp-cloud
- Fix change the has_issues field to False, when create flow
- Fix error with magic package usage
- Add success org retrieve endpoint
- Create an internal client for the connect REST API
- Create new Django App from recent activity
- When creating a classifier syncs it synchronously
- Feature: Add a new endpoint thats return file from Weni Bucket
- Feature: Add is_active filter to User-Permission endpoint
- Feature: Create endpoint for channel type
- Feat: Create endpoint that returns success orgs
- Fix: Remove pagination_class from internal views
- Feat: Add internal Flow endpoint
- Feat: Add internal Classifier endpoint
- Feat: Add internal Org endpoint
- Feat: Add internal Channels endpoint
- Feat: Add internal Statistic endpoint
- Feat: Add internal User and User-Permission endpoint
- Feat: Use internal_tickter false on TemplateOrg creation
- Fix: fix org is_suspend endpoint
- Feat: A endpoint to add a warning message to user showing org will be suspeded.
- Feat: A endpoint to suspend a org
- Fix: Set Channel Stats start date to 01/01/2000
- Update weni-protobuffers to 1.2.18
- Add ticketer queues endpoint
- Add agent permission in UserPermission retrieve endpoint
- Add endpoint that allows managing ticketer queues
- Endpoint that allows you to create, update and destroy a ticketer
- Create serializer fields for User and Org using SlugRelatedField
- Org and User APIToken internal endpoint
- Add org and is_active to channel list
- Generate WAC channel name from number and verified_name
- Endpoint that lets you create a flow from a sample flow
- Endpoint that allows you to create org from a template
- Create base classes for internal endpoints
- Fix pipy package dependencies
- Add channel_id field to response in billing Detailed endpoint
- Adjust the python version to have compatibility with the new package;
- Add a new package named pre-commit;
- Creates a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml to configure the pre commit;
- Adjust readme with the new feature.
- Fix exception when has not msg on message detail
- Add more details to Message endpoint
- Add Channel Cloud Whatsapp
- Added permission_type of users to org object
- "Refactors the billing query"
- weni-protobuffers version to 1.2.12
- weni-protobuffers version to 1.2.10
- Add the infinity plan when updating an org
- Lock weni-protobuffers version to 1.2.7
- Reverts unnecessary billing commits
- Redirect to /msg/inbox/ if authenticate without next param
- Checks if the user is already authenticated to avoid unnecessary authentication
- Refactors the billing query
- Refactor some billing endpoint nomenclatures and validate organization
- Adjust BillingService return and exceptions
- Adjust exceptions of channel service
- Retrieve and List endpoints to Channel service
- Return HttpResponseBadRequest on invalid request data
- New fields to channel generic endpoint
- Generic endpoint to create channels by ChannelType code
- Removed sync=False on create classifier
updated to 1.2.1
- Channel release endpoint (#76)
updated to 1.2.0
- Adjusted Org reference on WeniWebChatProtoSerializer (#72)
- The package now is built with Poetry
- Protocol Buffers now comes from
as package dependency
- Org user_email and update return (#65)
- Type of BillingRequest.before and BillingRequest.after (#66)
- Set None as default value to the country field on template message endpoint (#68)
- Channel endpoint now returns UUID on Weni Web Chat (#69)
- FlowRunAnalyticsEndpoint view
- Python Package files
- GRPC modules:
context processor, to select page layout based on request's domain- Converted to Python package with setuptools
- weni.contacts_ext
- weni.analytics_api
- weni.channel_stats
- weni.contacts_ext
- weni.utils