- Add group sector
- Add new contact urn to rooms metrics
- New endpoint to list rooms metrics
- Export chats dashboard data to CSV and XLS
- New endpoint to set project as primary project to be used in infracommerce integration.
- Endpoint to integrate primary and secondary projects
- Adding prometheus endpoint for monitoring the application.
- Introduced a new publisher that triggers when a room is closed
- user info (email and name) to RoomInfoSerializer
- reintroduce created_on in MsgFlowSerializer
- remove completely created_on from MsgFlowSerializer
- remove created_on from MsgFlowSerializer's validate method
- new endpoint for rooms' user assignment information
- flows API call to update the ticket info about the user assignment
- new messages from flows timestamps
- new endpoint to list human service rooms.
- order by name in project permission endpoint
- passing project uuid to flows when deleting a queue.
- is_active field to ListRoomSerializer
- new message timestamp
- ticket_uuid field in Room
- check if room is active before returning redirection link
- chat redirect link to the room data returned via the rooms list internal endpoint
- last name to dashboard agent returned data
- ordering tags by name
- new filters in discussion
- org field in project
- assing project uuid to flows when create a queue.
- using refresh from db to get the last version of permission object before closing connection.
- Endpoint to edit contact on flows
- Close ticket request retry
- External endpoints refactor
- Improve RoomViewset List Queryset
- Project UUID field on rooms
- feature retail
- adding health check view and doc endpoint
- passing user when transfer to user
- passing user to ws notify
- ws message when transfer queue
- returning 400 if project uuid its not provided
- flag for offline agents in transfer
- formating history name
- verify if the given queue is part of the project
- rooms count endpoint
- remove timezone parse
- queue and agent in flow warning
- add agents_can_see_queue_history config flag into project
- fix tags filter
- remove ':' from the url string
- New feature, internal dash endpoints
- Removing uuid from sector info when exporting.
- Verify if data frame exists before translate, to avoid translating an empty dataframe in export dashboard.
- Removing deleted queue from metrics.
- Passing generic Exception in "ProjectAnyPermission" permission.
- New feature, queue priorization.
- Verify if chat gpt token in project config.
- New endpoint to make bulk transfer.
- New function to edit config field in project.
- New endpoint to transfer agents.
- Calculating waiting time metric in new endpoint to get rooms.
- New EDA consumer to create project permissions.
- New mixin in flows rest client to delete ticketer when chats delete a sector.
- Change queue and sectors model managers to list only activated objects.
- New endpoint for the agent to get a room.
- Error handling on the contact creation.
- Removal of the 'last_interaction' property on the user model and serializers.
- New feature, room protocol.
- External rooms filter sector.
- Passing underscore to rooms data results.
- Passing gte to live filters in dashboard.
- Consider room creation date if the room has no messages in the 24h close validation.
- Refactoring in dashboard endpoints, applying solid and the design pattern repository with service.
- New endpoint for creating sector and queue authorization, giving only the user email.
- New Discussions app, responsible for internal communication between agents.
- Check contact id when starting a flow on a room. Won't consider the room if the contact id is different.
- Filter flowstart query to exclude old data.
- Reverse order on the flowstart list endpoint.
- FlowStart model refactor.
- New endpoint to list flow starts.
- Fix history detail permissions.
- New endpoint to return rooms for the history.
- New feedback messages.
- Verify contact via external id on the flowstart validation.
- Add a recursive retry on the ws message send
- Order tags by name.
- Add retrieve_flow_warning action on the project endpoint to check if a start flow contact have a room.
- Update dashboard tag filter to verify the uuid instead of the name.
- Add delete action on the project permission endpoint
- Update URN field from charfield to a textfield
- Add new field "history_contacts_blocklist" to the project config json field, the contacts added to this list won't be shown on the contacts endpoint(history)
- Add a try/except around the send send_channels_group function for it not to return 4xx/5xx responses when there is a problem on the ws notification(the error will still be logged to sentry)
- Checking if project exists in template type creation.
- EDA project consumer.
This CHANGELOG has not been updated since 05/16/2023 so some commits will not appear in this document between version 1.16.4 and 2.0.0. From this version onwards, it will be constantly updated again.
- Creating template type using event driven.
- Filtering active agents in dashboard endpoint.
- Data exporter getting data from dashboard serializers.
- New abstract model for soft delete in core (BaseSoftDeleteModel) to Sectors and Queues
- Compare rooms within the sector instead of the queues when validating the agent room limit on room creation.
- Remove Room, User and Sector notification groups.
- New data exporter viewset and presenter for Dashboard app.
- Add new dependencies: pandas, openpyxl and XlsxWriter
field on FlowStart model.
- Restrict room flow start creation to only one active flow start per room(only when starting with a room).
- Changelog init.
- Endpoint to list agents for transference between rooms.
- Function is attending now uses pendulum to parse timezone in sector.