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Usage :

./  -h
usage: [-h] [--board BOARD]
                [--action {list-stats,label-stats,user-stats,event-stats}]
Get some stats on Wekan Dashboard

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--board BOARD         Board name indicated in ini file - Example : my-board
--action {list-stats,label-stats,user-stats,event-stats}

To have stats based on Lists :

./  --board msc-unix-sto --action list-stats
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Creating an instance of WsMotor
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will export below JSON Wekan URL for board msc-unix-sto to a class dic : http://mon-url
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch labels
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch users
| List name               | Event(s) generated | NB of live card(s) | NB of archived card(s) | Total card(s) |
| Backlog                 |                163 |                 73 |                      2 |            75 |
| Backlog for the week    |                196 |                 30 |                      0 |            30 |
| In Progress             |                163 |                 18 |                      1 |            19 |
| Deploy (REL / INFRADAY) |                 33 |                  5 |                      0 |             5 |
| Done                    |                306 |                  0 |                    139 |           139 |
| Blocked                 |                 77 |                 27 |                      1 |            28 |
| Total : 6 list(s)       |                938 |                153 |                    143 |           296 |

To have stats based on Labels :

./  --board msc-unix-sto --action label-stats
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Creating an instance of WsMotor
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will export below JSON Wekan URL for board msc-unix-sto to a class dic : http://mon-url
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch labels
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch users
| Label name          | NB of live card(s) | NB of archived card(s) | Total card(s) |
| TG                  |                 87 |                     80 |           167 |
| UNIX                |                 86 |                     76 |           162 |
| NewHome             |                 37 |                     27 |            64 |
| ITAAP               |                 23 |                     15 |            38 |
| NOS                 |                 20 |                     24 |            44 |
| Puppet              |                 17 |                      7 |            24 |
| MNG                 |                 10 |                      8 |            18 |
| RTT                 |                 10 |                      2 |            12 |
| SON                 |                  7 |                     12 |            19 |
| April               |                  5 |                      1 |             6 |
| ADM                 |                  5 |                      1 |             6 |
| Infraday            |                  3 |                     10 |            13 |
| CAS                 |                  2 |                      2 |             4 |
| DR                  |                  2 |                      4 |             6 |
| June                |                  1 |                      0 |             1 |
| August              |                  1 |                      0 |             1 |
| Tonton              |                  1 |                      0 |             1 |
| May                 |                  1 |                      0 |             1 |
| July                |                  0 |                      0 |             0 |
| Total : 19 label(s) |                318 |                    269 |           587 |

To have stats based on Users :

./  --board msc-unix-sto --action user-stats
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Creating an instance of WsMotor
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will export below JSON Wekan URL for board msc-unix-sto to a class dic : http://mon-url
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch labels
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch users
| Username                 | Event(s) generated | NB of live card(s) | NB of archived card(s) | Total card(s) |
| nholooo                  |                333 |                 45 |                     36 |            81 |
| konan.dujardin           |                240 |                 24 |                     33 |            57 |
| fmonthel                 |                453 |                 24 |                     28 |            52 |
| olivier.sommelier        |                125 |                 18 |                     13 |            31 |
| yannick.aimelekart       |                138 |                 12 |                     17 |            29 |
| basile.tho               |                106 |                 11 |                     15 |            26 |
| carlos.legrec            |                 81 |                 10 |                      8 |            18 |
| leon.vo                  |                  0 |                  1 |                      0 |             1 |
| Total : 8 User(s)        |               1476 |                145 |                    150 |           295 |

To have stats based on Events :

./  --board msc-unix-sto --action event-stats
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Creating an instance of WsMotor
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will export below JSON Wekan URL for board msc-unix-sto to a class dic : http://mon-url
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch labels
INFO:WekanStats.WsMotor:Will order for a board msc-unix-sto class dic branch users
| Event name          | NB of event(s) |
| createCard          |            296 |
| archivedList        |              1 |
| addBoardMember      |             11 |
| moveCard            |            475 |
| addComment          |            197 |
| unjoinMember        |             17 |
| archivedCard        |            160 |
| joinMember          |            312 |
| createList          |              6 |
| createBoard         |              1 |
| Total : 10 Event(s) |           1476 |