This package provides a PySCF interface to the DM21 (DeepMind 21) family of exchange-correlation functionals described in the paper "Pushing the Frontiers of Density Functionals by Solving the Fractional Electron Problem".
pip install .
installs the interfaces to the DM21 functionals and required
dependencies. This is best done inside a
virtual environment.
Note: using PySCF 2.0 (or later) enables substantially more efficient calculation of the local Hartree-Fock features, resulting in a large speed increase.
To install without cloning or downloading the deepmind_research repository, execute:
python3 -m venv ~/venv/DM21
source ~/venv/DM21/bin/activate
pip install git+git://
Alternatively, clone the deepmind_research repository and install from a local repository:
git clone
cd deepmind-research/density_functional_approximation_dm21
python3 -m venv ~/venv/DM21
source ~/venv/DM21/bin/activate
pip install .
The tests can be run either by running the test files directly or using
, again from the density_functional_approximation_dm21
pip install '.[testing]'
Alternatively, conda can be used to manage the installation of the dependencies instead. Please see the conda documentation for install instructions. Both miniconda and anaconda work. Given a working conda installation, and having cloned the deepmind_research repository :
conda create -n dm21
conda activate dm21
conda install absl-py "h5py<3.3.0" numpy pytest scipy tensorflow
conda install -c pyscf pyscf
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow-hub
git clone
cd deepmind-research/density_functional_approximation_dm21
pip install .
A typical DFT calculation with PySCF is set up and run using:
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import dft
# Create the molecule of interest and select the basis set.
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = 'Ne 0.0 0.0 0.0'
mol.basis = 'cc-pVDZ'
# Create a DFT solver and select the exchange-correlation functional.
mf = dft.RKS(mol)
mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
# Run the DFT calculation.
The DM21 functionals can be used in a very similar way, except we need to compute local Hartree-Fock features, which does not fit in with the interface used by conventional functionals. Instead, this package supplies a lightweight wrapper around PySCF's numerical integration class which evaluates the exchange-correlation energy and potential over a real-space grid. To use the DM21 functional with PySCF, the above code needs to be changed to:
import density_functional_approximation_dm21 as dm21
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import dft
# Create the molecule of interest and select the basis set.
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = 'Ne 0.0 0.0 0.0'
mol.basis = 'cc-pVDZ'
# Create a DFT solver and insert the DM21 functional into the solver.
mf = dft.RKS(mol)
mf._numint = dm21.NeuralNumInt(dm21.Functional.DM21)
# Run the DFT calculation.
i.e. instead of specifying the functional with mf.xc = <functional name>
, the
functional is specified using mf._numint = dm21.NeuralNumInt(<DM21 functional>)
, where <DM21 functional>
is the corresponding member of the
Available functionals are:
- trained on molecules dataset, and fractional charge, and fractional spin constraints.DM21m
- trained on molecules dataset.DM21mc
- trained on molecules dataset, and fractional charge constraints.DM21mu
- trained on molecules dataset, and electron gas constraints.
Full details of the network architecture, training method and datasets used can be found in the paper (reference below). Note that the results in our paper also include D3 corrections, which must be included separately.
In this section, we suggest some tips for using the neural functionals in a way similar to how they were used for benchmarking in the paper. The tensorflow network that we used is running at single precision, and as such it is very hard to converge calculations to the high convergence thresholds which are default in pyscf. For example, the following script should allow users to run an atomization energy calculation for methane.
import density_functional_approximation_dm21 as dm21
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import dft
# Create the molecule of interest and select the basis set.
methane = gto.Mole()
methane.atom = """H 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
C 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 1.087900000000
H 1.025681956337 0.000000000000 1.450533333333
H -0.512840978169 0.888266630391 1.450533333333
H -0.512840978169 -0.888266630391 1.450533333333"""
methane.basis = 'def2-qzvp'
methane.verbose = 4
carbon = gto.Mole()
carbon.atom = 'C 0.0 0.0 0.0'
carbon.basis = 'def2-qzvp'
carbon.spin = 2
carbon.verbose = 4
hydrogen = gto.Mole()
hydrogen.atom = 'H 0.0 0.0 0.0'
hydrogen.basis = 'def2-qzvp'
hydrogen.spin = 1
hydrogen.verbose = 4
energies = []
for mol in [methane, carbon, hydrogen]:
# Create a DFT solver and insert the DM21 functional into the solver.
if mol.spin == 0:
mf = dft.RKS(mol)
mf = dft.UKS(mol)
# It will make SCF faster to start close to the solution with a cheaper
# functional.
mf.xc = 'B3LYP'
dm0 = mf.make_rdm1()
mf._numint = dm21.NeuralNumInt(dm21.Functional.DM21)
# It's wise to relax convergence tolerances.
mf.conv_tol = 1E-6
mf.conv_tol_grad = 1E-3
# Run the DFT calculation.
energy = mf.kernel(dm0=dm0)
print({'CH4': energies[0], 'C': energies[1], 'H': energies[2]})
This script should produce three energies (in Hartrees) for the water molecule
and the two atoms of
{'CH4': -40.51785372584538, 'C': -37.84542045526023, 'H': -0.5011533955627797}
, this leads to an atomization energy of 419.06 kcal/mol, which is then
corrected with the D3(BJ) correction for methane (1.20 kcal/mol) to yield a
predicted atomization energy of 420.26 kcal/mol. Comparing this to the
literature value of 420.42, leads us to deduce an error of around 0.2 kcal/mol.
It should also be noted that if a closed shell system is run unrestricted it can give a small difference between spin densities and eigenvalues with a negligible effect on the energy.
There are two options for using the DM21 from C++.
- Load the SavedModel using TensorFlow's C++ API. This requires a run-time dependency on the TensorFlow library.
- Compile the model ahead-of-time into a standalone library. This requires all array dimensions to be fixed at compile time, which imposes a minor limitation on the interface for using the functional. As the DM21 functionals act on grid points independently, this does not restrict the system size.
The first option is more flexible but trickier to setup. Consequently we
demonstrate the second option: compiling the functional into a standalone
library. An example of running the DM21 functional using a standalone compiled
library is provided in cc/
. This requires a
link-time dependency on parts of the xla_compiled_cpu_runtime_standalone
library, which are not included in the compiled functional library. The easiest
way to build this is to use Bazel. The first step is to
install Bazel.
Bazelisk is
another way to install Bazel if a native installer is not available. The
following has been tested with Bazel 4.2.0. It is best to continue working
inside a virtual environment.
Assuming the above installation steps using git clone
have been followed, and
has been installed, the example can be built and run using:
pip install -r requirements_aot_compilation.txt
bazel run --experimental_repo_remote_exec :run_dm21_aot_compiled_example
where the pip install
command is only required if a fresh virtual environment
is used, and installs required prerequisites for TensorFlow. See the
TensorFlow documentation for more
A static library, using the cc_library
rule, can similarly be built and then
linked against from a separate program with no additional dependencies required,
shown in cc/
and the dm21_aot_compiled_example
build rule.
For calling from C, we recommend wrapping a C++ interface in extern C { ... }
to create a C API. For calling from Fortran, the C API can be used via the
Fortran 2003 ISO_C_BINDING feature.
The supplied functionals in the checkpoints
subdirectory are not easy to use
from C++, as they only contain operations for the forward pass through the
functional. This means they can only be used to evaluate the energy on a fixed
density. Self-consistent calculations require various gradients of the
functional, and it is easiest to create these using TensorFlow's Python API.
contains a method for exporting the functional and functional
derivatives. Assuming the above installation steps have been followed, a
functional and its derivatives can be exported by: --functional=DM21 \
--out_dir=/path/to/export/DM21 \
where --out_dir
specifies the directory to save the model containing the
functional and functional derivatives to, and --batch_size
the number of grid
points the functional will be evaluated on at a time. The functional must be the
name of a functional in the neural_numint.Functional
enum. Note that the batch
size needs only be fixed for exporting models to be used with ahead-of-time
The functional can now be compiled using the saved_model_cli
tool supplied
with TensorFlow:
$ saved_model_cli aot_compile_cpu \
--dir /path/to/export/DM21 \
--output_prefix /path/to/compiled/DM21/dm21 \
--cpp_class dm21::functional \
--tag_set '' \
--signature_def_key default
The output prefix and C++ class can be arbitrarily chosen. The tag_set
arguments must be as given above. This creates the following
files in the output directory:
- dm21.h: header file defining the C++ interface to the DM21 functional.
- a snippet to be included in a Makefile for setting include, library and compilation flags.
- dm21_metadata.o, dm21.o: object files for running the DM21 functional.
If this repository is helpful for your research please cite the following publication:
Pushing the Frontiers of Density Functionals by Solving the Fractional Electron Problem, James Kirkpatrick, Brendan McMorrow, David H. P. Turban, Alexander L. Gaunt, James S. Spencer, Alexander G. D. G. Matthews, Annette Obika, Louis Thiry, Meire Fortunato, David Pfau, Lara Román Castellanos, Stig Petersen, Alexander W. R. Nelson, Pushmeet Kohli, Paula Mori-Sánchez, Demis Hassabis, Aron J. Cohen, Science, DOI:
All code is made available under the Apache 2.0 License. Model parameters
(contained in the density_functional_approximation_dm21/checkpoints/
subdirectory) are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0) License. See for more details.
This is not an official Google product.