From 3096148746c906105c4424352f5b5ad1bff0fd4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Akait <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:48:41 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] feat: added the `app` option to setup any `connect`
 compatibility HTTP server framework

 lib/Server.js                                 | 245 +++--
 lib/options.json                              |   8 +
 package-lock.json                             | 454 ++++++----
 package.json                                  |   9 +-
 scripts/setupTest.js                          |   2 +-
 .../validate-options.test.js.snap.webpack5    |  14 +
 .../allowed-hosts.test.js.snap.webpack5       |  16 +-
 .../__snapshots__/app.test.js.snap.webpack5   | 253 ++++++
 .../built-in-routes.test.js.snap.webpack5     |  10 +-
 test/e2e/app.test.js                          | 103 +++
 test/e2e/on-listening.test.js                 |  18 +-
 test/e2e/setup-middlewares.test.js            |  30 +-
 test/ports-map.js                             |   1 +
 test/server/proxy-option.test.js              |  20 +-
 test/validate-options.test.js                 |  10 +
 types/lib/Server.d.ts                         | 834 +++++++++++++-----
 16 files changed, 1537 insertions(+), 490 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/e2e/__snapshots__/app.test.js.snap.webpack5
 create mode 100644 test/e2e/app.test.js

diff --git a/lib/Server.js b/lib/Server.js
index 88a051d9cf..05c3c0ba82 100644
--- a/lib/Server.js
+++ b/lib/Server.js
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ const schema = require("./options.json");
 /** @typedef {import("webpack").Stats} Stats */
 /** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiStats} MultiStats */
 /** @typedef {import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo} NetworkInterfaceInfo */
-/** @typedef {import("express").NextFunction} NextFunction */
-/** @typedef {import("express").RequestHandler} ExpressRequestHandler */
-/** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */
 /** @typedef {import("chokidar").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */
 /** @typedef {import("chokidar").FSWatcher} FSWatcher */
 /** @typedef {import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options} ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions */
@@ -37,11 +34,28 @@ const schema = require("./options.json");
 /** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
 /** @typedef {import("http").ServerResponse} ServerResponse */
 /** @typedef {import("open").Options} OpenOptions */
+/** @typedef {import("express").Application} ExpressApplication */
+/** @typedef {import("express").RequestHandler} ExpressRequestHandler */
+/** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */
+/** @typedef {import("express").Request} ExpressRequest */
+/** @typedef {import("express").Response} ExpressResponse */
+/** @typedef {(err?: any) => void} NextFunction */
+/** @typedef {(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void} SimpleHandleFunction */
+/** @typedef {(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: NextFunction) => void} NextHandleFunction */
+/** @typedef {(err: any, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: NextFunction) => void} ErrorHandleFunction */
+/** @typedef {SimpleHandleFunction | NextHandleFunction | ErrorHandleFunction} HandleFunction */
 /** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
-/** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */
-/** @typedef {import("express").Response} Response */
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+ * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequest : IncomingMessage} Request
+ */
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+ * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressResponse : ServerResponse} Response
+ */
  * @template {Request} T
@@ -173,10 +187,16 @@ const schema = require("./options.json");
- * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+ * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler : HandleFunction} MiddlewareHandler
+ */
+ * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: MiddlewareHandler } | MiddlewareHandler } Middleware
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
  * @typedef {Object} Configuration
  * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
  * @property {Host} [host]
@@ -191,16 +211,16 @@ const schema = require("./options.json");
  * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
  * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
  * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
- * @property {boolean} [http2]
  * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
+ * @property {() => Promise<T>} [app]
  * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
  * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
  * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
  * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
  * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
  * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
- * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
- * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+ * @property {(devServer: Server<T>) => void} [onListening]
+ * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
 if (!process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE) {
@@ -245,10 +265,45 @@ const encodeOverlaySettings = (setting) =>
     ? encodeURIComponent(setting.toString())
     : setting;
+// Working for overload, because typescript doesn't support this yes
+ * @overload
+ * @param {NextHandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+ * @overload
+ * @param {HandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+ * @overload
+ * @param {string} route
+ * @param {NextHandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+ * @param {string} route
+ * @param {HandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+function useFn(route, fn) {
+  return /** @type {BasicApplication} */ ({});
+ * @typedef {Object} BasicApplication
+ * @property {typeof useFn} use
+ */
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+ */
 class Server {
-   * @param {Configuration | Compiler | MultiCompiler} options
-   * @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration} compiler
+   * @param {Configuration<T>} options
+   * @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler} compiler
   constructor(options = {}, compiler) {
     validate(/** @type {Schema} */ (schema), options, {
@@ -256,12 +311,12 @@ class Server {
       baseDataPath: "options",
-    this.compiler = /** @type {Compiler | MultiCompiler} */ (compiler);
+    this.compiler = compiler;
      * @type {ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>}
      * */
     this.logger = this.compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("webpack-dev-server");
-    this.options = /** @type {Configuration} */ (options);
+    this.options = options;
      * @type {FSWatcher[]}
@@ -1670,7 +1725,7 @@ class Server {
-    this.setupApp();
+    await this.setupApp();
     // Should be after `webpack-dev-middleware`, otherwise other middlewares might rewrite response
@@ -1729,11 +1784,14 @@ class Server {
    * @private
-   * @returns {void}
+   * @returns {Promise<void>}
-  setupApp() {
-    /** @type {import("express").Application | undefined}*/
- = new /** @type {any} */ (getExpress())();
+  async setupApp() {
+    /** @type {T | undefined}*/
+ =
+      typeof === "function"
+        ? await
+        : getExpress()();
@@ -1788,29 +1846,22 @@ class Server {
    * @returns {void}
   setupHostHeaderCheck() {
-    /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-    (
-      "*",
-      /**
-       * @param {Request} req
-       * @param {Response} res
-       * @param {NextFunction} next
-       * @returns {void}
-       */
-      (req, res, next) => {
-        if (
-          this.checkHeader(
-            /** @type {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} */
-            (req.headers),
-            "host",
-          )
-        ) {
-          return next();
-        }
+    /** @type {T} */
+    (, res, next) => {
+      if (
+        this.checkHeader(
+          /** @type {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} */
+          (req.headers),
+          "host",
+        )
+      ) {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
-        res.send("Invalid Host header");
-      },
-    );
+      res.statusCode = 403;
+      res.end("Invalid Host header");
+    });
@@ -1834,45 +1885,103 @@ class Server {
   setupBuiltInRoutes() {
     const { app, middleware } = this;
-    /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-    (app).get("/__webpack_dev_server__/sockjs.bundle.js", (req, res) => {
-      res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript");
+    /** @type {T} */
+    (app).use("/__webpack_dev_server__/sockjs.bundle.js", (req, res, next) => {
+      if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
+      const clientPath = path.join(
+        __dirname,
+        "..",
+        "client/modules/sockjs-client/index.js",
+      );
+      // Express send Etag and other headers by default, so let's keep them for compatibility reasons
+      // @ts-ignore
+      if (typeof res.sendFile === "function") {
+        // @ts-ignore
+        res.sendFile(clientPath);
+        return;
+      }
+      let stats;
-      const clientPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "client");
+      try {
+        // TODO implement `inputFileSystem.createReadStream` in webpack
+        stats = fs.statSync(clientPath);
+      } catch (err) {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
-      res.sendFile(path.join(clientPath, "modules/sockjs-client/index.js"));
+      res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8");
+      res.setHeader("Content-Length", stats.size);
+      if (req.method === "HEAD") {
+        res.end();
+        return;
+      }
+      fs.createReadStream(clientPath).pipe(res);
-    /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-    (app).get("/webpack-dev-server/invalidate", (_req, res) => {
+    /** @type {T} */
+    (app).use("/webpack-dev-server/invalidate", (req, res, next) => {
+      if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
-    /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-    (app).get("/webpack-dev-server/open-editor", (req, res) => {
-      const fileName = req.query.fileName;
+    /** @type {T} */
+    (app).use("/webpack-dev-server/open-editor", (req, res, next) => {
+      if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
+      if (!req.url) {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
+      const resolveUrl = new URL(req.url, `http://${}`);
+      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
+      const fileName = params.get("fileName");
       if (typeof fileName === "string") {
         // @ts-ignore
         const launchEditor = require("launch-editor");
-    /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-    (app).get("/webpack-dev-server", (req, res) => {
+    /** @type {T} */
+    (app).use("/webpack-dev-server", (req, res, next) => {
+      if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
+        next();
+        return;
+      }
       /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
       (middleware).waitUntilValid((stats) => {
-        res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
+        res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
         // HEAD requests should not return body content
         if (req.method === "HEAD") {
           '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body>',
@@ -1975,7 +2084,6 @@ class Server {
     if (typeof this.options.headers !== "undefined") {
         name: "set-headers",
-        path: "*",
         middleware: this.setHeaders.bind(this),
@@ -2104,8 +2212,8 @@ class Server {
           if (typeof bypassUrl === "boolean") {
             // skip the proxy
-            // @ts-ignore
-            req.url = null;
+            res.statusCode = 404;
+            req.url = "";
           } else if (typeof bypassUrl === "string") {
             // byPass to that url
@@ -2255,7 +2363,6 @@ class Server {
     // fallback when no other middleware responses.
       name: "options-middleware",
-      path: "*",
        * @param {Request} req
        * @param {Response} res
@@ -2279,14 +2386,24 @@ class Server {
     middlewares.forEach((middleware) => {
       if (typeof middleware === "function") {
-        /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-        (;
+        /** @type {T} */
+        (
+          /** @type {NextHandleFunction | HandleFunction} */
+          (middleware),
+        );
       } else if (typeof middleware.path !== "undefined") {
-        /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-        (, middleware.middleware);
+        /** @type {T} */
+        (
+          middleware.path,
+          /** @type {SimpleHandleFunction | NextHandleFunction} */
+          (middleware.middleware),
+        );
       } else {
-        /** @type {import("express").Application} */
-        (;
+        /** @type {T} */
+        (
+          /** @type {NextHandleFunction | HandleFunction} */
+          (middleware.middleware),
+        );
@@ -2794,7 +2911,7 @@ class Server {
         headers = headers(
-          /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<IncomingMessage, ServerResponse>}*/
+          /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
diff --git a/lib/options.json b/lib/options.json
index 567245ce4c..0951aefbcf 100644
--- a/lib/options.json
+++ b/lib/options.json
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
   "title": "Dev Server options",
   "type": "object",
   "definitions": {
+    "App": {
+      "instanceof": "Function",
+      "description": "Allows to use custom applications (i.e. 'connect', 'fastify' and etc).",
+      "link": ""
+    },
     "AllowedHosts": {
       "anyOf": [
@@ -997,6 +1002,9 @@
     "server": {
       "$ref": "#/definitions/Server"
+    "app": {
+      "$ref": "#/definitions/App"
+    },
     "setupExitSignals": {
       "$ref": "#/definitions/SetupExitSignals"
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 76ed88542a..2dd73df4f8 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -62,9 +62,10 @@
         "babel-jest": "^29.5.0",
         "babel-loader": "^9.1.0",
         "body-parser": "^1.19.2",
+        "connect": "^3.7.0",
         "core-js": "^3.31.0",
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-        "css-loader": "^6.8.1",
+        "css-loader": "^7.1.1",
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@@ -83,19 +84,19 @@
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@@ -335,9 +336,9 @@
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+      "deprecated": "Please upgrade to v9.0.0+ as we have fixed a public vulnerability with formidable dependency. Note that v9.0.0+ requires Node.js v14.18.0+. See for insight. This project is supported and maintained by the team at Forward Email @",
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@@ -117,19 +118,19 @@
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index f3dedf9551..99a74a59bf 100644
--- a/scripts/setupTest.js
+++ b/scripts/setupTest.js
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING = true;
diff --git a/test/__snapshots__/validate-options.test.js.snap.webpack5 b/test/__snapshots__/validate-options.test.js.snap.webpack5
index 03cf17040e..60fa07786f 100644
--- a/test/__snapshots__/validate-options.test.js.snap.webpack5
+++ b/test/__snapshots__/validate-options.test.js.snap.webpack5
@@ -52,6 +52,20 @@ exports[`options validate should throw an error on the "allowedHosts" option wit
     * options.allowedHosts should be a non-empty string."
+exports[`options validate should throw an error on the "app" option with 'false' value 1`] = `
+"ValidationError: Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
+ - should be an instance of function.
+   -> Allows to use custom applications (i.e. 'connect', 'fastify' and etc).
+   -> Read more at"
+exports[`options validate should throw an error on the "app" option with 'test' value 1`] = `
+"ValidationError: Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
+ - should be an instance of function.
+   -> Allows to use custom applications (i.e. 'connect', 'fastify' and etc).
+   -> Read more at"
 exports[`options validate should throw an error on the "bonjour" option with '' value 1`] = `
 "ValidationError: Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
  - options.bonjour should be one of these:
diff --git a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/allowed-hosts.test.js.snap.webpack5 b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/allowed-hosts.test.js.snap.webpack5
index 84b2498b57..5ab1e22dec 100644
--- a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/allowed-hosts.test.js.snap.webpack5
+++ b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/allowed-hosts.test.js.snap.webpack5
@@ -262,15 +262,23 @@ exports[`allowed hosts should connect web socket client using localhost to web s
 exports[`allowed hosts should connect web socket client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("sockjs"): console messages 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("sockjs"): console messages 1`] = `
+  "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)",
-exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("sockjs"): html 1`] = `"<html><head></head><body>Invalid Host header</body></html>"`;
+exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("sockjs"): html 1`] = `"<html><head><meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">Invalid Host header</pre></body></html>"`;
 exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("sockjs"): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): console messages 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): console messages 1`] = `
+  "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)",
-exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): html 1`] = `"<html><head></head><body>Invalid Host header</body></html>"`;
+exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): html 1`] = `"<html><head><meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">Invalid Host header</pre></body></html>"`;
 exports[`allowed hosts should disconnect web client using localhost to web socket server with the "auto" value ("ws"): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
diff --git a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/app.test.js.snap.webpack5 b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/app.test.js.snap.webpack5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ac3495c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/app.test.js.snap.webpack5
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1,
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect (async)" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "connect" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "http" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "https" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `
+  "[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.",
+  "[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...",
+  "Hey.",
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `[]`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`;
+exports[`app option should work using "express" application and "spdy" server should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
+    <title>webpack-dev-server</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>webpack-dev-server is running...</h1>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/main.js"></script>
+  </body>
diff --git a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/built-in-routes.test.js.snap.webpack5 b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/built-in-routes.test.js.snap.webpack5
index 769c716c67..9fa4d94d12 100644
--- a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/built-in-routes.test.js.snap.webpack5
+++ b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/built-in-routes.test.js.snap.webpack5
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ exports[`Built in routes with multi config should handle GET request to director
 exports[`Built in routes with multi config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`Built in routes with multi config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html"`;
+exports[`Built in routes with multi config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html; charset=utf-8"`;
 exports[`Built in routes with multi config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response status 1`] = `200`;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle GET request to directo
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html"`;
+exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html; charset=utf-8"`;
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle GET request to directory index and list all middleware directories: response status 1`] = `200`;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle HEAD request to direct
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle HEAD request to directory index: page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle HEAD request to directory index: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html"`;
+exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle HEAD request to directory index: response headers content-type 1`] = `"text/html; charset=utf-8"`;
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handle HEAD request to directory index: response status 1`] = `200`;
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles GET request to sockjs
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles GET request to sockjs bundle: page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles GET request to sockjs bundle: response headers content-type 1`] = `"application/javascript"`;
+exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles GET request to sockjs bundle: response headers content-type 1`] = `"application/javascript; charset=UTF-8"`;
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles GET request to sockjs bundle: response status 1`] = `200`;
@@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles HEAD request to sockj
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles HEAD request to sockjs bundle: page errors 1`] = `[]`;
-exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles HEAD request to sockjs bundle: response headers content-type 1`] = `"application/javascript"`;
+exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles HEAD request to sockjs bundle: response headers content-type 1`] = `"application/javascript; charset=UTF-8"`;
 exports[`Built in routes with simple config should handles HEAD request to sockjs bundle: response status 1`] = `200`;
diff --git a/test/e2e/app.test.js b/test/e2e/app.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05e6c23a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/app.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"use strict";
+const path = require("path");
+const webpack = require("webpack");
+const Server = require("../../lib/Server");
+const config = require("../fixtures/client-config/webpack.config");
+const runBrowser = require("../helpers/run-browser");
+const port = require("../ports-map").app;
+const staticDirectory = path.resolve(
+  __dirname,
+  "../fixtures/static-config/public",
+const apps = [
+  ["express", () => require("express")()],
+  ["connect", () => require("connect")()],
+  ["connect (async)", async () => require("express")()],
+const servers = ["http", "https", "spdy"];
+describe("app option", () => {
+  for (const [appName, app] of apps) {
+    for (const server of servers) {
+      let compiler;
+      let devServer;
+      let page;
+      let browser;
+      let pageErrors;
+      let consoleMessages;
+      describe(`should work using "${appName}" application and "${server}" server`, () => {
+        beforeEach(async () => {
+          compiler = webpack(config);
+          devServer = new Server(
+            {
+              static: {
+                directory: staticDirectory,
+                watch: false,
+              },
+              app,
+              server,
+              port,
+            },
+            compiler,
+          );
+          await devServer.start();
+          ({ page, browser } = await runBrowser());
+          pageErrors = [];
+          consoleMessages = [];
+        });
+        afterEach(async () => {
+          await browser.close();
+          await devServer.stop();
+        });
+        it("should handle GET request to index route (/)", async () => {
+          page
+            .on("console", (message) => {
+              consoleMessages.push(message);
+            })
+            .on("pageerror", (error) => {
+              pageErrors.push(error);
+            });
+          const pageUrl =
+            server === "https" || server === "spdy" || server === "http2"
+              ? `${port}/`
+              : `${port}/`;
+          const response = await page.goto(pageUrl, {
+            waitUntil: "networkidle0",
+          });
+          const HTTPVersion = await page.evaluate(
+            () => performance.getEntries()[0].nextHopProtocol,
+          );
+          const isSpdy = server === "spdy";
+          if (isSpdy) {
+            expect(HTTPVersion).toEqual("h2");
+          } else {
+            expect(HTTPVersion).toEqual("http/1.1");
+          }
+          expect(response.status()).toMatchSnapshot("response status");
+          expect(await response.text()).toMatchSnapshot("response text");
+          expect(
+   => message.text()),
+          ).toMatchSnapshot("console messages");
+          expect(pageErrors).toMatchSnapshot("page errors");
+        });
+      });
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/test/e2e/on-listening.test.js b/test/e2e/on-listening.test.js
index 6e97561b14..4a88d908e7 100644
--- a/test/e2e/on-listening.test.js
+++ b/test/e2e/on-listening.test.js
@@ -26,12 +26,18 @@ describe("onListening option", () => {
           onListeningIsRunning = true;
-"/listening/some/path", (_, response) => {
-            response.send("listening");
-          });
-"/listening/some/path", (_, response) => {
-            response.send("listening POST");
+"/listening/some/path", (req, res, next) => {
+            if (req.method === "GET") {
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("listening");
+              return;
+            } else if (req.method === "POST") {
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("listening POST");
+              return;
+            }
+            return next();
diff --git a/test/e2e/setup-middlewares.test.js b/test/e2e/setup-middlewares.test.js
index 5ed6fece62..5187aaa8a7 100644
--- a/test/e2e/setup-middlewares.test.js
+++ b/test/e2e/setup-middlewares.test.js
@@ -23,35 +23,43 @@ describe("setupMiddlewares option", () => {
             throw new Error("webpack-dev-server is not defined");
-"/setup-middleware/some/path", (_, response) => {
-            response.send("setup-middlewares option GET");
-          });
-"/setup-middleware/some/path", (_, response) => {
-            response.send("setup-middlewares option POST");
+"/setup-middleware/some/path", (req, res, next) => {
+            if (req.method === "GET") {
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("setup-middlewares option GET");
+              return;
+            } else if (req.method === "POST") {
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("setup-middlewares option POST");
+              return;
+            }
+            return next();
             name: "hello-world-test-two",
             middleware: (req, res, next) => {
-              if (req.path !== "/foo/bar/baz") {
+              if (req.url !== "/foo/bar/baz") {
-              res.send("Hello World without path!");
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("Hello World without path!");
             name: "hello-world-test-one",
             path: "/foo/bar",
             middleware: (req, res) => {
-              res.send("Hello World with path!");
+              res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+              res.end("Hello World with path!");
           middlewares.push((req, res) => {
-            res.send("Hello World as function!");
+            res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
+            res.end("Hello World as function!");
           return middlewares;
diff --git a/test/ports-map.js b/test/ports-map.js
index c43004298c..00eb84a7dd 100644
--- a/test/ports-map.js
+++ b/test/ports-map.js
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ const listOfTests = {
   "normalize-option": 1,
   "setup-middlewares-option": 1,
   "options-request-response": 2,
+  app: 1,
 let startPort = 8089;
diff --git a/test/server/proxy-option.test.js b/test/server/proxy-option.test.js
index d894fdae08..e77824a371 100644
--- a/test/server/proxy-option.test.js
+++ b/test/server/proxy-option.test.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const proxyOptionPathsAsProperties = [
     context: "/foo",
     bypass(req) {
-      if (/\.html$/.test(req.path)) {
+      if (/\.html$/.test(req.path || req.url)) {
         return "/index.html";
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ const proxyOptionPathsAsProperties = [
     context: "proxyfalse",
     bypass(req) {
-      if (/\/proxyfalse$/.test(req.path)) {
+      if (/\/proxyfalse$/.test(req.path || req.url)) {
         return false;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const proxyOptionPathsAsProperties = [
     context: "/proxy/async",
     bypass(req, res) {
-      if (/\/proxy\/async$/.test(req.path)) {
+      if (/\/proxy\/async$/.test(req.path || req.url)) {
         return new Promise((resolve) => {
           setTimeout(() => {
             res.end("proxy async response");
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ const proxyOptionPathsAsProperties = [
     changeOrigin: true,
     secure: false,
     bypass(req) {
-      if (/\.(html)$/i.test(req.url)) {
+      if (/\.(html)$/i.test(req.path || req.url)) {
         return req.url;
@@ -95,10 +95,16 @@ const proxyOptionOfArray = [
       target: `http://localhost:${port2}`,
       pathRewrite: { "^/api": "" },
       bypass: () => {
-        if (req && {
-          res.end(`foo+${}+${typeof next}`);
+        if (req) {
+          const resolveUrl = new URL(req.url, `http://${}`);
+          const params = new URLSearchParams(;
+          const foo = params.get("foo");
-          return false;
+          if (foo) {
+            res.end(`foo+${}+${typeof next}`);
+            return false;
+          }
diff --git a/test/validate-options.test.js b/test/validate-options.test.js
index 72bf4c933e..bc170f3dc3 100644
--- a/test/validate-options.test.js
+++ b/test/validate-options.test.js
@@ -437,6 +437,16 @@ const tests = {
+  app: {
+    success: [
+      () => require("connect")(),
+      async () =>
+        new Promise((resolve) => {
+          resolve(require("connect")());
+        }),
+    ],
+    failure: ["test", false],
+  },
   static: {
     success: [
diff --git a/types/lib/Server.d.ts b/types/lib/Server.d.ts
index b9eee28278..5742ee0b33 100644
--- a/types/lib/Server.d.ts
+++ b/types/lib/Server.d.ts
@@ -1,90 +1,71 @@
 /// <reference types="node" />
 export = Server;
-declare class Server {
+ * @typedef {Object} BasicApplication
+ * @property {typeof useFn} use
+ */
+ * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+ */
+declare class Server<
+  T extends BasicApplication = import("express").Application,
+> {
   static get schema(): {
     title: string;
     type: string;
     definitions: {
-      AllowedHosts: {
-        anyOf: (
-          | {
-              type: string;
-              minItems: number;
-              items: {
-                $ref: string;
-              };
-              enum?: undefined;
-              $ref?: undefined;
-            }
-          | {
-              enum: string[];
-              type?: undefined;
-              minItems?: undefined;
-              items?: undefined;
-              $ref?: undefined;
-            }
-          | {
-              $ref: string;
-              type?: undefined;
-              minItems?: undefined;
-              items?: undefined;
-              enum?: undefined;
-            }
-        )[];
-        description: string;
-        link: string;
-      };
-      AllowedHostsItem: {
-        type: string;
-        minLength: number;
-      };
-      Bonjour: {
-        anyOf: (
-          | {
-              type: string;
-              cli: {
-                negatedDescription: string;
-              };
-              description?: undefined;
-              link?: undefined;
-            }
-          | {
-              type: string /** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */;
-              description: string;
-              link: string;
-              cli?: undefined;
-            }
-        )[];
+      App: {
+        instanceof: string;
         description: string;
         link: string;
-      Client: {
-        description: string;
-        link: string;
+      AllowedHosts: {
         anyOf: (
-          | {
-              enum: boolean[];
-              cli: {
-                negatedDescription: string;
-              };
-              type?: undefined;
-              additionalProperties?: undefined;
-              properties?: undefined;
-            }
           | {
               type: string;
-              additionalProperties: boolean;
-              properties: {
-                logging: {
-                  $ref: string;
-                };
+              minItems: number;
+              items: {
+                /** @typedef {import("webpack").Configuration} WebpackConfiguration */
+                /** @typedef {import("webpack").StatsOptions} StatsOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("webpack").StatsCompilation} StatsCompilation */
+                /** @typedef {import("webpack").Stats} Stats */
+                /** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiStats} MultiStats */
+                /** @typedef {import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo} NetworkInterfaceInfo */
+                /** @typedef {import("chokidar").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("chokidar").FSWatcher} FSWatcher */
+                /** @typedef {import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options} ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Bonjour} Bonjour */
+                /** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Service} BonjourOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").RequestHandler} RequestHandler */
+                /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Options} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Filter} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter */
+                /** @typedef {import("serve-index").Options} ServeIndexOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions} ServeStaticOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv4} IPv4 */
+                /** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv6} IPv6 */
                 /** @typedef {import("net").Socket} Socket */
                 /** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
                 /** @typedef {import("http").ServerResponse} ServerResponse */
                 /** @typedef {import("open").Options} OpenOptions */
+                /** @typedef {import("express").Application} ExpressApplication */
+                /** @typedef {import("express").RequestHandler} ExpressRequestHandler */
+                /** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */
+                /** @typedef {import("express").Request} ExpressRequest */
+                /** @typedef {import("express").Response} ExpressResponse */
+                /** @typedef {(err?: any) => void} NextFunction */
+                /** @typedef {(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void} SimpleHandleFunction */
+                /** @typedef {(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: NextFunction) => void} NextHandleFunction */
+                /** @typedef {(err: any, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: NextFunction) => void} ErrorHandleFunction */
+                /** @typedef {SimpleHandleFunction | NextHandleFunction | ErrorHandleFunction} HandleFunction */
                 /** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
-                /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */
-                /** @typedef {import("express").Response} Response */
+                /**
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                 * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequest : IncomingMessage} Request
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                 * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressResponse : ServerResponse} Response
+                 */
                  * @template {Request} T
                  * @template {Response} U
@@ -193,9 +174,14 @@ declare class Server {
                  * @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record<string, string | string[]>} Headers
-                 * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                 * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler : HandleFunction} MiddlewareHandler
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: MiddlewareHandler } | MiddlewareHandler } Middleware
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
                  * @typedef {Object} Configuration
                  * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
                  * @property {Host} [host]
@@ -210,17 +196,84 @@ declare class Server {
                  * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
                  * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
                  * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
-                 * @property {boolean} [http2]
                  * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
+                 * @property {() => Promise<T>} [app]
                  * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
                  * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
                  * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
                  * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
                  * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
                  * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
-                 * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
-                 * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+                 * @property {(devServer: Server<T>) => void} [onListening]
+                 * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+                $ref: string;
+              };
+              enum?: undefined;
+              $ref?: undefined;
+            }
+          | {
+              enum: string[];
+              type?: undefined;
+              minItems?: undefined;
+              items?: undefined;
+              $ref?: undefined;
+            }
+          | {
+              $ref: string;
+              type?: undefined;
+              minItems?: undefined;
+              items?: undefined;
+              enum?: undefined;
+            }
+        )[];
+        description: string;
+        link: string;
+      };
+      AllowedHostsItem: {
+        type: string;
+        minLength: number;
+      };
+      Bonjour: {
+        anyOf: (
+          | {
+              type: string;
+              cli: {
+                negatedDescription: string;
+              };
+              description?: undefined;
+              link?: undefined;
+            }
+          | {
+              type: string;
+              description: string;
+              link: string;
+              cli?: undefined;
+            }
+        )[];
+        description: string;
+        link: string;
+      };
+      Client: {
+        description: string;
+        link: string;
+        anyOf: (
+          | {
+              enum: boolean[];
+              cli: {
+                negatedDescription: string;
+              };
+              type?: undefined;
+              additionalProperties?: undefined;
+              properties?: undefined;
+            }
+          | {
+              type: string;
+              additionalProperties: boolean;
+              properties: {
+                logging: {
+                  $ref: string;
+                };
                 overlay: {
                   $ref: string;
@@ -234,6 +287,157 @@ declare class Server {
                   $ref: string;
                 webSocketURL: {
+                  /** @typedef {SimpleHandleFunction | NextHandleFunction | ErrorHandleFunction} HandleFunction */
+                  /** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                   * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequest : IncomingMessage} Request
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                   * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressResponse : ServerResponse} Response
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {Request} T
+                   * @template {Response} U
+                   * @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Options<T, U>} DevMiddlewareOptions
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {Request} T
+                   * @template {Response} U
+                   * @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Context<T, U>} DevMiddlewareContext
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {"local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string} Host
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {number | string | "auto"} Port
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} WatchFiles
+                   * @property {string | string[]} paths
+                   * @property {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [options]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} Static
+                   * @property {string} [directory]
+                   * @property {string | string[]} [publicPath]
+                   * @property {boolean | ServeIndexOptions} [serveIndex]
+                   * @property {ServeStaticOptions} [staticOptions]
+                   * @property {boolean | WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [watch]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
+                   * @property {string} directory
+                   * @property {string[]} publicPath
+                   * @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
+                   * @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
+                   * @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
+                   * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
+                   * @property {ServerOptions} [options]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
+                   * @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
+                   * @property {Record<string, any>} [options]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @callback ByPass
+                   * @param {Request} req
+                   * @param {Response} res
+                   * @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} OpenApp
+                   * @property {string} [name]
+                   * @property {string[]} [arguments]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} Open
+                   * @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
+                   * @property {string | string[]} [target]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
+                   * @property {string} target
+                   * @property {import("open").Options} options
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
+                   * @property {string} [hostname]
+                   * @property {string} [password]
+                   * @property {string} [pathname]
+                   * @property {number | string} [port]
+                   * @property {string} [protocol]
+                   * @property {string} [username]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {boolean | ((error: Error) => void)} OverlayMessageOptions
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
+                   * @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
+                   * @property {boolean  | { warnings?: OverlayMessageOptions, errors?: OverlayMessageOptions, runtimeErrors?: OverlayMessageOptions }} [overlay]
+                   * @property {boolean} [progress]
+                   * @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
+                   * @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
+                   * @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record<string, string | string[]>} Headers
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                   * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler : HandleFunction} MiddlewareHandler
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: MiddlewareHandler } | MiddlewareHandler } Middleware
+                   */
+                  /**
+                   * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                   * @typedef {Object} Configuration
+                   * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
+                   * @property {Host} [host]
+                   * @property {Port} [port]
+                   * @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
+                   * @property {boolean} [liveReload]
+                   * @property {DevMiddlewareOptions<Request, Response>} [devMiddleware]
+                   * @property {boolean} [compress]
+                   * @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
+                   * @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
+                   * @property {boolean | Record<string, never> | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
+                   * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
+                   * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
+                   * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
+                   * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
+                   * @property {() => Promise<T>} [app]
+                   * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
+                   * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
+                   * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
+                   * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
+                   * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
+                   * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
+                   * @property {(devServer: Server<T>) => void} [onListening]
+                   * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+                   */
                   $ref: string;
@@ -286,15 +490,125 @@ declare class Server {
                     | {
                         description: string;
                         type: string;
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
+                         * @property {string} directory
+                         * @property {string[]} publicPath
+                         * @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
+                         * @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
+                         * @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
+                         * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
+                         * @property {ServerOptions} [options]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
+                         * @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
+                         * @property {Record<string, any>} [options]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @callback ByPass
+                         * @param {Request} req
+                         * @param {Response} res
+                         * @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} OpenApp
+                         * @property {string} [name]
+                         * @property {string[]} [arguments]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} Open
+                         * @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
+                         * @property {string | string[]} [target]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
+                         * @property {string} target
+                         * @property {import("open").Options} options
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
+                         * @property {string} [hostname]
+                         * @property {string} [password]
+                         * @property {string} [pathname]
+                         * @property {number | string} [port]
+                         * @property {string} [protocol]
+                         * @property {string} [username]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {boolean | ((error: Error) => void)} OverlayMessageOptions
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
+                         * @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
+                         * @property {boolean  | { warnings?: OverlayMessageOptions, errors?: OverlayMessageOptions, runtimeErrors?: OverlayMessageOptions }} [overlay]
+                         * @property {boolean} [progress]
+                         * @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
+                         * @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
+                         * @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record<string, string | string[]>} Headers
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                         * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler : HandleFunction} MiddlewareHandler
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: MiddlewareHandler } | MiddlewareHandler } Middleware
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                         * @typedef {Object} Configuration
+                         * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
+                         * @property {Host} [host]
+                         * @property {Port} [port]
+                         * @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
+                         * @property {boolean} [liveReload]
+                         * @property {DevMiddlewareOptions<Request, Response>} [devMiddleware]
+                         * @property {boolean} [compress]
+                         * @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
+                         * @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
+                         * @property {boolean | Record<string, never> | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
+                         * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
+                         * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
+                         * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
+                         * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
+                         * @property {() => Promise<T>} [app]
+                         * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
+                         * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
+                         * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
+                         * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
+                         * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
+                         * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
+                         * @property {(devServer: Server<T>) => void} [onListening]
+                         * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+                         */
                         cli: {
                           negatedDescription: string;
                         instanceof?: undefined;
                     | {
-                        instanceof: string /**
-                         * @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
-                         */;
+                        instanceof: string;
                         description: string;
                         type?: undefined;
                         cli?: undefined;
@@ -319,6 +633,91 @@ declare class Server {
+                /**
+                 * @callback ByPass
+                 * @param {Request} req
+                 * @param {Response} res
+                 * @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Object} OpenApp
+                 * @property {string} [name]
+                 * @property {string[]} [arguments]
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Object} Open
+                 * @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
+                 * @property {string | string[]} [target]
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
+                 * @property {string} target
+                 * @property {import("open").Options} options
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
+                 * @property {string} [hostname]
+                 * @property {string} [password]
+                 * @property {string} [pathname]
+                 * @property {number | string} [port]
+                 * @property {string} [protocol]
+                 * @property {string} [username]
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {boolean | ((error: Error) => void)} OverlayMessageOptions
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
+                 * @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
+                 * @property {boolean  | { warnings?: OverlayMessageOptions, errors?: OverlayMessageOptions, runtimeErrors?: OverlayMessageOptions }} [overlay]
+                 * @property {boolean} [progress]
+                 * @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
+                 * @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
+                 * @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record<string, string | string[]>} Headers
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                 * @typedef {T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler : HandleFunction} MiddlewareHandler
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: MiddlewareHandler } | MiddlewareHandler } Middleware
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * @template {BasicApplication} [T=ExpressApplication]
+                 * @typedef {Object} Configuration
+                 * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
+                 * @property {Host} [host]
+                 * @property {Port} [port]
+                 * @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
+                 * @property {boolean} [liveReload]
+                 * @property {DevMiddlewareOptions<Request, Response>} [devMiddleware]
+                 * @property {boolean} [compress]
+                 * @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
+                 * @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
+                 * @property {boolean | Record<string, never> | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
+                 * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
+                 * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
+                 * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
+                 * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
+                 * @property {() => Promise<T>} [app]
+                 * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
+                 * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
+                 * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
+                 * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
+                 * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
+                 * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
+                 * @property {(devServer: Server<T>) => void} [onListening]
+                 * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
+                 */
                 trustedTypesPolicyName: {
                   description: string;
                   type: string;
@@ -357,35 +756,6 @@ declare class Server {
       ClientWebSocketTransport: {
-        /**
-         * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
-         */
-        /**
-         * @typedef {Object} Configuration
-         * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
-         * @property {Host} [host]
-         * @property {Port} [port]
-         * @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
-         * @property {boolean} [liveReload]
-         * @property {DevMiddlewareOptions<Request, Response>} [devMiddleware]
-         * @property {boolean} [compress]
-         * @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
-         * @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
-         * @property {boolean | Record<string, never> | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
-         * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
-         * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
-         * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
-         * @property {boolean} [http2]
-         * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
-         * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
-         * @property {ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
-         * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
-         * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
-         * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
-         * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
-         * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
-         * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
-         */
         anyOf: {
           $ref: string;
@@ -465,10 +835,15 @@ declare class Server {
       Compress: {
         type: string;
+        /**
+         * @template T
+         * @param fn {(function(): any) | undefined}
+         * @returns {function(): T}
+         */
         description: string;
         link: string;
         cli: {
-          negatedDescription: string;
+          negatedDescription: string /** @type {function(): any} */;
       DevMiddleware: {
@@ -479,9 +854,6 @@ declare class Server {
       HeaderObject: {
         type: string;
-        /**
-         * @type {FSWatcher[]}
-         */
         additionalProperties: boolean;
         properties: {
           key: {
@@ -545,10 +917,17 @@ declare class Server {
       Host: {
         description: string;
+        /**
+         * @private
+         * @type {RequestHandler[]}
+         */
         link: string;
         anyOf: (
           | {
               enum: string[];
+              /**
+               * @type {Socket[]}
+               */
               type?: undefined;
               minLength?: undefined;
@@ -731,7 +1110,7 @@ declare class Server {
         description: string;
-        link: string /** @type {WebSocketURL} */;
+        link: string;
       Proxy: {
         type: string;
@@ -743,7 +1122,6 @@ declare class Server {
             | {
                 instanceof: string;
-                /** @type {{ type: WebSocketServerConfiguration["type"], options: NonNullable<WebSocketServerConfiguration["options"]> }} */
                 type?: undefined;
@@ -759,7 +1137,10 @@ declare class Server {
         description: string;
       ServerType: {
-        enum: string[];
+        enum: string[] /**
+         * @private
+         * @param {Compiler} compiler
+         */;
       ServerEnum: {
         enum: string[];
@@ -770,7 +1151,6 @@ declare class Server {
       ServerString: {
         type: string;
         minLength: number;
-        /** @type {string} */
         cli: {
           exclude: boolean;
@@ -784,7 +1164,7 @@ declare class Server {
           options: {
-            $ref: string;
+            $ref: string /** @type {{ type: WebSocketServerConfiguration["type"], options: NonNullable<WebSocketServerConfiguration["options"]> }} */;
         additionalProperties: boolean;
@@ -795,13 +1175,14 @@ declare class Server {
         properties: {
           passphrase: {
             type: string;
+            /** @type {string} */
             description: string;
           requestCert: {
             type: string;
             description: string;
             cli: {
-              negatedDescription: string;
+              negatedDescription: string /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */;
           ca: {
@@ -1104,7 +1485,7 @@ declare class Server {
                   $ref: string;
-              $ref?: undefined;
+              /** @type {MultiCompiler} */ $ref?: undefined;
           | {
               $ref: string;
@@ -1259,6 +1640,9 @@ declare class Server {
       server: {
         $ref: string;
+      app: {
+        $ref: string;
+      };
       setupExitSignals: {
         $ref: string;
@@ -1318,23 +1702,19 @@ declare class Server {
   private static isWebTarget;
-   * @param {Configuration | Compiler | MultiCompiler} options
-   * @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration} compiler
+   * @param {Configuration<T>} options
+   * @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler} compiler
-    options:
-      | import("webpack").Compiler
-      | import("webpack").MultiCompiler
-      | Configuration
-      | undefined,
-    compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration,
+    options: Configuration<T> | undefined,
+    compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler,
   compiler: import("webpack").Compiler | import("webpack").MultiCompiler;
    * @type {ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>}
    * */
   logger: ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>;
-  options: Configuration;
+  options: Configuration<T>;
    * @type {FSWatcher[]}
@@ -1395,11 +1775,11 @@ declare class Server {
   private initialize;
    * @private
-   * @returns {void}
+   * @returns {Promise<void>}
   private setupApp;
-  /** @type {import("express").Application | undefined}*/
-  app: import("express").Application | undefined;
+  /** @type {T | undefined}*/
+  app: T | undefined;
    * @private
    * @param {Stats | MultiStats} statsObj
@@ -1575,9 +1955,6 @@ declare namespace Server {
-    NextFunction,
-    ExpressRequestHandler,
-    ExpressErrorRequestHandler,
@@ -1594,6 +1971,16 @@ declare namespace Server {
+    ExpressApplication,
+    ExpressRequestHandler,
+    ExpressErrorRequestHandler,
+    ExpressRequest,
+    ExpressResponse,
+    NextFunction,
+    SimpleHandleFunction,
+    NextHandleFunction,
+    ErrorHandleFunction,
+    HandleFunction,
@@ -1619,8 +2006,10 @@ declare namespace Server {
+    MiddlewareHandler,
+    BasicApplication,
 type Compiler = import("webpack").Compiler;
@@ -1641,9 +2030,6 @@ type StatsCompilation = import("webpack").StatsCompilation;
 type Stats = import("webpack").Stats;
 type MultiStats = import("webpack").MultiStats;
 type NetworkInterfaceInfo = import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo;
-type NextFunction = import("express").NextFunction;
-type ExpressRequestHandler = import("express").RequestHandler;
-type ExpressErrorRequestHandler = import("express").ErrorRequestHandler;
 type WatchOptions = import("chokidar").WatchOptions;
 type ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions =
@@ -1659,6 +2045,28 @@ type IPv6 = import("ipaddr.js").IPv6;
 type IncomingMessage = import("http").IncomingMessage;
 type ServerResponse = import("http").ServerResponse;
 type OpenOptions = import("open").Options;
+type ExpressApplication = import("express").Application;
+type ExpressRequestHandler = import("express").RequestHandler;
+type ExpressErrorRequestHandler = import("express").ErrorRequestHandler;
+type ExpressRequest = import("express").Request;
+type ExpressResponse = import("express").Response;
+type NextFunction = (err?: any) => void;
+type SimpleHandleFunction = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
+type NextHandleFunction = (
+  req: IncomingMessage,
+  res: ServerResponse,
+  next: NextFunction,
+) => void;
+type ErrorHandleFunction = (
+  err: any,
+  req: IncomingMessage,
+  res: ServerResponse,
+  next: NextFunction,
+) => void;
+type HandleFunction =
+  | SimpleHandleFunction
+  | NextHandleFunction
+  | ErrorHandleFunction;
 type ServerOptions = import("https").ServerOptions & {
   spdy?: {
     plain?: boolean | undefined;
@@ -1668,8 +2076,10 @@ type ServerOptions = import("https").ServerOptions & {
     protocols?: string[] | undefined;
-type Request = import("express").Request;
-type Response = import("express").Response;
+type Request<T extends BasicApplication = import("express").Application> =
+  T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressRequest : IncomingMessage;
+type Response<T extends BasicApplication = import("express").Application> =
+  T extends ExpressApplication ? ExpressResponse : ServerResponse;
 type DevMiddlewareOptions<
   T extends import("express").Request<
@@ -1811,72 +2221,102 @@ type Headers =
       value: string;
   | Record<string, string | string[]>;
+type MiddlewareHandler<
+  T extends BasicApplication = import("express").Application,
+> = T extends ExpressApplication
+  ? ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler
+  : HandleFunction;
 type Middleware =
   | {
       name?: string;
       path?: string;
-      middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler;
+      middleware: MiddlewareHandler;
-  | ExpressRequestHandler
-  | ExpressErrorRequestHandler;
-type Configuration = {
-  ipc?: string | boolean | undefined;
-  host?: string | undefined;
-  port?: Port | undefined;
-  hot?: boolean | "only" | undefined;
-  liveReload?: boolean | undefined;
-  devMiddleware?:
-    | DevMiddlewareOptions<
-        import("express").Request<
-          import("express-serve-static-core").ParamsDictionary,
-          any,
-          any,
-          qs.ParsedQs,
-          Record<string, any>
-        >,
-        import("express").Response<any, Record<string, any>>
-      >
-    | undefined;
-  compress?: boolean | undefined;
-  allowedHosts?: string | string[] | undefined;
-  historyApiFallback?:
-    | boolean
-    | import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options
-    | undefined;
-  bonjour?:
-    | boolean
-    | Record<string, never>
-    | import("bonjour-service").Service
-    | undefined;
-  watchFiles?:
-    | string
-    | string[]
-    | WatchFiles
-    | (string | WatchFiles)[]
-    | undefined;
-  static?: string | boolean | Static | (string | Static)[] | undefined;
-  https?: boolean | ServerOptions | undefined;
-  http2?: boolean | undefined;
-  server?: string | ServerConfiguration | undefined;
-  webSocketServer?: string | boolean | WebSocketServerConfiguration | undefined;
-  proxy?: ProxyConfigArray | undefined;
-  open?: string | boolean | Open | (string | Open)[] | undefined;
-  setupExitSignals?: boolean | undefined;
-  client?: boolean | ClientConfiguration | undefined;
-  headers?:
-    | Headers
-    | ((
-        req: Request,
-        res: Response,
-        context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>,
-      ) => Headers)
-    | undefined;
-  onListening?: ((devServer: Server) => void) | undefined;
-  setupMiddlewares?:
-    | ((middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[])
-    | undefined;
+  | MiddlewareHandler;
+type Configuration<T extends BasicApplication = import("express").Application> =
+  {
+    ipc?: string | boolean | undefined;
+    host?: string | undefined;
+    port?: Port | undefined;
+    hot?: boolean | "only" | undefined;
+    liveReload?: boolean | undefined;
+    devMiddleware?:
+      | DevMiddlewareOptions<
+          import("express").Request<
+            import("express-serve-static-core").ParamsDictionary,
+            any,
+            any,
+            qs.ParsedQs,
+            Record<string, any>
+          >,
+          import("express").Response<any, Record<string, any>>
+        >
+      | undefined;
+    compress?: boolean | undefined;
+    allowedHosts?: string | string[] | undefined;
+    historyApiFallback?:
+      | boolean
+      | import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options
+      | undefined;
+    bonjour?:
+      | boolean
+      | Record<string, never>
+      | import("bonjour-service").Service
+      | undefined;
+    watchFiles?:
+      | string
+      | string[]
+      | WatchFiles
+      | (string | WatchFiles)[]
+      | undefined;
+    static?: string | boolean | Static | (string | Static)[] | undefined;
+    https?: boolean | ServerOptions | undefined;
+    server?: string | ServerConfiguration | undefined;
+    app?: (() => Promise<T>) | undefined;
+    webSocketServer?:
+      | string
+      | boolean
+      | WebSocketServerConfiguration
+      | undefined;
+    proxy?: ProxyConfigArray | undefined;
+    open?: string | boolean | Open | (string | Open)[] | undefined;
+    setupExitSignals?: boolean | undefined;
+    client?: boolean | ClientConfiguration | undefined;
+    headers?:
+      | Headers
+      | ((
+          req: Request,
+          res: Response,
+          context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>,
+        ) => Headers)
+      | undefined;
+    onListening?: ((devServer: Server<T>) => void) | undefined;
+    setupMiddlewares?:
+      | ((middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server<T>) => Middleware[])
+      | undefined;
+  };
+type BasicApplication = {
+  use: typeof useFn;
-import path = require("path");
+ * @overload
+ * @param {NextHandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+declare function useFn(fn: NextHandleFunction): BasicApplication;
+ * @overload
+ * @param {HandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+declare function useFn(fn: HandleFunction): BasicApplication;
+ * @overload
+ * @param {string} route
+ * @param {NextHandleFunction} fn
+ * @returns {BasicApplication}
+ */
+declare function useFn(route: string, fn: NextHandleFunction): BasicApplication;
 type DevServerConfiguration = Configuration;