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Andreas Botsikas edited this page Nov 24, 2013 · 2 revisions


Code Snippet The getComponents() method provides means to get the components of an aspect. param params is an array for the components. param successCallback Success callback.

RemoteDeviceStatusManager.prototype.getComponents = function (params, successCallback) { devicestatusmodule.devicestatus.getComponents( params[0], function (components) { successCallback(components); } ); };

The isSupported() method checks if an aspect is supported and, optionally, if a property that would correspond to a component of that aspect is supported (e.g., a Battery aspect's batteryLevel property). Check for the device type, if we support it via config check the native implementation to return a Success Callback. RemoteDeviceStatusManager.prototype.isSupported = function (params, successCallback) { if (params && params.length == 2 && params[0] == "Device" && params[1] == "type") successCallback({ aspect:params[0], property:params[1],isSupported:true}); else devicestatusmodule.devicestatus.isSupported( params[0], params[1], function (res) { successCallback(res); } ); };

The getPropertyValue() method asyncrhonously attemps to read the value of a given component. However, if no component is given, the user agent will default to the active component or the default component of a given aspect. Check for the device type, if we support it via config check the native implementation to return a Success Callback. RemoteDeviceStatusManager.prototype.getPropertyValue = function (params, successCallback, errorCallback) { if (params && params[0] && params[0].aspect == "Device" && params[0].property == "type"){ try { var Pzp = require(require("path").join(require.main.paths[0], "..", "lib", "pzp_sessionHandling.js")); successCallback(Pzp.getInstance().getMetaData("deviceType") || "Undefined"); } catch(err){ successCallback("Undefined"); } }else devicestatusmodule.devicestatus.getPropertyValue( function (prop) { successCallback(prop); }, function (err) { errorCallback(err); }, params[0] ); };

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