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File metadata and controls

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Session service

Set up mongo database:

helm install --name cbioportal-session-service-mongo --set persistence.size=10Gi stable/mongodb

Deploy session service app:

kubectl apply -f session-service/session_service.yaml

How to migrate one mongo database to mongo db in kubernetes

Run on the database you'd like to copy (change ${} variables accordingly):

mongodump \
    --db ${DB_NAME} \
    -u ${ADMIN_USER} \
    -p ${ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
    --authenticationDatabase ${AUTH_DATABASE_IF_DIFF_THEN_DEFAULT} \
    --out ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}

Then copy the output folder to the contaier

kubectl cp  \

NOTE: you can get the ${MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME} by looking at the output from kubectl get po.

Then import the database

# start bash shell in the container
kubectl exec -it  ${MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME} /bin/bash
# inside the container
mongorestore \
    --authenticationDatabase admin \
    -u root \
    --db ${DB_NAME} \
    --drop \
# you can get the mongodb root password from the helm chart
# helm status cbioportal-session-service-mongo

Once completed you can delete the dump again:

rm -rf /bitnami/mongodb/mongo-session-service-dump

Make a dump of the mongo data base in kubernetes

Port forward the database

kubectl port-forward  svc/cbioportal-session-service-mongo-mongodb   37017:27017

Then connect locally using Docker (this is using docker on Mac):

docker run -v $PWD:/local --rm -it mongo:3.6 mongodump --out /local/session-service-dump-20190207 --uri mongodb://docker.for.mac.localhost:37017/session_service

cBioPortal backend


We are running a mysql database inside the cluster:

helm install -f cbioportal_mysql_db_values.yml --set mysqlRootPassword=picksomerootpasswordhere cbioportal-production-db stable/mysql

NOTE: downloading for all studies went down from 2m to 30s by playing with the mysql configuration, so be sure to use ours. There's an article about setting the right innodb_buffer_pool_size:


helm install  --name cbioportal-redis  stable/redis --set master.securityContext.enabled=false --set password=picksomeredispassword --set slave.securityContext.enabled=false --set cluster.enabled=false


To set up the configuration values one needs access to the portal-configuration portal (this only needs to be done when configuration changes). Then one can create the config maps:

kubectl apply -f portal-configuration/k8s-config-vars/public/config_map.yaml

For now we only allow changing a few runtime properties that aren't in the default file of the repo.

kubectl apply -f cbioportal_spring_boot.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml