Severity | Title |
M-01 | OperationalStaking.sol has rounding errors. |
_unstake function and _redeemRewards function of OperationalStaking.sol round down the calculations of shares to remove/burn. This issue causes CQT tokens to be transferred/redeemed to users more than it should be.
OperationalStaking.sol#_redeemRewards function is the following.
function _redeemRewards(uint128 validatorId, address beneficiary, uint128 amount) internal {
require(validatorId < validatorsN, "Invalid validator");
require(beneficiary != address(0x0), "Invalid beneficiary");
Validator storage v = _validators[validatorId];
Staking storage s = v.stakings[msg.sender];
require(!v.frozen, "Validator is frozen");
// how many tokens a delegator/validator has in total on the contract
// include earned commission if the delegator is the validator
uint128 totalValue = _sharesToTokens(s.shares, v.exchangeRate);
// how many tokens a delegator/validator has "unlocked", free to be redeemed
// (i.e. not staked or in unstaking cooldown)
uint128 totalUnlockedValue = (totalValue < s.staked) ? 0 : (totalValue - s.staked);
bool isRedeemingAll = (amount == 0 || amount == totalUnlockedValue); // amount is 0 when it's requested to redeem all rewards
// make sure rewards exist
// (note that this still works in the case where we're redeeming all! always doing this check saves a branch op)
require(amount <= totalUnlockedValue, "Cannot redeem amount greater than held, unstaked rewards");
uint128 effectiveAmount = isRedeemingAll ? totalUnlockedValue : amount;
// can only redeem above redeem threshold
614: require(effectiveAmount >= REWARD_REDEEM_THRESHOLD, "Requested amount must be higher than redeem threshold");
616: uint128 sharesToBurn = _tokensToShares(effectiveAmount, v.exchangeRate);
// sometimes, due to conversion inconsistencies, sharesToBurn might end up larger than s.shares;
// so we clamp sharesToBurn to s.shares (the redeemer gets trivially more value out in this case)
if (sharesToBurn > s.shares) sharesToBurn = s.shares;
// sanity check: sharesToBurn should never be zero while effectiveAmount is nonzero, as this
// would enable infinite draining of funds
624: require(sharesToBurn > 0, "Underflow error");
unchecked {
v.totalShares -= sharesToBurn;
unchecked {
s.shares -= sharesToBurn;
emit RewardRedeemed(validatorId, beneficiary, effectiveAmount);
_transferFromContract(beneficiary, effectiveAmount);
_tokensToShares (of L616) and _sharesToTokens functions are the following.
function _tokensToShares(uint128 amount, uint128 rate) internal pure returns (uint128) {
return uint128((uint256(amount) * DIVIDER) / uint256(rate));
function _sharesToTokens(uint128 sharesN, uint128 rate) internal pure returns (uint128) {
return uint128((uint256(sharesN) * uint256(rate)) / DIVIDER);
As can be seen, _tokensToShares function round down the calculation of shares.
Now, let us estimate the amount of CQT tokens effectiveAmount - _sharesToTokens(sharesToBurn, v.exchangeRate) that are overpaid to users.
In L616, _sharesToTokens(sharesToBurn, v.exchangeRate) <= effectiveAmount < _sharesToTokens(sharesToBurn + 1, v.exchangeRate)
On the other hand, L614 means effectiveAmount >= REWARD_REDEEM_THRESHOLD = 10**8
, L624 means sharesToBurn >= 1
and we can see that v.exchangeRate >= DIVIDER = 10**18
from the codes of contract.
Assume that effectiveAmount = 10**8.
When v.exchangeRate = DIVIDER + 1, L616 means sharesToBurn = 10**8 - 1 and thus effectiveAmount - _sharesToTokens(sharesToBurn, v.exchangeRate) = 1 holds true. That is, the caller(validator/delegator) will receive 1/(10^8) times more CQT tokens than he should receive.
When v.exchangeRate = (10**8 / 2) * DIVIDER + 1
, L616 means sharesToBurn = 1 and thus effectiveAmount - _sharesToTokens(sharesToBurn, v.exchangeRate) = (10**8 / 2) - 1
holds true.
That is, the caller receives almost twice more CQT tokens than he/she should receive.
In the meantime, it is necessary to consider the case of v.exchangeRate > (10**8 / 2) * DIVIDER
It is because the case of sharesToBurn = 0 in L624 holds only if v.exchangeRate > effectiveAmount * DIVIDER >= (10**8) * DIVIDER.
the caller(validator/delegator) of _redeemRewards function can receive 1/(10^8) ~ 1/2 time more CQT tokens than he/she should receive. This issue causes lack of CQT tokens in the contract.
The same problem also exists in _unstake function.
Manual Review
Modify OperationalStaking.sol#_redeemRewards function as follows.
function _redeemRewards(uint128 validatorId, address beneficiary, uint128 amount) internal {
// can only redeem above redeem threshold
require(effectiveAmount >= REWARD_REDEEM_THRESHOLD, "Requested amount must be higher than redeem threshold");
uint128 sharesToBurn = _tokensToShares(effectiveAmount, v.exchangeRate);
++ if (sharesToBurn * v.exchangeRate < effectiveAmount * DIVIDER) sharesToBurn += 1;
// sometimes, due to conversion inconsistencies, sharesToBurn might end up larger than s.shares;
// so we clamp sharesToBurn to s.shares (the redeemer gets trivially more value out in this case)
if (sharesToBurn > s.shares) sharesToBurn = s.shares;
Modify _unstake function similarly.