
This is the sixth release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Symbol for overloading no longer require to be declared first.
2. Adding libats-hwxi/cstream for supporting a simple style of lexing
3. Adding a direct API for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0 (SDL2).
4. Both static/extern function names are now stamped at the end.
5. Fixing a bug in pattern matching: left-values should be dereferenced!
6. Polymorphic data constructors no longer require explicit type arguments
   (for compilation purpose)
7. Handling of template parameters is greatly improved.



This is the fifth release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Fixing a glitch in initializing flat boxed-singleton records
   (see doc/BUGS/bug-2013-11-29)
2. Adding support for jsonizing level-2 syntax trees; this is planned
   for support tasks like meta-programming, constraint-exporting, etc.
3. Adding support for exporting constraints gathered during typechecking
   (command-line flag for this feature: --constraint-export)
4. Fixing bug-2013-12-04 (erroneous compilation of pattern matching)
5. Adding a direct API for the json-c package
6. Adding a direct API for the jansson package
7. Adding a minimal API for the pcre package
8. Adding support for 'static' dynamic constant declarations:
   static fun foo (...): res // this one is equivalent to the next one
   extern fun foo (...): res = "sta#" // it is equivalent to the above one
9. Improving support for exporting ATS-types to C
10. Requiring that each declared toplevel function be envless; closures
    need to be declared as values.
11. Supporting the flag -CSignore for patscc to ignore constraint-solving.
    Please only use it with proper justification!




This is the fourth release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Fixing a glitch in handling ATS_DYNLOADFLAG (bug-2013-10-11)
2. Adding -D_ATS_EXCEPTION_NONE support for eliminating the code in the
   run-time of ATS2 that are exception-related.
3. Fixing a glitch in proof-assignment compilation (reported by MD)
4. Allowing overloading declarations to permeates OPENED namespace.
5. Fixing a glitch in handling overloading (bug-2013-10-30 reported by WB)
6. Fixing a glitch in handling flat arrays (bug-2013-10-30-2 reported by WB)
7. Fixing a glitch in handling arrays in structs (bug-2013-11-01 reported by WB)
8. Fixing a glitch in handling implementation of values (bug-2013-11-06 reported by HX)
9. All the occurances of LGPL-2.1 in ATS2/Postiats have been changed to GPL-3.
   LGPL-2.1 still occurs in certain packages contained in ats2-lang-contrib   
10. Supporting that ATS-types be exported for use in C (extern typedef ...)
11. Supporting generation of ats-lang-tags via the command-line flag --taggen




This is the third release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Support for stack-allocated array-variables:
   var A = @[int][10]() // A: array(int?, 10) // uninitialized
   var A = @[int][10](0) // A: array(int, 10) // initialized with 0's
   var A = @[int](0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) // A: array(int, 10)

2. Support for ptr-style of stack-allocated variables:
   var !p_x: int = 0
   var !p_x: int with pf_x = @[int](1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

3. Support for fixed-point expressions:
   val fact = fix f (x: int): int => if x > 0 then x * f (x-1) else 1

4. Support for lazy-evaluation: $delay
   See ${PATSHOME}/doc/EXAMPLE/INTRO/sieve_lazy.dats

5. Support for linear lazy-evaluation: $ldelay
   See ${PATSHOME}/doc/EXAMPLE/INTRO/sieve_llazy.dats

6. Fixing a serious bug in closure compilation: the environment of a
   deeply embedded function could be miscomputed, causing the C target
   code generated from ATS source to contain errors.




Date: September 19, 2013

This is the second release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Support for classdec.
   This feature is primarily for building APIs in ATS for external
   packages written in the OOP-style.

2. Support for ATS-package relocation.
   This feature is primarily for renaming and relocating external ATS
   packages (mostly library APIs). It is supposed to work together with
   atspkgreloc, a tool that does the actual package relocation. The tool
   is yet to be implemented.

3. Support for dot-notation overloading:
   symintr .x .y
   extern fun point_get_x (p: point): int
   extern fun point_get_y (p: point): int
   overload .x with point_get_x
   overload .y with point_get_y
   These declarations enable the following:
   [p.x] translates into [point_get_x(p)]
   [p.y] translates into [point_get_y(p)]

4. Fixing a very serious bug in pattern-matching compilation

5. Relocating contributed packages from ats2-lang to ats2-lang-contrib

6. Improving atslib: adding code, fixing bugs, improving documentation, etc.




September 2, 2013

This is the first release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


The actual implementation of ATS2 started in the March of 2011, and
it took about two and one-half years to reach this stage. As of now,
the code base for the compiler of ATS2 consists of 140,000+ lines of
code (LOC), which are nearly all written in ATS.

When compared to ATS1, the single most important new feature is the
template system of ATS2. This is a feature that could potentially change
the way a programmer writes his or her code. One can certainly feel that
this is a very powerful feature (a bit like feeling that OOP is a very
powerful feature). However, how this feature should be properly and
effectively used in practice needs a lot more investigation.

Another thing about ATS2 is that it is a lot leaner than ATS. One can make
good use of ATS2 without any need for compiled library (libatslib.a). Also,
GC support in ATS1 is now removed; if needed, third-party GC (e.g.,
Bohem-GC) can be readily employed.

I will gradually list differences between ATS and ATS2, helping people
make the transition from ATS1 to ATS2.


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