- Example of rate-limiting (Bounded parallelism) pattern
func main() {
maxParallel := 3
semaphoreCh := make(chan struct{}, maxParallel)
defer close(semaphoreCh)
// -- Spawn tasks
for taskId := 0; taskId < 50; taskId++ {
semaphoreCh <- struct{}{} // reserve a slot (blocking)
go func(taskId int) {
<-semaphoreCh // free the slot
// -- Wait for all the tasks to complete
// In practice, use a WaitGroup or done chan
time.Sleep(3 * time.Minute)
func simulateSlowTask(taskId int) {
// -- Do the slow task
fmt.Printf("BEGIN: %v\n", taskId)
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second) // simulate slow task
fmt.Printf("END: %v\n", taskId)