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Export and import app settings

waydabber edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

If you want to keep your app settings safe or clone the installation to an other Mac, you can easily export and import BetterDisplay settings.

❓ The article reflects app version v2.0.8

Exporting app settings

You can use the following Terminal command to export app settings:

defaults export pro.betterdisplay.BetterDisplay ~/Desktop/BetterDisplay.plist

This command creates a file named BetterDisplay.plist on the desktop which contains the exported app settings.

Importing settings

The following command can be used to import app settings from an existing configuration file (provided that a BetterDisplay.plist file is located on the Desktop containing exported app settings):

defaults import pro.betterdisplay.BetterDisplay ~/Desktop/BetterDisplay.plist

Note: this operation overrides app settings. Import should be used only when the app is not running.

Transplanting display settings to an other Mac

Please note that (depending on app configuration) display settings are tied to a unique system given identifier (UUID) of a display or various display hardware identifiers. Because of this when you import app settings exported on a different Mac (or from a previous macOS installation on the same Mac), display app settings will not apply properly on the new system. In order to fix that, you need to edit the exported settings using a plist editor (XCode or the free version of BBEdit). You can update display identifier data under the key named storedIdentifier@(...). An other way around this (if the target system has a display with the exact same hardware identifiers) is to change the display identification method to Match basic identifiers before exporting the settings file (Settings/Displays/(display)/General Settings/Additional settings.../Display identification method).

For app version v1.x

The commands are somewhat similar:

defaults export me.waydabber.BetterDummy ~/Desktop/BetterDisplay.plist defaults import me.waydabber.BetterDummy ~/Desktop/BetterDisplay.plist