Name | Type | Description | Notes |
app_filter_regex | list[str] | List of regular expressions that a application name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested. | [optional] |
controller_name | str | Name of the SaaS controller. | |
enable_app_infra_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Application Infrastructure metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_backend_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Backend metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_business_trx_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Business Transaction metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_error_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Error metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_individual_node_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Individual Node metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_overall_perf_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Overall Performance metric injection. | [optional] |
enable_rollup | bool | Set this to 'false' to get separate results for all values within the time range, by default it is 'true'. | [optional] |
enable_service_endpoint_metrics | bool | Boolean flag to control Service End point metric injection. | [optional] |
encrypted_password | str | Password for AppDynamics user. | |
user_name | str | Username is combination of userName and the account name. |