This project is a toy-project to build RISCV-32I by Chisel3 from scratch, and verify the functionality by Berkeley front-end server riscv-fesvr
. The concept is coming from RISCV Sodor Project.
Current implementation has these features:
- Simple 1-stage architecture
- RISCV Spec. Volumn I: User-Level ISA RV32I v2.0
- RISCV Spec. Volumn II: Privileged ISA v1.10, M-Mode and Debug CSR
- Sifive RISCV External Debug Support v0.13 for riscv-fesvr with non-standard features
- Unit-Test for simple instructions sanity check
- Magic RAM form Chisel3 Mem() module
- Pass Sodor Project pre-compiled
This project start from RV32I Base Instruction Set at Volumn I page 104 and the lecture Berkeley CS152 FA16, L3: From CISC to RISC, from Reg-Reg at page 10, until JALR at page 17. Then reference the Sodor Project and privileged specification to implement CSR and SimDTM to link riscv-fesvr
for running pre-compiled test-bench. Current system diagram and data-path diagram are under ./doc
directory. If data-path diagram is too complicated to find wire name, you can use service to open .XML file and search the keyword.
The memory system is implemented by Chisel3 Mem() module, it has lower memory region start from 0x00000000
for unit-test, and higher memory region start from 0x80000000
for riscv-fesvr
entry point. Each memory region has 0x10000
bytes capacity. But the memory can't be allocated too much. If it's over 1MBs(0x100000
), Verilator emulator would crash from OS memory barrier. And I think the solution would like Sodor Project to declare a memory in Verilog from BlackBox.
If you wish to have more fundamental learning material, like how to use Chisel3, please refer learn-chisel3-gcd. If you feel the current project is messy and need a clean starting point, please refer learn-rv32i-unittest-alu.
Adhere, we are focus how to build RV32I emulator and use unit-test in this repo. If you are interested to know how I implement this project from scratch and handle the Chisel3 error in detail, please refer my development notes. But it would be under-construction before the documents for learn-chisel3-gcd and learn-rv32i-unittest-alu are ready.
We need two software to use Chisel3: sbt
and Verilator 3.906
The official project has comprehensive installation guide, or you can reference my progress. By the way, My build system is Ubuntu 16.04 under Windows10 via Bash on Windows, if you like setup same environment, please reference my old win10 setup-up process.
Following the Linux Installation Guide from Chisel3 project page, and it's better to update Verilator to v3.906 from Sodor project page, my environment chosen installation from .tgz package.
Here is a simplified progress to setup sbt
#install sbt form chisel3 projcet
echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 642AC823
sudo apt-get update
#Install necessary packages for verilator and chisel3
sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ flex bison default-jdk sbt
Next step is Verilator installation progress. I usually install Verilator under ~/work/verilator
cd ~/
mkdir work
cd work
# reference form riscv-sodor
tar -xzf verilator-3.906.tgz
mv verilator-3.906 verilator
cd verilator
As Sodor procedure, because we need official riscv-fesvr
to handle Debug Transport Module simulation.
git clone --recursive
cd learn-rv32i-asap
- .\doc\ : System Overview and Data-Path Diagram
- .\emulator\ : Emulator main code, and DTM simulator for riscv-fesver
- .\install\ : Pre-compiled tests and benchmarks from Sodor Project
- .\project\ : Project settings and compiled class directory
- .\riscv-fesvr\ : Use RISCV Front-End SerVeR source as submodule
- .\src\main\scala\ : Chisel3 circuit codes
- .\src\main\scala\common : Pre-defined constants, Memory, CSRs codes
- .\src\main\scala\rv32: RISCV-32I Core
- .\src\test\scala\ : Chisel3 test-bench codes
- .\src\main\test\rv32 : RV32I Instruction Unit-Test
Then, use riscv-fesvr
build code snippet from Sodor project page:
cd riscv-fesvr
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
Build rv32i emulator is identical to Sodor project page.
./configure --with-riscv=/usr/local
Or if you want to refresh ./configure
from, it's fine with following steps.
./configure --with-riscv=/usr/local
Almost the same with Sodor Project, but I removed statistics function and added unit-test option.
Running Sodor RISC-V Tests
make run-emulator
Generate Sodor RISC-V Tests Waveform(.vcd)
make run-emulator-debug
Clear Emulator and test results
make clean
If you need simple unit-test for your new instruction, you can refer to the Chisel code in ./src/test/scala/rv32/rvtile_unittest.scala
, and build your custom test-bench.
New: Running Unit-Test in rvtile_unittest.scala
make unit-test
Because we use Chisel3 test function would generate large meta-data like ./test_run_dir
, I've write a script to clean it:
New: Clear Unit-Test meta-data and results
make clean-unit
There is a more strong cleaner, not only clean meta-data, but also clean compiled Chisel3 class data:
New: Clear All generated data include cached Scala/Chisel code
make clean-deep
Under ./test_run_dir
directory, there are tester directories.
For example:
# Execute
make unit-test
# Verilog code would be
# Verilog VCD File would be
- rvsim : unit-test package name
- RVTilePeekPokeSpec : unit-test class name
- 308285776 : random seed for Verilator
- rvtile : the Module class name in unit-test
All test use same directory, result would be overwrite by next test. But it would stop on error for our debug.
Under emulator/rv32/output
For example:
# Execute
make run-emulator-debug
# Verilog code would be
# From test code: install/riscv-tests/rv32ui-p-simple
# Verilog VCD File would be
Below is my short list to know how to build RISCV-32I from Chisel, hope it would help you on your walkthrough.
- Berkeley CS61C SP16 : Prerequisite course of CS152, worth to study the basic ideas from old RISC architecture. The CS61C FA17 use new RISCV textbook.
- Berkeley CS150 FA13 : This laboratory course has essential concept for ValidIO/Decoupled mechanism.
- Berkeley CS152 FA16: RISCV in real class, suggest reading all lectures to build your database in mind before implementation.
- MITx 6.004x Series : This course enlighten me to Digital Design world, and apply BETA core design experience in this design. If you want to look this course without edX account, here is the official website.
- MITx 6.005x Series : Understand how to use Java language, and apply Java Exception assignment experience for Chisel3 unit-test framework, scalatest.
- The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas : Great book to understand Privileged Spec. CSR behaviors.
- Programming in Scala, First Edition : Comprehensive Scala introduction book, strong recommendation to read before implementation.
- Chisel3 Official Wiki : Lots of Chisel3 use cases and examples.
- Chisel Learning Journey : Great content about Sodor implementation since 2017/12 update, especially the Overview page has crucial information about DM module non-standard command 0x44(reset the core).
- GitHub learn-chisel3-gcd : My Chisel3 learning experience, focus on how to link HDL (Verilog/VHDL) experience with Chisel3 design pattern, and test Chisel3 test-bench fesibility.
- GitHub learn-rv32i-unittest-alu : The beginning of this projcet, represent the first step for building RISCV Reg-Reg and Reg-Imm datapath form scratch.
- Document for chisel3-gcd, chisel3-rv32i-unittest-alu
- 5-stage pipeline
- Synchronous Memory : learn-rv32i-arty project
- FPGA synthesis : learn-rv32i-arty project
- Connect fesvr to JTAG Interface on FPGA : learn-rv32i-arty project
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