- Fixed bug in type converter
- Added doc for Type handlers
- New feature: Bulk Sql, se doc/BulkSql.md for details.
- New buildsystem, now using Cakebuild instead of psake.
- Cleanup of file tree.
- New project: Dapper.Oracle.StrongName. Package with same contents as Dapper.Oracle, except it is strongnamed and depends upon Dapper.StrongName
- Fix Oracle 11g (to not throw the exception "Invalid operation on null data" if a function returns NULL)
- Linq compiled expression setter not working properly when attempting to set instance property on interface. Fixed.
- Fix to .netstandard2 compliancy
- Speedup: Using compiled Expressions instead of reflection for setting Oracle-specific properties
- Package icon and author changed to DIPS AS
- Using built-in packagereferences instead of paket(less hassle for such a small project)
- No changes except build system, moving to dotnet pack broke nuget package metadata
- Multitarget build for both .net452 and .netstandard2.0
- Added Status to OracleParameter, this is returned by some stored procs.
- Added ArrayBindSize property to OracleParameter, can now set this property on OracleCommand for both managed and unmanaged driver.
- Made OracleDynamicParameters.AddParameters virtual, so that it can be extended in a derived class.
- Initial commit to Github.