- Added the require for path module
- Added the require for fs module
- Fix for big files with a lot of custom vars and functions
- Add vars completions in array
- More fixes when we try to get custom functions
- Better completions in differents scenarios
- Fix an issue with anonymous functions in php
- Autocomplete for custom functions with snippets for params
- Autocomplete for custom variables
- Now the process is made with php tokenizer (Now is mandatory have php bin in ur enviroment Path)
- Added snippets for internal php functions by @amp343
- Added constants for the provider
- Split files to separate the functions list from the keywords
- More validations for when the autocomplete have to appear
- Fix for some scopes
- Added php default vars ex: POST, GET, etc...
- Added some snippets for keywords
- Better filter when u try to complete functions or keywords and variables
- Added the autocomplete of local variables for current file (is only for testing need a lot of improvements)
- Need more revision but is working