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Introduction to Foolscap


Suppose you find yourself in control of both ends of the wire: you have two programs that need to talk to each other, and you get to use any protocol you want. If you can think of your problem in terms of objects that need to make method calls on each other, then chances are good that you can use the Foolscap protocol rather than trying to shoehorn your needs into something like HTTP, or implementing yet another RPC mechanism.

Foolscap is based upon a few central concepts:

  • serialization : taking fairly arbitrary objects and types, turning them into a chunk of bytes, sending them over a wire, then reconstituting them on the other end. By keeping careful track of object ids, the serialized objects can contain references to other objects and the remote copy will still be useful.
  • remote method calls : doing something to a local proxy and causing a method to get run on a distant object. The local proxy is called a RemoteReference, and you "do something" by running its .callRemote method. The distant object is called a Referenceable , and it has methods like remote_foo that will be invoked.

Foolscap is the descendant of Perspective Broker (which lived in the twisted.spread package). For many years it was known as "newpb". A lot of the API still has the name "PB" in it somewhere. These will probably go away sooner or later.

A "foolscap" is a size of paper, probably measuring 17 by 13.5 inches. A twisted foolscap of paper makes a good fool's cap. Also, "cap" makes me think of capabilities, and Foolscap is a protocol to implement a distributed object-capabilities model in python.

Getting Started

Any Foolscap application has at least two sides: one which hosts a remotely-callable object, and another which calls (remotely) the methods of that object. We'll start with a simple example that demonstrates both ends. Later, we'll add more features like RemoteInterface declarations, and transferring object references.

The most common way to make an object with remotely-callable methods is to subclass Referenceable. Let's create a simple server which does basic arithmetic. You might use such a service to perform difficult mathematical operations, like addition, on a remote machine which is faster and more capable than your own [1] .

from foolscap.api import Referenceable

class MathServer(Referenceable):
    def remote_add(self, a, b):
        return a+b
    def remote_subtract(self, a, b):
        return a-b
    def remote_sum(self, args):
        total = 0
        for a in args: total += a
        return total

myserver = MathServer()

On the other end of the wire (which you might call the "client" side), the code will have a RemoteReference to this object. The RemoteReference has a method named callRemote which you will use to invoke the method. It always returns a Deferred, which will fire with the result of the method. Assuming you've already acquired the RemoteReference , you would invoke the method like this:

def gotAnswer(result):
    print "result is", result
def gotError(err):
    print "error:", err
d = remote.callRemote("add", 1, 2)
d.addCallbacks(gotAnswer, gotError)

Ok, now how do you acquire that RemoteReference ? How do you make the Referenceable available to the outside world? For this, we'll need to discuss the "Tub" , and the concept of a "FURL" .

Tubs: The Foolscap Service

The Tub is the container that you use to publish Referenceable s, and is the middle-man you use to access Referenceable s on other systems. It is known as the"Tub" , since it provides similar naming and identification properties as the E language 's "Vat" [2] . If you want to make a Referenceable available to the world, you create a Tub, tell it to listen on a TCP port, and then register the Referenceable with it under a name of your choosing. If you want to access a remote Referenceable , you create a Tub and ask it to acquire a RemoteReference using that same name.

The Tub is a Twisted twisted.application.service.Service subclass, so you use it in the same way: once you've created one, you attach it to a parent Service or Application object. Once the top-level Application object has been started, the Tub will start listening on any network ports you've requested. When the Tub is shut down, it will stop listening and drop any connections it had established since last startup. If you have no parent to attach it to, you can use startService and stopService on the Tub directly.

Note that no network activity will occur until the Tub's startService method has been called. This means that any getReference or connectTo requests that occur before the Tub is started will be deferred until startup. If the program forgets to start the Tub, these requests will never be serviced. A message to this effect is added to the twistd.log file to help developers discover this kind of problem.

Making your Tub remotely accessible

To make any of your Referenceable s available, you must make your Tub available. There are three parts: give it an identity, have it listen on a port, and tell it the protocol/hostname/portnumber at which that port is accessibly to the outside world.

The Tub will generate its own identity, the TubID , by creating an SSL public key certificate and hashing it into a suitably-long random-looking string. This is the primary identifier of the Tub: everything else is just a location hint that suggests how the Tub might be reached. The fact that the TubID is tied to the public key allows FURLs to be "secure" references (meaning that no third party can cause you to connect to the wrong reference). You can also create a Tub with a pre-existing certificate, which is how Tubs can retain a persistent identity over multiple executions.

Having the Tub listen on a TCP port is as simple as calling Tub.listenOn with a twisted.application.strports -formatted port specification string. The simplest such string would be "tcp:12345" , to listen on port 12345 on all interfaces. Using "tcp:12345:interface=" would cause it to only listen on the localhost interface, making it available only to other processes on the same host. The strports module provides many other possibilities.

The Tub needs to be told how it can be reached, so it knows what host and port to put into the FURLs it creates. This location is simply a string in the format "host:port" , using the host name by which that TCP port you've just opened can be reached. Foolscap cannot, in general, guess what this name is, especially if there are NAT boxes or port-forwarding devices in the way. If your machine is reachable directly over the internet as "" , then you could use something like this:

from foolscap.api import Tub

tub = Tub()
tub.listenOn("tcp:12345")  # start listening on TCP port 12345

If your Tub is client-only, and you don't want it to be remotely accessible, you should skip the listenOn and setLocation calls. You will be able to connect to remote objects, and objects you send over the wire will be available to the remote system, but registerReference will throw an error.

Registering the Referenceable

Once the Tub has a Listener and a location, you can publish your Referenceable to the entire world by picking a name and registering it:

furl = tub.registerReference(myserver, "math-service")

This returns the "FURL" for your Referenceable . Remote systems will use this FURL to access your newly-published object. The registration just maps a per-Tub name to the Referenceable : technically the same Referenceable could be published multiple times, under different names, or even be published by multiple Tubs in the same application. But in general, each program will have exactly one Tub, and each object will be registered under only one name.

In this example (if we pretend the generated TubID was "ABCD" ), the FURL returned by registerReference would be "pb://[email protected]:12345/math-service" .

If you do not provide a name, a random (and unguessable) name will be generated for you. This is useful when you want to give access to your Referenceable to someone specific, but do not want to make it possible for someone else to acquire it by guessing the name.

Note that the FURL can come from anywhere: typed in by the user, retrieved from a web page, or hardcoded into the application.

Using a persistent certificate

The Tub uses a TLS public-key certificate as the base of all its cryptographic operations. If you don't give it one when you create the Tub, it will generate a brand-new one.

The TubID is simply the hash of this certificate, so if you are writing an application that should have a stable long-term identity, you will need to insure that the Tub uses the same certificate every time your app starts. The easiest way to do this is to pass the certFile= argument into your Tub() constructor call. This argument provides a filename where you want the Tub to store its certificate. The first time the Tub is started (when this file does not exist), the Tub will generate a new certificate and store it here. On subsequent invocations, the Tub will read the earlier certificate from this location. Make sure this filename points to a writable location, and that you pass the same filename to Tub() each time.

Using a Persistent FURL

It is often useful to insure that a given Referenceable's FURL is both unguessable and stable, remaining the same from one invocation of the program that hosts it to the next. One (bad) way to do this is to have the programmer choose an unguessable name, embed it in the program, and pass it into registerReference each time the program runs, but of course this means that the name will be visible to anyone who sees the source code for the program, and the same name will be used by all copies of the program everywhere.

A better approach is to use the furlFile= argument. This argument provides a filename that is used to hold the stable FURL for this object. If the furlfile exists when registerReference is called, the Tub will use the name inside it when constructing the new FURL. If it doesn't exist, it will create a new (unguessable) name. The new FURL will always be written into the furlfile afterwards. In addition, the tubid in the old FURL will be checked against the current Tub's tubid to make sure it matches. (this means that if you use furlFile=, you should also use the certFile= argument when constructing the Tub).

Retrieving a RemoteReference

On the "client" side, you also need to create a Tub, although you don't need to perform the (listenOn , setLocation , registerReference ) sequence unless you are also publishing` Referenceable` s to the world. To acquire a reference to somebody else's object, just use Tub.getReference :

from foolscap.api import Tub

tub = Tub()
d = tub.getReference("pb://[email protected]:12345/math-service")
def gotReference(remote):
    print "Got the RemoteReference:", remote
def gotError(err):
    print "error:", err
d.addCallbacks(gotReference, gotError)

getReference returns a Deferred which will fire with a RemoteReference that is connected to the remote Referenceable named by the FURL. It will use an existing connection, if one is available, and it will return an existing RemoteReference , it one has already been acquired.

Since getReference requests are queued until the Tub starts, the following will work too. But don't forget to call tub.startService() eventually, otherwise your program will hang forever.

from foolscap.api import Tub

tub = Tub()
d = tub.getReference("pb://[email protected]:12345/math-service")
def gotReference(remote):
    print "Got the RemoteReference:", remote
def gotError(err):
    print "error:", err
d.addCallbacks(gotReference, gotError)

Complete example

Here are two programs, one implementing the server side of our remote-addition protocol, the other behaving as a client. When running this example, you must copy the FURL printed by the server and provide it as an argument to the client.

Both of these are standalone programs (you just run them), but normally you would create an twisted.application.service.Application object and pass the file to twistd -noy . An example of that usage will be provided later.


#! /usr/bin/python

from twisted.internet import reactor
from foolscap.api import Referenceable, Tub

class MathServer(Referenceable):
    def remote_add(self, a, b):
        return a+b
    def remote_subtract(self, a, b):
        return a-b

myserver = MathServer()
tub = Tub(certFile="pb2server.pem")
url = tub.registerReference(myserver, "math-service")
print "the object is available at:", url



#! /usr/bin/python

import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
from foolscap.api import Tub

def gotError1(why):
    print "unable to get the RemoteReference:", why

def gotError2(why):
    print "unable to invoke the remote method:", why

def gotReference(remote):
    print "got a RemoteReference"
    print "asking it to add 1+2"
    d = remote.callRemote("add", a=1, b=2)
    d.addCallbacks(gotAnswer, gotError2)

def gotAnswer(answer):
    print "the answer is", answer

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Usage: URL"
url = sys.argv[1]
tub = Tub()
d = tub.getReference(url)
d.addCallbacks(gotReference, gotError1)

(server output)

% doc/listings/
the object is available at: pb://j7oxoz3qzdkpgxgefsqp6xgdqeq4pvad@localhost:12345/math-service

(client output)

% doc/listings/ pb://j7oxoz3qzdkpgxgefsqp6xgdqeq4pvad@localhost:12345/math-service
got a RemoteReference
asking it to add 1+2
the answer is 3


In Foolscap, each world-accessible Referenceable has one or more FURLs which are "secure" , where we use the capability-security definition of the term, meaning those FURLs have the following properties:

  • The only way to acquire the FURL is either to get it from someone else who already has it, or to be the person who published it in the first place.
  • Only that original creator of the FURL gets to determine which Referenceable it will connect to. If your tub.getReference(url) call succeeds, the Referenceable you will be connected to will be the right one.

To accomplish the first goal, FURLs must be unguessable. You can register the reference with a human-readable name if your intention is to make it available to the world, but in general you will let tub.registerReference generate a random name for you, preserving the unguessability property.

To accomplish the second goal, the cryptographically-secure TubID is used as the primary identifier, and the "location hints" are just that: hints. If DNS has been subverted to point the hostname at a different machine, or if a man-in-the-middle attack causes you to connect to the wrong box, the TubID will not match the remote end, and the connection will be dropped. These attacks can cause a denial-of-service, but they cannot cause you to mistakenly connect to the wrong target.

The format of a FURL, like pb://[email protected]:5901, , is as follows [3] :

  1. The literal string pb://

  2. The TubID (as a base32-encoded hash of the SSL certificate)

  3. A literal @ sign

  4. A comma-separated list of "location hints" . Each is one of the following:

    • TCP over IPv4 without DNS: A.B.C.D:PORTNUM
    • TCP over IPv6: (TODO, maybe tcp6:HOSTNAME:PORTNUM ?
    • TCP over IPv6 w/o DNS: (TODO, maybe tcp6:[X:Y::Z]:PORTNUM)
    • Unix-domain socket: (TODO)

    Each location hint is attempted in turn. Servers can return a "redirect" , which will cause the client to insert the provided redirect targets into the hint list and start trying them before continuing with the original list.

  5. A literal / character

  6. The reference's name

(Unix-domain sockets are represented with only a single location hint, in the format pb://ABCD@unix/path/to/socket/NAME , but this needs some work)

Clients vs Servers, Names and Capabilities

It is worthwhile to point out that Foolscap is a symmetric protocol. Referenceable instances can live on either side of a wire, and the only difference between "client" and "server" is who publishes the object and who initiates the network connection.

In any Foolscap-using system, the very first object exchanged must be acquired with a tub.getReference(url) call [4] , which means it must have been published with a call to tub.registerReference(ref, name) . After that, other objects can be passed as an argument to (or a return value from) a remotely-invoked method of that first object. Any suitable Referenceable object that is passed over the wire will appear on the other side as a corresponding RemoteReference . It is not necessary to registerReference something to let it pass over the wire.

The converse of this property is thus: if you do not registerReference a particular Referenceable , and you do not give it to anyone else (by passing it in an argument to somebody's remote method, or return it from one of your own), then nobody else will be able to get access to that Referenceable . This property means the Referenceable is a "capability" , as holding a corresponding RemoteReference gives someone a power that they cannot acquire in any other way [5]

In the following example, the first program creates an RPN-style Calculator object which responds to "push" , "pop" ,"add" , and "subtract" messages from the user. The user can also register an Observer , to which the Calculator sends an event message each time something happens to the calculator's state. When you consider the Calculator object, the first program is the server and the second program is the client. When you think about the Observer object, the first program is a client and the second program is the server. It also happens that the first program is listening on a socket, while the second program initiated a network connection to the first. It also happens that the first program published an object under some well-known name, while the second program has not published any objects. These are all independent properties.

Also note that the Calculator side of the example is implemented using twisted.application.service.Application object, which is the way you'd normally build a real-world application. You therefore use twistd to launch the program. The User side is written with the same style as the earlier example.

The server registers the Calculator instance and prints the FURL at which it is listening. You need to pass this FURL to the client program so it knows how to contact the server.


#! /usr/bin/python

from twisted.application import service
from twisted.internet import reactor
from foolscap.api import Referenceable, Tub

class Calculator(Referenceable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.observers = []
    def remote_addObserver(self, observer):
    def log(self, msg):
        for o in self.observers:
            o.callRemote("event", msg=msg)
    def remote_removeObserver(self, observer):

    def remote_push(self, num):
        self.log("push(%d)" % num)
    def remote_add(self):
        arg1, arg2 = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append(arg1 + arg2)
    def remote_subtract(self):
        arg1, arg2 = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append(arg2 - arg1)
    def remote_pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

tub = Tub()
url = tub.registerReference(Calculator(), "calculator")
print "the object is available at:", url

application = service.Application("pb2calculator")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise RuntimeError("please run this as 'twistd -noy'")


#! /usr/bin/python

import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
from foolscap.api import Referenceable, Tub

class Observer(Referenceable):
    def remote_event(self, msg):
        print "event:", msg

def printResult(number):
    print "the result is", number
def gotError(err):
    print "got an error:", err
def gotRemote(remote):
    o = Observer()
    d = remote.callRemote("addObserver", observer=o)
    d.addCallback(lambda res: remote.callRemote("push", num=2))
    d.addCallback(lambda res: remote.callRemote("push", num=3))
    d.addCallback(lambda res: remote.callRemote("add"))
    d.addCallback(lambda res: remote.callRemote("pop"))
    d.addCallback(lambda res: remote.callRemote("removeObserver", observer=o))
    d.addCallback(lambda res: reactor.stop())
    return d

url = sys.argv[1]
tub = Tub()
d = tub.getReference(url)

(server output)

% twistd -noy doc/listings/
15:46 PDT [-] Log opened.
15:46 PDT [-] twistd 2.4.0 (/usr/bin/python 2.4.4) starting up
15:46 PDT [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor
15:46 PDT [-] Loading doc/listings/
15:46 PDT [-] the object is available at:
15:46 PDT [-] Loaded.
15:46 PDT [-] foolscap.pb.Listener starting on 12345
15:46 PDT [-] Starting factory <Listener at 0x4869c0f4 on tcp:12345
              with tubs None>

(client output)

% doc/listings/ \
event: push(2)
event: push(3)
event: add
event: pop
the result is 5

Invoking Methods, Method Arguments

As you've probably already guessed, all the methods with names that begin with remote_ will be available to anyone who manages to acquire a corresponding RemoteReference . remote_foo matches a ref.callRemote("foo") , etc. This name lookup can be changed by overriding Referenceable (or, perhaps more usefully, implementing an foolscap.ipb.IRemotelyCallable adapter).

The arguments of a remote method may be passed as either positional parameters (foo(1,2) ), or as keyword args (foo(a=1,b=2) ), or a mixture of both. The usual python rules about not duplicating parameters apply.

You can pass all sorts of normal objects to a remote method: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, and dictionaries. The serialization of these objects is handled by the "Banana" protocol, defined in (doc/specifications/banana), which knows how to convey arbitrary object graphs over the wire. Things like containers which contain multiple references to the same object, and recursive references (cycles in the object graph) are all handled correctly [6] .

Passing instances is handled specially. Foolscap will not send anything over the wire that it does not know how to serialize, and (unlike the standard pickle module) it will not make assumptions about how to handle classes that that have not been explicitly marked as serializable. This is for security, both for the sender (making sure you don't pass anything over the wire that you didn't intend to let out of your security perimeter), and for the recipient (making sure outsiders aren't allowed to create arbitrary instances inside your memory space, and therefore letting them run somewhat arbitrary code inside your perimeter).

Sending Referenceable s is straightforward: they always appear as a corresponding RemoteReference on the other side. You can send the same Referenceable as many times as you like, and it will always show up as the same RemoteReference instance. A distributed reference count is maintained, so as long as the remote side hasn't forgotten about the RemoteReference , the original Referenceable will be kept alive.

Sending RemoteReference s fall into two categories. If you are sending a RemoteReference back to the Tub that you got it from, they will see their original Referenceable . If you send it to some other Tub, they will (eventually) see a RemoteReference of their own. This last feature is called an "introduction" , and has a few additional requirements: see the "Introductions" section of this document for details.

Sending instances of other classes requires that you tell Banana how they should be serialized. Referenceable is good for copy-by-reference semantics [7] . For copy-by-value semantics, the easiest route is to subclass foolscap.copyable.Copyable . See the "Copyable" section for details. Note that you can also register an ICopyable adapter on third-party classes to avoid subclassing. You will need to register the Copyable 's name on the receiving end too, otherwise Banana will not know how to unserialize the incoming data stream.

When returning a value from a remote method, you can do all these things, plus two more. If you raise an exception, the caller's Deferred will have the errback fired instead of the callback, with a instance that describes what went wrong. The CopiedFailure is not quite as useful as a local twisted.python.failure.Failure object would be: see the "failures" document for details.

The other alternative is for your method to return a Deferred . If this happens, the caller will not actually get a response until you fire that Deferred. This is useful when the remote operation being requested cannot complete right away. The caller's Deferred will fire with whatever value you eventually fire your own Deferred with. If your Deferred is errbacked, their Deferred will be errbacked with a CopiedFailure .

Constraints and RemoteInterfaces

One major feature introduced by Foolscap (relative to oldpb) is the serialization foolscap.schema.Constraint . This lets you place limits on what kind of data you are willing to accept, which enables safer distributed programming. Typically python uses "duck typing" , wherein you usually just throw some arguments at the method and see what happens. When you are less sure of the origin of those arguments, you may want to be more circumspect. Enforcing type checking at the boundary between your code and the outside world may make it safer to use duck typing inside those boundaries. The type specifications also form a convenient remote API reference you can publish for prospective clients of your remotely-invokable service.

In addition, these Constraints are enforced on each token as it arrives over the wire. This means that you can calculate a (small) upper bound on how much received data your program will store before it decides to hang up on the violator, minimizing your exposure to DoS attacks that involve sending random junk at you.

There are three pieces you need to know about: Tokens, Constraints, and RemoteInterfaces.


The fundamental unit of serialization is the Banana Token. These are thoroughly documented in the Banana Specification, but what you need to know here is that each piece of non-container data, like a string or a number, is represented by a single token. Containers (like lists and dictionaries) are represented by a special OPEN token, followed by tokens for everything that is in the container, followed by the CLOSE token. Everything Banana does is in terms of these nested OPEN/stuff/stuff/CLOSE sequences of tokens.

Each token consists of a header, a type byte, and an optional body. The header is always a base-128 number with a maximum of 64 digits, and the type byte is always a single byte. The length of the body (if present) is indicated by the number encoded in the header.

The length-first token format means that the receiving system never has to accept more than 65 bytes before it knows the type and size of the token, at which point it can make a decision about accepting or rejecting the rest of it.


The schema foolscap.schema module has a variety of foolscap.schema.Constraint classes that can be applied to incoming data. Most of them correspond to typical Python types, e.g. foolscap.schema.ListOf matches a list, with a certain maximum length, and a child Constraint that gets applied to the contents of the list. You can nest Constraint s in this way to describe the "shape" of the object graph that you are willing to accept.

At any given time, the receiving Banana protocol has a single Constraint object that it enforces against the inbound data stream [8] .


The foolscap.remoteinterface.RemoteInterface is how you describe your constraints. You can provide a constraint for each argument of each method, as well as one for the return value. You can also specify additional flags on the methods. The convention (which is actually enforced by the code) is to name RemoteInterface objects with an "RI" prefix, like RIFoo .

RemoteInterfaces are created and used a lot like the usual zope.interface -style Interface . They look like class definitions, inheriting from RemoteInterface . For each method, the default value of each argument is used to create a Constraint for that argument. Basic types (int , str , bool ) are converted into a Constraint subclass (IntegerConstraint , StringConstraint , BooleanConstraint). You can also use instances of other Constraint subclasses, like foolscap.schema.ListOf and foolscap.schema.DictOf . This Constraint will be enforced against the value for the given argument. Unless you specify otherwise, remote callers must match all the Constraint s you specify, all arguments listed in the RemoteInterface must be present, and no arguments outside that list will be accepted.

Note that, like zope.interface, these methods should not include "self" in their argument list. This is because you are documenting how other people invoke your methods. self is an implementation detail. RemoteInterface will complain if you forget.

The "methods" in a RemoteInterface should return a single value with the same format as the default arguments: either a basic type (int , str , etc) or a Constraint subclass. This Constraint is enforced on the return value of the method. If you are calling a method in somebody else's process, the argument constraints will be applied as a courtesy ("be conservative in what you send"), and the return value constraint will be applied to prevent the server from doing evil things to you. If you are running a method on behalf of a remote client, the argument constraints will be enforced to protect you , while the return value constraint will be applied as a courtesy.

Attempting to send a value that does not satisfy the Constraint will result in a foolscap.Violation exception being raised.

You can also specify methods by defining attributes of the same name in the RemoteInterface object. Each attribute value should be an instance of foolscap.schema.RemoteMethodSchema [9] . This approach is more flexible: there are some constraints that are not easy to express with the default-argument syntax, and this is the only way to set per-method flags. Note that all such method-defining attributes must be set in the RemoteInterface body itself, rather than being set on it after the fact (i.e. RIFoo.doBar = stuff ). This is required because the RemoteInterface metaclass magic processes all of these attributes only once, immediately after the RemoteInterface body has been evaluated.

The RemoteInterface "class" has a name. Normally this is the (short) classname [10] . You can override this name by setting a special __remote_name__ attribute on the RemoteInterface (again, in the body). This name is important because it is externally visible: all RemoteReference s that point at your Referenceable s will remember the name of the RemoteInterface s it implements. This is what enables the type-checking to be performed on both ends of the wire.

In the future, this ought to default to the fully-qualified classname (like package.module.RIFoo ), so that two RemoteInterfaces with the same name in different modules can co-exist. In the current release, these two RemoteInterfaces will collide (and provoke an import-time error message complaining about the duplicate name). As a result, if you have such classes (e.g. foo.RIBar and``baz.RIBar`` ), you must use __remote_name__ to distinguish them (by naming one of them something other than``RIBar`` to avoid this error.

Hopefully this will be improved in a future version, but it looks like a difficult change to implement, so the standing recommendation is to use __remote_name__ on all your RemoteInterfaces, and set it to a suitably unique string (like a URI).

Here's an example:

from foolscap.api import RemoteInterface, schema

class RIMath(RemoteInterface):
    __remote_name__ = ""
    def add(a=int, b=int):
        return int
    # declare it with an attribute instead of a function definition
    subtract = schema.RemoteMethodSchema(a=int, b=int, _response=int)
    def sum(args=schema.ListOf(int)):
        return int

Using RemoteInterface

To declare that your Referenceable responds to a particular RemoteInterface , use the normal implements() annotation:

class MathServer(foolscap.Referenceable):

    def remote_add(self, a, b):
        return a+b
    def remote_subtract(self, a, b):
        return a-b
    def remote_sum(self, args):
        total = 0
        for a in args: total += a
        return total

To enforce constraints everywhere, both sides will need to know about the RemoteInterface , and both must know it by the same name. It is a good idea to put the RemoteInterface in a common file that is imported into the programs running on both sides. It is up to you to make sure that both sides agree on the interface. Future versions of Foolscap may implement some sort of checksum-verification or Interface-serialization as a failsafe, but fundamentally the RemoteInterface that you are using defines what your program is prepared to handle. There is no difference between an old client accidentally using a different version of the RemoteInterface by mistake, and a malicious attacker actively trying to confuse your code. The only promise that Foolscap can make is that the constraints you provide in the RemoteInterface will be faithfully applied to the incoming data stream, so that you don't need to do the type checking yourself inside the method.

When making a remote method call, you use the RemoteInterface to identify the method instead of a string. This scopes the method name to the RemoteInterface:

d = remote.callRemote(RIMath["add"], a=1, b=2)
# or
d = remote.callRemote(RIMath["add"], 1, 2)


You can pass (nearly) arbitrary instances over the wire. Foolscap knows how to serialize all of Python's native data types already: numbers, strings, unicode strings, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, and the None object. You can teach it how to serialize instances of other types too. Foolscap will not serialize (or deserialize) any class that you haven't taught it about, both for security and because it refuses the temptation to guess your intentions about how these unknown classes ought to be serialized.

The simplest possible way to pass things by copy is demonstrated in the following code fragment:

from foolscap.api import Copyable, RemoteCopy

class MyPassByCopy(Copyable, RemoteCopy):
    typeToCopy = copytype = "MyPassByCopy"
    def __init__(self):
        # RemoteCopy subclasses may not accept any __init__ arguments
    def setCopyableState(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state

If the code on both sides of the wire import this class, then any instances of MyPassByCopy that are present in the arguments of a remote method call (or returned as the result of a remote method call) will be serialized and reconstituted into an equivalent instance on the other side.

For more complicated things to do with pass-by-copy, see the documentation on Copyable . This explains the difference between Copyable and RemoteCopy , how to control the serialization and deserialization process, and how to arrange for serialization of third-party classes that are not subclasses of Copyable .

Third-party References

Another new feature of Foolscap is the ability to send RemoteReference s to third parties. The classic scenario for this is illustrated by the three-party Granovetter diagram . One party (Alice) has RemoteReferences to two other objects named Bob and Carol. She wants to share her reference to Carol with Bob, by including it in a message she sends to Bob (i.e. by using it as an argument when she invokes one of Bob's remote methods). The Foolscap code for doing this would look like:

bobref.callRemote("foo", intro=carolref)

When Bob receives this message (i.e. when his remote_foo method is invoked), he will discover that he's holding a fully-functional RemoteReference to the object named Carol [11] . He can start using this RemoteReference right away:

class Bob(foolscap.Referenceable):
    def remote_foo(self, intro):
        self.carol = intro
        carol.callRemote("howdy", msg="Pleased to meet you", you=intro)
        return carol

If Bob sends this RemoteReference back to Alice, her method will see the same RemoteReference that she sent to Bob. In this example, Bob sends the reference by returning it from the original remote_foo method call, but he could almost as easily send it in a separate method call.

class Alice(foolscap.Referenceable):
    def start(self, carol):
        self.carol = carol
        d = self.bob.callRemote("foo", intro=carol)
    def didFoo(self, result):
        assert result is self.carol  # this will be true

Moreover, if Bob sends it back to Carol (completing the three-party round trip), Carol will see it as her original Referenceable .

class Carol(foolscap.Referenceable):
    def remote_howdy(self, msg, you):
        assert you is self  # this will be true

In addition to this, in the four-party introduction sequence as used by the Grant Matcher Puzzle , when a Referenceable is sent to the same destination through multiple paths, the recipient will receive the same RemoteReference object from both sides.

For a RemoteReference to be transferrable to third-parties in this fashion, the original Referenceable must live in a Tub which has a working listening port, and an established base FURL. It is not necessary for the Referenceable to have been published with registerReference first: if it is sent over the wire before a name has been associated with it, it will be registered under a new random and unguessable name. The RemoteReference will contain the resulting FURL, enabling it to be sent to third parties.

When this introduction is made, the receiving system must establish a connection with the Tub that holds the original Referenceable, and acquire its own RemoteReference. These steps must take place before the remote method can be invoked, and other method calls might arrive before they do. All subsequent method calls are queued until the one that involved the introduction is performed. Foolscap guarantees (by default) that the messages sent to a given Referenceable will be delivered in the same order. In the future there may be options to relax this guarantee, in exchange for higher performance, reduced memory consumption, multiple priority queues, limited latency, or other features. There might even be an option to turn off introductions altogether.

Also note that enabling this capability means any of your communication peers can make you create TCP connections to hosts and port numbers of their choosing. The fact that those connections can only speak the Foolscap protocol may reduce the security risk presented, but it still lets other people be annoying.

If this property bothers you, you can instruct the Tub to disable these introductions. When disabled, attempts to send or receive an introduction will fail (with a Violation error).

tub = Tub()
tub.setOption("accept-gifts", False)

Note that you should set this option before your Tub has an opportunity to connect to any other Tub. Doing this before tub.startService() is one approach.

Connection Progress/Status

Several steps must take place between the time your application calls Tub.getReference() and when the Deferred finally fires with the RemoteReference:

  • the FURL must be parsed for connection hints
  • each hint is mapped to a connection handler
  • the handler yields an endpoint
  • Foolscap establishes a connection to that endpoint
  • protocol negotiation takes place
  • finally, the first connection that passes negotiation wins, and the others are abandoned

In addition, a reference might be satisfied by an inbound connection (where the Tub is listening on some port, and the target Tub happens to make a connection to us, in response to some getReference() call made on the far side that referenced our own TubID).

Many of these steps can take a long amount of time. The most obviously slow step is connection establishment, but negotiation requires a few roundtrips, and handlers can defer yielding an endpoint if they need to spin up something like Tor first.

Connections can also fail: the hint might not map to any connection handler, the handler might not be able to parse the hint, the endpoint might not respond to the connection attempt, the server might fail negotiation, or the connection might be abandoned in favor of a faster one.

Note, of course, that "connections" are an illusion: in a distributed system, reality consists solely of messages, which are either successfully delivered or possibly lost. The only way to know that a message has been delivered is to receive a second message which proves knowledge of the first. The "Two Generals Problem" is persistently relevant, as are the information-flow consequences of Relativity (causality among partially-overlapping light-cones, and the fact that "simultaneous" lacks meaning in a global setting).

However, references in Foolscap (and its E/CapTP/VatTP ancestors) are defined in terms of connection establishment and loss. They have a monotonic lifetime: a reference starts out as pending, then becomes established, then is "live" for some period of time, then is lost. Once lost, the RemoteReference is "dead", and all attempts to send messages on it yield a DeadReferenceError. When a Foolscap Tub says a reference is "connected", it means "at some point in the past, I received acknowledgment from the far end, and I have not yet seen any evidence that a new message would be rejected or ignored". When it says a reference is "dead", it means "I have seen a message be rejected or ignored, so I have decided that I will send no further messages to this target".

With those caveats, Foolscap provides a few ways to obtain information about the status of connection attempts, and to describe how any established connection was made.

Tub.getConnectionInfoForFURL(furl) will give you a ConnectionInfo object for the TubID referenced by furl if our Tub is connected to the Tub that hosts the given FURL, or if it has a connection in progress to that Tub. It will return None if our Tub has never heard of the target, or if it used to have a connection in the past, but that connection was lost. It is most useful to call this just after calling Tub.getReference(furl) (e.g. when an application status display is refreshed, and you want to display information about all pending or established connections).

You can also get a ConnectionInfo for an established reference by calling rref.getConnectionInfo() on the RemoteReference.

Finally, if your call to Tub.getReference() fails, the Failure object will probably have a ._connectionInfo attribute. Some failure pathways do not populate this attribute, so applications should use getattr(), guard access with a hasattr() check, or catch-and-tolerate AttributeError.

The ConnectionInfo object has attributes to tell you the following:

  • ci.connected: is False until the target is "connected" (meaning that a .callRemote() might succeed), then is True until the connection is lost, then is False again. If the connection has been lost, callRemote() is sure to fail (until a new connection is established).

These methods can help track progress of outbound connections:

  • ci.connectorStatuses: is a dictionary, where the keys are connection hints, one for each hint in the FURL that provoked the outbound connection attempt. Each value is a string that describes the current status of this hint: "no handler", "resolving hint", "connecting", "ConnectionRefusedError", "cancelled", "InvalidHintError", "negotiation", "negotiation failed:" (and an exception string), "successful", or some other error string.
  • ci.connectionHandlers: a dictionary, where the keys are connection hints (like connectorStatuses(), and each value is a string description of the connection handler that is managing that hint (e.g. "tcp" or "tor"). If not connection handler could be found for the hint, the value will be None.

Once connected, the following attributes become useful to tell you when and how the connection was established:

  • ci.establishedAt: is None until the connection is established, then is a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the connection time. That timestamp will remain set (non-None) even after the connection is subsequently lost.
  • ci.winningHint: is None until an outbound connection is successfully negotiated, then is a string with the connection hint that succeeded. If the connection was created by an inbound socket, this will remain None (in which case ci.listenerStatus will help).
  • ci.listenerStatus: is (None, None) until an inbound connection is accepted, then is a tuple of (listener, status), both strings. This provides a description of the listener and its status ("negotiating", "successful", or "negotiation failed:" and an exception string, except that the only observable value is "successful"). If the connection was established by an outbound connection, this will remain (None, None).

Finally, when the connection is lost, this attribute becomes useful:

  • ci.lostAt: is None until the connection is established and then lost, then is a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the connection-loss time.

Note that the ConnectionInfo object is not "live": connection establishment or loss may cause the object to be replaced with a new copy. So applications should re-obtain a new object each time they want to display the current status. However ConnectionInfo objects are also not static: the Tub may keep mutating a given object (and returning the same object to getConnectionInfo() calls) until it needs to replace it. Application code should obtain the ConnectionInfo object, read the necessary attributes, render them to a status display, then drop the object reference.

Reconnector Status

The Reconnector (e.g. reconnector = Tub.connectTo(furl, callback)) has a separate object, known as the ReconnectionInfo, which describes the state of the reconnection process. Reconnectors react to a connection loss by waiting a random delay, then attempting to re-establish the connection. The delay increases with each failure, to avoid overwhelming the target with useless traffic. This results in a repeating cycle of states:

  • "connecting" (while a connection attempt is underway)
  • "connected" (once a connection is established)
  • "waiting" (after connection loss, during the delay before a new attempt is started)

After the delay has passed, the Reconnector moves to "connecting". If the attempt succeeds, it moves to "connected". If not, it moves to "waiting".

A fourth state, "unstarted", is present before the Reconnector's Tub has been started.

The ReconnectionInfo object can be obtained by calling reconnector.getReconnectionInfo(). It provides the following API:

  • ri.state: a string: "unstarted", "connecting", "connected", or "waiting"
  • ri.connectionInfo: provides the current ConnectionInfo object, which describes the most recent connection attempt or establishment. This will be None if the Reconnector is unstarted.
  • ri.lastAttempt: provides the time (as seconds since epoch) of the start of the most recent connection attempt, specifically the timestamp of the last transition to "connecting". This will be None if the Reconnector is in the "unstarted" state.
  • ri.nextAttempt: provides the time of the next scheduled connection establishment attempt (as seconds since epoch). This will be None if the Reconnector is not in the "waiting" state.


[1]although really, if your client machine is too slow to perform this kind of math, it is probably too slow to run python or use a network, so you should seriously consider a hardware upgrade
[2]but they do not provide quite the same insulation against other objects as E's Vats do. In this sense, Tubs are leaky Vats.
[3]note that the FURL uses the same format as an HTTPSY URL
[4]in fact, the very very first object exchanged is a special implicit RemoteReference to the remote Tub itself, which implements an internal protocol that includes a method named remote_getReference . The tub.getReference(url) call is turned into one step that connects to the remote Tub, and a second step which invokes remotetub.callRemote("getReference", refname) on the result
[5]of course, the Foolscap connections must be secured with SSL (otherwise an eavesdropper or man-in-the-middle could get access), and the registered name must be unguessable (or someone else could acquire a reference), but both of these are the default.
[6]you may not want to accept shared objects in your method arguments, as it could lead to surprising behavior depending upon how you have written your method. The foolscap.schema.Shared constraint will let you express this, and is described in the "Constraints" section of this document
[7]In fact, if all you want is referenceability (and not callability), you can use foolscap.referenceable.OnlyReferenceable . Strictly speaking, Referenceable is both "Referenceable" (meaning it is sent over the wire using pass-by-reference semantics, and it survives a round trip) and "Callable" (meaning you can invoke remote methods on it). Referenceable should really be named Callable , but the existing name has a lot of historical weight behind it.
[8]to be precise, each Unslicer on the receive stack has a Constraint , and the idea is that all of them get to pass judgement on the inbound token. A useful syntax to describe this sort of thing is still being worked out.
[9]although technically it can be any object which implements the IRemoteMethodConstraint interface
[10]RIFoo.__class__.__name__ , if RemoteInterface s were actually classes, which they're not
[11]and since Tubs are authenticated, Foolscap offers a guarantee, in the cryptographic sense, that Bob will wind up with a reference to the same object that Alice intended. The authenticated FURLs prevent DNS-spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks.