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- Ravi Vakil's page for Conferences in Algebraic Geometry
- IBS-CGP Mathematics Calendar
- Workshop on Moduli theory & Derived category, November 26 – 29 2018, Pohang
- Who is Who in Mirror Symmetry, May 27 – June 1 2019, Moscow and an interesting Poster / PDF
- Sweden
- PhD Thesis, Bayer-Macrì decomposition on Bridgeland moduli spaces over surfaces, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2015. The PDF is an updated version of the library version.
- Master Thesis, Infinitely many solutions for two noncooperative $p(x)$-Laplacian elliptic systems, Lanzhou University, 2007. PDF. The Chinese version.
- Bachelor Thesis, An Exact Inequality Involving Luxemburg Norm and Conjugate-Orlicz Norm in $L^{p(x)}(\Omega)$, Lanzhou University, 2004. PDF in English / PDF in Chinese.
- UU Geometry and Topology Seminar;
- UU Geometry and Physics Seminar;
- KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar;
- KTH & SU Algebraic Geometry (arXiv)
- Chalmers/GU Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
- UU Ph.D. course in symplectic geometry
Lennart Hellsing — Språkets mästare
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