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How to use vars.yaml

This page gives you an explanation of the variables found in the vars.yaml example given in this repo to help you formulate your own/edit the provided example.

There are examples provided in this page for various workflows.

Disk to install RHCOS

OPTIONAL if doing static ips

In the first section, you'll see that it's asking for a disk

disk: vda

This needs to be set to the disk where you are installing RHCOS on the masters/workers. This will be set in the boot options for the pxe server.

NOTE: This will be the same for ALL masters and workers. Support for "mixed disk" (i.e. if your masters use sda and your workers are vda) is not supported at this time

You can, however edit the /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file by hand after the install.

Helper Section

This section sets the variables for the helpernode

  name: "helper"
  ipaddr: ""
  networkifacename: "eth0"

This is how it breaks down

  • - REQUIRED: This needs to be set to the hostname you want your helper to be (some people leave it as "helper" others change it to "bastion")
  • helper.ipaddr - REQUIRED Set this to the current IP address of the helper. In case of high availability cluster, set this to the virtual IP address of the helpernodes. This is used to set up the reverse dns definition
  • helper.networkifacename - OPTIONAL: By default the playbook uses {{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }} for the interface of the helper or helpernodes (In case of high availability). This option can be set to override the interface used for the helper or helpernodes (if, for example, you're on a dual homed network or your helper has more than one interface).

NOTE: The helper.networkifacename is the ACTUAL name of the interface, NOT the NetworkManager name (you should NEVER need to set it to something like System eth0. Set it to what you see in ip addr)

DNS Section

This section sets up your DNS server.

  domain: ""
  clusterid: "ocp4"
  forwarder1: ""
  forwarder2: ""

Explanation of the DNS variables:

  • dns.domain - This is what domain the installed DNS server will have. This needs to match what you will put for the baseDomain inside the install-config.yaml file.
  • dns.clusterid - This is what your clusterid will be named and needs to match what you will for inside the install-config.yaml file.
  • dns.forwarder1 - Tis will be set up as the DNS forwarder. This is usually one of the corporate (or "upstream") DNS servers.
  • dns.forwarder2 - Tis will be set up as the second DNS forwarder. This is usually one of the corporate (or "upstream") DNS servers.

The DNS server will be set up using dns.clusterid + dns.domain as the domain it's serving. In the above example, the helper will be setup to be the SOA for The helper will also be setup as it's own DNS server

NOTE: Although you CAN use the helper as your dns server. It's best to have your DNS server delegate the dns.clusterid + dns.domain domain to the helper (i.e. Delegate to the helper)

DHCP Section

OPTIONAL if doing static ips

This section sets up the DHCP server.

  router: ""
  bcast: ""
  netmask: ""
  poolstart: ""
  poolend: ""
  ipid: ""
  netmaskid: ""

Explanation of the options you can set:

  • dhcp.router - This is the default gateway of your network you're going to assign to the masters/workers
  • dhcp.bcast - This is the broadcast address for your network
  • dhcp.netmask - This is the netmask that gets assigned to your masters/workers
  • dhcp.poolstart - This is the first address in your dhcp address pool
  • dhcp.poolend - This is the last address in your dhcp address pool
  • dhcp.ipid - This is the ip network id for the range
  • dhcp.netmaskid - This is the networkmask id for the range.

These variables are used to set up the dhcp config file

Bootstrap Node Section

This section defines the bootstrap node configuration

  name: "bootstrap"
  ipaddr: ""
  macaddr: "52:54:00:60:72:67"

The options are:

  • - The hostname (WITHOUT the fqdn) of the bootstrap node you want to set
  • bootstrap.ipaddr - The IP address that you want set (this modifies the dhcp config file, the dns zonefile, and the reverse dns zonefile)
  • bootstrap.macaddr - The mac address for dhcp reservation. This option is not needed if you're doing static ips.

Master Node section

Similar to the bootstrap section; this sets up master node configuration. Please note that this is an array.

  - name: "master0"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:e7:9d:67"
  - name: "master1"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:80:16:23"
  - name: "master2"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:d5:1c:39"
  • - The hostname (WITHOUT the fqdn) of the master node you want to set (x of 3).
  • masters.ipaddr - The IP address (x of 3) that you want set (this modifies the dhcp config file, the dns zonefile, and the reverse dns zonefile)
  • masters.macaddr - The mac address for dhcp reservation. This option is not needed if you're doing static ips.

NOTE: 3 Masters are MANDATORY for installation of OpenShift 4

Worker Node section

Similar to the master section; this sets up worker node configuration. Please note that this is an array.

🚨 This section is optional if you're installing a compact cluster

  - name: "worker0"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:f4:26:a1"
  - name: "worker1"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:82:90:00"
  - name: "worker2"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:8e:10:34"
  • - The hostname (WITHOUT the fqdn) of the worker node you want to set
  • workers.ipaddr - The IP address that you want set (this modifies the dhcp config file, the dns zonefile, and the reverse dns zonefile)
  • workers.macaddr - The mac address for dhcp reservation. This option is not needed if you're doing static ips.

NOTE: At LEAST 2 workers is needed if you're installing a standard version of OpenShift 4

Extra sections

Below are example of "extra" features beyond the default built-in vars that you can manipulate.

Static IPs

In order to use static IPs, you'll need to pass -e staticips=true to your ansible-playbook command or add the following in your vars.yaml file

staticips: true

This effectively disables DHCP, TFTP, and PXE on the helper. This implicitly means that you will be doing an ISO/CD-ROM/USB install of RHCOS.

NOTE: The default setting is staticips: false which installs DHCP, TFTP, and PXE.

Specifying Artifacts

You can have the helper deploy specific artifacts for a paticular version of OCP. Or, the nightly builds of OpenShift 4 or even OKD. Adding the following to your vars.yaml file will pull in the coresponding artifacts. Below is an example of pulling the 4.2.0-0.nightly-2019-09-16-114316 nightly build:

⚠️ note, you need to use the ocp_bios var for the rootfs image for 4.6+

ocp_bios: ""
ocp_initramfs: ""
ocp_install_kernel: ""
ocp_client: ""
ocp_installer: ""

To find the latest nighly build links:

You can also point these vars to files local to the helper. This is useful when doing a disconnected insall and you have "sneaker-netted" the artifacts over. For example:

ocp_bios: "file:///tmp/rhcos-42.80.20190828.2-metal-bios.raw.gz"
ocp_initramfs: "file:///tmp/rhcos-42.80.20190828.2-installer-initramfs.img"
ocp_install_kernel: "file:///tmp/rhcos-42.80.20190828.2-installer-kernel"
ocp_client: "file:///tmp/openshift-client-linux-4.2.0-0.nightly-2019-09-16-114316.tar.gz"
ocp_installer: "file:///tmp/openshift-install-linux-4.2.0-0.nightly-2019-09-16-114316.tar.gz"

The default is to use the latest stable OpenShift 4 release.

Also, you can point this to ANY apache server...not just the OpenShift 4 mirrors (Useful for disconnected installs)


Originally, filetranspiler was used to write out static ip configurations. You no longer need to do this as you can just pass ip=... into the kernel parameters to get static IPs setup.

This tool can still be useful to write out other files. Therefore, you can install it by setting the following option:

install_filetranspiler: true

Default is set to false as to NOT install it.


This playbook creates an SSH key as ~/.ssh/helper_rsa that can be used for the install-config.yaml file. It also creates an ~/.ssh/config file to use this as your default key when sshing into the nodes.

ssh_gen_key: true

Default is set to true, set it to false if you don't want it to create the SSH KEY or config for you

PXE default config


This section influences the creation of pxe artifacts

  generate_default: true

Default is false to prevent unexpected issues booting hosts in the "other" section.

  • pxe.generate_default - Setting to true Generates a generic default pxe config file with options for hosts not defined in the (bootstrap/master/worker) sections. It is recommended to modify the template with appropriate boot options templates/default.j2 -> /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

UEFI default config


This section influences the creation of uefi artifacts for tftp boot.

uefi: false

Default is false to prevent unexpected issues.

Other Nodes


If you want to have other DNS/DHCP entires managed by the helper, you can use other and specify the ip/mac address

  - name: "non-cluster-vm"
    ipaddr: ""
    macaddr: "52:54:00:f4:2e:2e"

You can omit macaddr if using staticips=true

High Availability section


This section sets up the configuration for installing a high availability cluster. Please note that high_availability.helpernodes is an array.

    - name: "helper-0"
      ipaddr: ""
      state: MASTER
      priority: 100
    - name: "helper-1"
      ipaddr: ""
      state: BACKUP
      priority: 90
  • - The hostname (WITHOUT the fqdn) of the helpernode you want to set
  • high_availability.helpernodes.ipaddr - The IP address that you want to set (this modifies the dns zonefile)
  • high_availability.helpernodes.state - The initial state of the helpernode that you want to set (MASTER|BACKUP). There must be exactly 1 helpernode with initial state as MASTER and atleast 1 helpernode with initial state as BACKUP.
  • high_availability.helpernodes.priority - The priority of the helpernode that you want to set must be unique within range (0-100), and the helpernodes configured as state MASTER should have a priority value greater than the helpernodes configured as state BACKUP.

NOTE: Ensure you update inventory file appropriately to run the playbook on all the helpernodes. For more information refer inventory doc.

Local Registry


In order to install a local registry on the helper node:

  • A pullsecret obtained at - Download and save it as ~/.openshift/pull-secret on the helper node.
  • you'll need to add the following in your vars.yaml file
  deploy: false
  autosync_registry: false
  local_repo: "ocp4/openshift4"
  product_repo: "openshift-release-dev"
  release_name: "ocp-release"
  release_tag: "4.4.9-x86_64"
  • setup_registry.deploy - Set this to true to enable registry installation.
  • setup_registry.autosync_registry - Set this to true to enable mirroring of installation images.
  • setup_registry.registry_image - This is the name of the image used for creating registry container.
  • setup_registry.local_repo - This is the name of the repo in your registry.
  • setup_registry.product_repo - Where the images are hosted in the product repo.
  • setup_registry.release_name - This is the name of the image release.
  • setup_registry.release_tag - The version of OpenShift you want to sync.

Running on Power

In order to run the helper node on Power for deploying OCP on Power you'll need to pass -e ppc64le=true to your ansible-playbook command or add the following in your vars.yaml file

ppc64le: true

NFS Configuration

This playbook sets up a script called helpernodecheck. That script can be used to set up the helpernode as an NFS server (this is the default). It uses the k8s nfs setup in the incubator repo.

⚠️ Run helpernodecheck nfs-info for information after the playbook runs.

You can have that script connect you to another NFS server, that's not the HelperNode. You do this by adding the following in your vars.yaml file.

  server: ""
  path: "/exports/helper"
  • nfs.server - this is the ip address or the hostname of your nfs server
  • nfs.path - this is the path the nfs controller is going to mount. This path MUST exist with the proper permissions!

NTP Configuration

If you would like to use your own NTP servers, you can specify them in using the follwing config.

  enabled: true
    - server:
      options: iburst
    - server:
      options: iburst
  • chronyconfig.enabled - This will flag the playbook that you want to setup chrony to use a specific config.
  • content - This is an array of servers and their options. This eventually makes it's way to the chrony.conf file. If you require further options, just put them in quotes: options: "iburst foo bar"

This playbook does NOT set up Chrony for you, instead it provides you with the machineConfig that you can load either pre-install or post-install. After the playbook has ran, you can do one of two things.


When installing OpenShift, there is a step to create the manifests. Here is an example of creating the manifests under the ~/ocp4 directory.

openshift-install create manifests --dir=~/ocp4

This will create the manifests directory and the openshift directory under ~/ocp4

# ll ~/ocp4
total 8
drwxr-x---. 2 root root 4096 Jul 16 08:08 manifests
drwxr-x---. 2 root root 4096 Jul 16 08:06 openshift

The playbook created the machineConfig files where you cloned the repo. For example, if I cloned the repo in my homedir; it'll be under ~/ocp4-helpernode/machineconfig/.

# ll ~/ocp4-helpernode/machineconfig/
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 748 Jul 16 07:59 99-master-chrony-configuration.yaml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 748 Jul 16 07:59 99-worker-chrony-configuration.yaml

Copy over these to the openshift directory in the installation directory.

cp ~/ocp4-helpernode/machineconfig/* ~/ocp4/openshift/

Continue on with the installation. Once done you should have chrony setup pointing to your NTP servers.

# oc get machineconfig 99-{master,worker}-chrony-configuration
99-master-chrony-configuration                           2.2.0             42s
99-worker-chrony-configuration                           2.2.0             43s

You can see the config if you login to one of your nodes and take a look at the file.

# oc debug node/
Starting pod/worker1ocp4examplecom-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
sh-4.2# chroot /host
sh-4.4# cat /etc/chrony.conf 
server iburst
server iburst
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
makestep 1.0 3

💡 This config should be on all the masters and workers.


To set this up post-installation, just apply the machineConfig using oc apply -f. For example:

oc apply  -f ~/ocp4-helpernode/machineconfig/

⚠️ This will reboot ALL your nodes (masters/workers) in a "rolling" fashion. You can check this with oc get nodes

# oc get nodes
NAME                       STATUS                     ROLES    AGE   VERSION   Ready                      master   41m   v1.17.1+912792b   Ready                      master   41m   v1.17.1+912792b   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   master   41m   v1.17.1+912792b   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   worker   26m   v1.17.1+912792b   Ready                      worker   26m   v1.17.1+912792b

This should create the machineConfig

# oc get machineconfig 99-{master,worker}-chrony-configuration
99-master-chrony-configuration                           2.2.0             42s
99-worker-chrony-configuration                           2.2.0             43s

Example Vars file

Below are example vars.yaml files.