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Admin Manual

Ida Swarczewskaja edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 31 revisions

Admin Manual

In this section, we cover all aspects of administration within a running PEPS server. All details about how to operate the server itself are detailed in the next section.

Create users and teams

Create users using bulk upload

To create users, hit on the Settings icon in the Topbar menu, then hit on Bulk upload in the sidebar menu. you can quickly add users using the field.


Add a single user

To create a single user, hit on the People icon in the Topbar menu, then hit on the New user button in the sidebar menu. Enter user name, email and password to create a new user account.


Create teams

To create teams hit the People icon in the Topbar menu, then hit Teams in the Sidebar menu. Teams are automatically created if you create users with teams options via Bulk upload. To create a new team hit "New team" button in the Sidebar.



Change user properties

To change users properties hit the People icon in the Topbar menu, then hit Users in the Sidebar menu. You can scroll throught the Users list, then select a user and view or edit his properties. You can update user level, add or remove team membership, and provide with extra admin or super admin powers via Edit form.

You can also block this user, change his/her password or delete user using top right buttons.


Advanced features

Operation Manual

This manual details how to operate the PEPS server which is conveniently packages using 5 Docker containers that are meant to be run on a single host or virtual machine:

  • The PEPS server itself, a Node.js application
  • MongoDB which is the main database
  • Solr for search
  • Haraka for inboud and outbound SMTP servers (running on two containers)



In this initial public release, TLS is not activated by default for SMTP.

Test that your SMTP service is properly configured with tools such as MXToolBox.


There are several ways to backup your PEPS data, including using rsync directly at the host running the containers. However, to ensure data integrity, we can use first mongodump to generate a fixed backup:

# Backup of raw data (content, files)
docker exec -it peps_mongod mongodump -h HOST -d rawdata --out /data/backup/BACKUPNAME
# Backup of metadata
docker exec -it peps_mongod mongodump -h HOST -d webmail --out /data/backup/BACKUPNAME

PEPS Update

Run make update to update the PEPS containers to the latest version. Your data is naturally untouched.

Power Users

You can open a mongo session to directly connect to the PEPS database backend by typing:

docker exec -it peps_mongod mongo
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