All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for export HAR file
- Add specific permissions to workflows under .github/workflows
- Supports to close worker pool
- Starts http service as clear web if missing tor
- Gracefully shuts down services
- Add support for systemd (#110)
- Releasing defaults to pre-release
- Refine testing workflow
- Improvements for golint
- Upgrade Go version to 1.17
- Minor improvement for worker pool
- Makes silent for downloading media via Annie
- Makes wayback timeout configurable
- Update Tor socks port default to 9050
- Refine makefile (#111)
- Fix nil pointer dereference if
not set - Check received content for testing
- Fix httpd service's playback gauge record to wayback
- Fix worker pool
- Fix data race for discord testing
- Handle debugging message from tucnak/telebot
- Upgrade dependencies
- Fix docker tag
- Fix pooling scalable
- Add support for Slack
- Add support for Discord
- Add support for download stream media
- Bundle all requirements in one image
- Upload files remotely for sharing
- Supports to serve text content
- Minor improvements
- Download media via you-get
- Download media via youtube-dl
- Support for replying to message from group/channel and mention bot to wayback
- Apply logger color
- Use Fedora 34 to build RPM package
- Use parallel flag for testing
- Minor improvements for readability
- Minor improvements
- Refine logger message
- Format output for print configurations
- Add timeout for wayback context
- Bump actions/stale from 3 to 4
- Styling outputs and message
- Print stored files for cmd
- Refine returns value for
- Strip blank node for
- Fix tests
- Summarize for publish and readability content for
- Add support to serve WARC file
- Add Sonatype Nancy to check for vulnerabilities
- Attaching hashtag to the Mastodon toot
- Minor improvements: waitgroup => errgroup
- Standardize the description of Docker images
- Disable to releasing snap if pull requests
- Refactor: publish multiple message
- Improvement for web layout
- Misc updates
- Add publish to telegram private channel support
- Improvements for playback (wabarc/playback)
- Extract title from reduxer bundles
- Set environment from wayback.conf automatically
- Set env for testing and refine workflows
- Improve some code
- Do not publish playback results from web request
- Add support store archived files to disk
- Supports playback for web, mastodon and matrix
- Supports playback from google cache
- Supports mention from Mastodon
- Packaging Flatpak and Snapcraft
- Add heroku one click deploy button
- Replace service/anonymity to service/httpd
- Change onion service address
- Refine some code & improve post tweet
- Extract title for github issue
- Chore changes
- Fix linter
- Add Dockerfile for development
- Refine artifact name for testing workflow
- Supports specify boltdb file path
- Improve metrics of web entry
- Fix multiple results for archiving pdf file (wabarc/screenshot)
- Stability improvements on wabarc/
- Reply queue message from Telegram
- Upgrade linter to v4
- Update README
- Improvement for illegal command
- Enhancement for Tor Hidden Service
- Set defaults IRC server to Libera Chat
- Styling code base
- Prevent dispatch multiple deployment
- Fix release notes announcements
- Add worker pool
- Handle message from Telegram group
- Add APT, RPM and Homebrew repository
- Publish release note to Telegram channel
- Handle mastodon message using notification instead conversation
- Packaging license, changelog and readme
- Improve web layout
- Store playback data locally
- Auto fallback to Google cache if URI is missing
- Migrate telegram-bot-api to telebot, support auto append bot command
- Exclude path from service worker
- Upgrade dependencies
- Minor improvements
- Add PWA support
- Add more tests
- Build package for Archlinux
- Setup tor for testing workflow
- Generate Git log as release note
- Dispatch repository in wabarc/on-heroku
- Add Heroku process file
- Add metrics collector
- Join IRC channel before connect
- Doesn't reply if a forwarded message from telegram without caption
- Attach a button below the message for send a wayback request
- Upgrade dependencies
- Refactor archive func
- Close services using context cancellation signals
- Check defaults port idle status to use torrc
- Append defaults telegram command to fallback text
- Validate text for publish
- Fix template render without args
- Remove defaults command
for telegram
- Validate URL for render message.
- Improve playback for telegram.
- Use Google document viewer to open files. </wabarc/screenshot/releases/tag/v1.1.1>
- Support screenshot using Chrome remote debugging address.
- Improve telegram command message.
- Append title content from
if empty. - Use socks proxy for
as defaults.
- Update Dockerfile label
- Update Telegram message template
- Fix publish in multiple mode
- Add flag
to specify configuration file path. - Add tests for publish.
- Add playback for Telegram bot.
- Supports to set help command for Telegram bot.
- Refactor configuration handler.
- Redact message without URL for Matrix.
- Separate logger package.
- Remove flag
to define Telegram channel name.
- Fix Matrix RoomID format.
- Fix publish context panic.
- Add IRC support.
- Add Matrix support.
- Add linter rules for workflow.
- Add reviewdog workflow.
- Build binary for Apple Silicon.
- Build binary for FreeBSD/arm64.
- Refine Dockerfile.
- Refine test workflow.
- Improve Docker image release workflow.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- Listen on local port
for web service.
- Add test for twitter service.
- Build multi-arch deb package.
- Refactor publish service.
- Minor bugfix.
- Update man page.
- Add more exclude exit nodes of Tor for Docker image.
- Styling output results in command.
- Set Tor temporary data directory.
- Clear Mastodon notifications every 10 minutes.
- Handle os signal.
- Adjust request Mastodon API interval to 5 seconds.
- Upgrade RPM builder Go version to 1.16
- Fix nil pointer dereference of
- Add Mastodon support.
- Supports publish toot even if the entry from Telegram Bot and Tor Hidden Service.
- Add Twitter support.
- Supports publish tweet even if the entry from Mastodon Bot, Telegram Bot and Tor Hidden Service.
- Add stale workflow.
- Make logs more readable.
- Update snapcraft workflow.
- Add publish to GitHub Issues support.
- Styling channel message.
- Upload image to ImgBB.
- Set image quality to 100.
- Upgrade Go version to 1.16
- Fix create page failure due to title too long.
- Add wayback to Telegraph support.
- Using
for Tor Hidden Service via theWAYBACK_TORRC
environment variable
- Minor bugfixs.
- Now available to access the's tor service if enable service of
- Publish multiple arch snapcraft app.
- Refine workflows.
- Fix telegram user id conflict in reply.
- Fix nil pointer dereference.
- Support publish message to channel with Tor entry.
- Minor bugfix.
- Fix telegram message layout.
- Small fix.
- Fix option variable.
- Add supports for Tor hidden service.
- Add Debian package builder.
- Add logger.
- Refactor code base.
- Refine packaging directory structure.
- Remove debug mode of telegram-bot-api.
- Handle request in parallel.
- Change default branch to main.
- Publish Docker images to GitHub Container Registry.
- Ending IPFS beta state.
- Refine Makefile.
- Add dependabot config.
- Upgrade to Go 1.15.
- Fixed nil pointer.
- Add build docker image workflows.
- Add cross compile target.
- Add linter workflows.
- Add snapcraft badge.
- Fix release script.
- Add snapcraft workflow.
- Refactor code base.
- Change IPFS default mode to pinner.
- Secure enhance for Tor.
- Supports wayback to IPFS.
- Initial release.