Results of the brainstorming discussion in arch call on Sept 17th.
<list all affected deliverables, e.g. TD spec, Profile spec, Scripting API, Security best practices, Discovery, ...>
- Describe a topology of things that are combined in a mashup.
- Connect a thing description with a thing model.
There is already a RFC / Iana naming scheme for link relatinos, we can adopt those.
If the type is a URL, a link is the natural chice for represnting it.
when you think about how you model things in UML: inheritance, implementation, aggregation
- "Source"/"Search", to identify the source from which the TD was obtained (e.g. a device, database, directory)
- "Inheritance/implements" for Thing Model - TD relationship
- "Containment": "contained by" or "is contained" - system components
- "Aggregation": set of entities
- "Collection":
- "Metadata", e.g. company, maintainer, license ...
- "Documentation":
- ("Current")
- "Previous": version of the document
- "member", "Item"
- "manifest": point to SW implementing the TD
- "alternate": point to other rappresenatations of the Web Thing. (i.e. HTML document, RDF ...)
- "Profile": denote compliance
- "proxy-to" (security or protocol proxy or both)
- "twin-of"
- "shadow": caching data
- "simulation", could be a shadow or a twin
- "application", refers to a companion application
- Thing model
- Thing description
** Directory ** Physical locations ** Sets (homogeneous or different types)
- Do we need bidirectional relationship?
- More than one link of the same type? (Example is a TD that implements multiple TMs)
- Is a "TD implements TM" relationship inclusive or exclusive?
- When to use links and when to use semantic relationships?
- not use a link if the linked entity is not dereferencable
- if it is primarily a concept, a semantic realtionship is more appropriate
Link relations: