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Persona gap analysis

Kevin White edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

Purpose of How people with disabilities use the web

The original purpose was to raise awareness of the different approaches to access the web that people have. There is still a need for that but there is the opportunity to present needs and barriers within each persona to help design teams explore how solution options do or don't support disabled people.

Disability persona resources

Related resources

Additional resources to review

  • Low vision user needs
  • Mobile user needs
  • Media accessibility user requirements
  • XR user needs

Personas represented

Persona type HPWDUTW COGA Barclays UK GDS UK Home Office Moocap Rosenfeld Total represented
Colour vision deficiency Yes No Yes No No Yes No 2
Blind Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
Partially sighted/Low vision No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5
Deaf and blind Yes No No No No No No 1
Hard of hearing Yes No No No Yes Yes No 3
Deaf No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5
Cerebral Palsy No No Yes No No No Yes 2
Upper limb injury/condition Yes No No No (Yes) Yes Yes 4
Arthritis (Osteo or rheumatoid) No No Yes Yes No No No 2
Dyspraxia No No Yes No No No No 1
Older adult with multiple conditions Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 5
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia Yes Yes Yes No No No No 3
Dyslexia (Yes) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 6
Alzheimer's No Yes Yes No No No No 2
Bipolar Disorder No No Yes No No No No 1
ASC or Asperger's No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5
Down syndrome Yes Yes Yes No No No No 3
Speech impairment No Yes No No No Yes No 1
Dyscalculia No Yes No No No No No 1
Memory loss No Yes No No No No No 1
Brain injury No Yes No No No No No 1
Total 8 10 13 7 7 9 7


These observations are in comparison against How People with Disabilities Use the Web.

  • ASC/Asperger's is present in most other persona sets
  • Partial sighted/low-vision is presented in most other persona sets
  • Deaf and blind is present in no other persona sets
  • Deaf is present in most other persona sets
  • Three personas from the COGA set of 10 are covered
  • Three personas from COGA are not presented in any other persona sets

Identified needs and barriers

These are taken from the above documents. As such they may not represent every need but only those that the authors of the above chose to focus on.

Needs Colour vision deficiency Blind Partially sighted Deaf and blind Hard of hearing Deaf Upper limb Cerebral palsy Artritis Dyspraxia Older adult ADHD Dyslexia Alzheimer's Bipolar disorder ASC Down syndrome Speech impairment Dyscalculia Memory loss Brain injury Total
Alternative text Yes 1
Alternatives to gestures Yes 1
Audio and video transcripts Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Avoid need to remember information from previous steps Yes 1
Avoid non-literal text, e.g. metaphors Yes 1
Captioning for videos Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Clear error messages and support to fix Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Clear instructions Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Clear logical processes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
Consistent layout and navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10
Content zooms Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Control over or no timeouts Yes Yes 2
Controls for moving or noisy content Yes Yes 2
Controls to adjust content presentation Yes Yes Yes 3
Don't underline, capitalise or use italics Yes 1
Don't use colour alone Yes 1
Glossary of technical terms Yes 1
Good contrast Yes Yes Yes 3
Good semantic mark up Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8
Good sized controls Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Good sized text Yes 1
Good use of whitespace Yes Yes Yes 3
Graphical link text matches alternative text Yes 1
Heading structure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
Icons with associated text Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
Keyboard navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
Limited typing and scrolling Yes 1
Links clearly identified Yes 1
Modal windows work properly Yes 1
Multiple navigation options Yes 1
New content appearing on-screen Yes Yes 2
No distracting or moving content Yes Yes Yes 3
No image based CAPTCHA Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
No keyboard traps Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
No pop-ups Yes 1
No rapidly changing content Yes 1
Persistent instructions Yes 1
Plain language Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9
Poor colour choices for adjacent colours Yes 1
Present information in different ways Yes Yes 2
Provide spelling suggestions Yes Yes Yes 3
Saving during long processes Yes Yes 2
Sign language Yes Yes 2
Simple design Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Space between controls Yes Yes 2
Tab controls in pop-up Yes 1
Transcripts for audio and video Yes Yes 2
Use images to support text Yes 1
Use linear, logical layout Yes Yes 2
Use simple colours Yes 1
Use simple sentences and bullets Yes Yes 2
Visible skip links Yes Yes 2
Well positioned labels Yes 1
Total 3 9 6 9 6 7 10 3 5 4 13 12 14 7 2 12 8 4 3 4 8


These observations are only based on what has been identified from reviewing the available persona resources. They do not represent the whole of anyone's experience.

  • 53 needs or barriers were identified across the persona sets.
  • Personas with the highest number of identified needs are dyslexia, older adult, autistic spectrum condition, ADHD and upper limb injury or condition.
  • Needs most reflected across all personas are consistent layout and navigation, plain language, good semantic mark-up, clear logical process, heading structure, icons with associated text and keyboard navigation.
  • 21 needs/barriers are only present in one persona.
  • There are apparent clusters of similar needs across:
    • Deaf and Hard of hearing
    • Blind and Deaf and blind
    • ADHD and Dyslexia
    • Brain injury and Alzheimer's