The source file has a number of markers that are used to split it into the different specs and perform a number of other functions such as validation and segmenting.
- w3c-html : W3C HTML5 spec -
- 2dcontext : 2D canvas context spec -
- eventsource: Server-Sent events -
- html-device : remove??
- microdata : Microdata spec -
- postmsg : Web messaging spec -
- storage : Web Storage -
- websocket-api : WebSocket API -
- webvtt : WebVTT -
- workers : Web Workers -
- complete : the WHATWG HTML spec -
- dev-html : Web Developer edition -
- vCard : 1st part of Microdata vocabularies
- vEvent : 2nd part of Microdata vocabularies
- vocabs : Microdata vocabularies (part of complete)
- whatwg-workers : Web Workers (part of complete)
- work : 3rd part of Microdata vocabularies
- validation : IDL validation
- FIXUP : adjust the heading levels of <h1>-<h6> elements
- BOILERPLATE : add specific boilerplate for spec creation
- PUB-N / PUB-Y : Content to include or exclude from TR space
- TOPIC:XXX : start new topic (ADD-TOPIC:xxx , REMOVE-TOPIC:xxx)
- FORK : explicit difference between W3C and WHATWG spec
- bug : reference to bug number
- EDITORIAL : editorial difference
- VERSION : sections that talk about HTML versioning
- POLITICS : political difference
- CONFORMANCE : sections that talk about conformance
- HPAAIG : HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide
- TITLE : title attribute difference between W3C and WHATWG
- APPCACHE-PREFER-ONLINE : application cache difference between W3C and WHATWG
- DATA : HTMLDataElement only in WHATWG
- CSSREF : DOMElementMap only in WHATWG
- DOWNLOAD : removed attribute from a element in W3C
- PING : removed attribute from a element in W3C
- HTML4POLICE : difference because W3C spec has to be valid HTML4
- SECURITY : about security
- FETCH : fetching resources
- SCRIPT EXEC : marks areas related to creation of scripts
- DND-v3 / DND-v4 : new drag-and-drop features
- SYNCLOAD : synchronous load
- INERT : inert attribute
- MD : microdata
- 2DCONTEXT : 2D canvas context
- 2DCANVAS : 2D canvas spec (a typo?)
- INSERT FINGERPRINT : insert fingerprint spec