diff --git a/common/script/mapping-tables.js b/common/script/mapping-tables.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be8558d..00000000
--- a/common/script/mapping-tables.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-/* global mappingTables */
-function hideElement(element) {
- element.style.display = "none";
-function showElement(element) {
- element.style.display = "block";
-function queryAll(selector, context) {
- context = context || document;
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
-function getElementIndex(el) {
- var i = 1;
- while ((el = el.previousElementSibling)) {
- i++;
- }
- return i;
-var mappingTableInfos = [];
-function viewAsSingleTable(tableContainer, detailsContainer) {
- hideElement(detailsContainer);
- showElement(tableContainer);
- // Remove ids from summary
- queryAll("summary", detailsContainer).forEach(function (summary) {
- summary.dataset["id"] = summary.id;
- summary.removeAttribute("id");
- });
- // Add ids to table
- queryAll("tbody tr", tableContainer).forEach(function (tr) {
- tr.id = tr.dataset["id"];
- tr.removeAttribute("data-id");
- });
-function viewAsDetails(tableContainer, detailsContainer) {
- hideElement(tableContainer);
- showElement(detailsContainer);
- // Remove ids from table
- queryAll("tbody tr", tableContainer).forEach(function (tr) {
- tr.dataset["id"] = tr.id;
- tr.removeAttribute("id");
- });
- // Add ids to summary
- queryAll("summary", detailsContainer).forEach(function (summary) {
- summary.id = summary.dataset["id"];
- summary.removeAttribute("data-id");
- });
-function expandReferredDetails(summaryFragId) {
- // if details element is not open, activate click on summary
- if (!summaryFragId.parentNode.open) {
- summaryFragId.click();
- }
-function mappingTables() {
- queryAll(".table-container").forEach(function (container) {
- // object to store information about a mapping table.
- var tableInfo = {};
- mappingTableInfos.push(tableInfo);
- // store a reference to the container and hide it
- tableInfo.tableContainer = container;
- hideElement(container);
- // store a reference to the table
- tableInfo.table = container.querySelector("table");
- // create a container div to hold all the details element and insert after table
- tableInfo.detailsContainer = document.createElement("div");
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.className = "details";
- tableInfo.id = tableInfo.table.id + "-details";
- tableInfo.tableContainer.insertAdjacentElement(
- "afterend",
- tableInfo.detailsContainer
- );
- // add switch to view as single table or details/summary
- var viewSwitch = document.createElement("button");
- viewSwitch.className = "switch-view";
- viewSwitch.innerHTML = mappingTableLabels.viewByTable;
- tableInfo.tableContainer.insertAdjacentElement(
- "beforebegin",
- viewSwitch
- );
- // store the table's column headers in array colHeaders
- // TODO: figure out what browsers we have to support and replace this with Array#map if possible
- var colHeaders = [];
- queryAll("thead th", tableInfo.table).forEach(function (th) {
- colHeaders.push(th.innerHTML);
- });
- // remove first column header from array
- colHeaders.shift();
- // for each row in the table, create details/summary..
- queryAll("tbody tr", tableInfo.table).forEach(function (row) {
- var caption = row.querySelector("th").innerHTML;
- var summary = caption.replace(/]+>|<\/a>/g, "");
- // get the tr's @id
- var id = row.id;
- row.dataset.id = id;
- // remove the tr's @id since same id will be used in the relevant summary element
- row.removeAttribute("id");
- // store the row's cells in array rowCells
- var rowCells = [];
- // add row cells to array rowCells for use in the details' table
- queryAll("td", row).forEach(function (cell) {
- rowCells.push(cell.innerHTML);
- });
- // clone colHeaders array for use in details table row headers
- var rowHeaders = colHeaders.slice(0);
- // if attributes mapping table...
- if (tableInfo.table.classList.contains("attributes")) {
- // remove second column header from array
- rowHeaders.shift();
- // remove and store "HTML elements" cell from rowCells array for use in details' summary and table caption
- var relevantElsCaption = rowCells.shift();
- var relevantElsSummary = relevantElsCaption.replace(
- /]+>|<\/a>/g,
- ""
- );
- }
- // create content for each element; add row header's content to summary
- var details = document.createElement("details");
- details.className = "map";
- var detailsHTML = '' + summary;
- // if attributes mapping table, append relevant elements to summary
- if (tableInfo.table.classList.contains("attributes")) {
- detailsHTML += " [" + relevantElsSummary + "]";
- }
- detailsHTML += "
" + caption;
- if (tableInfo.table.classList.contains("attributes")) {
- detailsHTML += " [" + relevantElsCaption + "]";
- }
- detailsHTML += "";
- // add table rows using appropriate header from detailsRowHead array and relevant value from rowCells array
- for (var i = 0, len = rowCells.length; i < len; i++) {
- detailsHTML +=
- "" +
- rowHeaders[i] +
- " | " +
- rowCells[i] +
- " |
- }
- detailsHTML += "
- details.innerHTML = detailsHTML;
- // append the element to the detailsContainer div
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.appendChild(details);
- });
- // add 'expand/collapse all' functionality
- var expandAllButton = document.createElement("button");
- expandAllButton.className = "expand";
- expandAllButton.innerHTML = mappingTableLabels.expand;
- var collapseAllButton = document.createElement("button");
- collapseAllButton.disabled = true;
- collapseAllButton.className = "collapse";
- collapseAllButton.innerHTML = mappingTableLabels.collapse;
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.insertBefore(
- collapseAllButton,
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.firstChild
- );
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.insertBefore(
- expandAllButton,
- tableInfo.detailsContainer.firstChild
- );
- });
- // if page URL links to frag id, reset location to frag id once details/summary view is set
- if (window.location.hash) {
- var hash = window.location.hash;
- window.location = hash;
- var frag = document.querySelector(hash);
- // if frag id is for a summary element, expand the parent details element
- if (frag && frag.tagName === "SUMMARY") {
- expandReferredDetails(hash);
- }
- }
- // Add a hook to expand referred details element when whose @href is fragid of a is clicked.
- queryAll('a[href^="#"]').forEach(function (a) {
- var fragId = a.getAttribute("href");
- if (fragId.tagName === "SUMMARY") {
- a.addEventListener("click", function () {
- expandReferredDetails(fragId);
- });
- }
- });
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
- document.querySelectorAll("button.switch-view").forEach(function (b) {
- b.addEventListener("click", function () {
- tableContainer = b.parentElement.querySelector(".table-container");
- table = tableContainer.querySelector("table");
- detailsContainer = b.parentElement.querySelector(".details");
- if (detailsContainer.style.display !== "none") {
- viewAsSingleTable(tableContainer, detailsContainer);
- // toggle the viewSwitch label from view-as-single-table to view-by-X
- b.innerHTML = mappingTableLabels.viewByLabels[table.id];
- } else {
- viewAsDetails(tableContainer, detailsContainer);
- // toggle the viewSwitch label from view-by-X to view-as-single-table.
- b.innerHTML = mappingTableLabels.viewByTable;
- }
- });
- });
- var expandCollapseDetails = function (detCont, action) {
- queryAll("details", detCont).forEach(function (details) {
- details.open = action !== "collapse";
- });
- };
- document.querySelectorAll("button.expand").forEach(function (b) {
- b.addEventListener("click", function () {
- detailsContainer = b.parentElement;
- expandCollapseDetails(detailsContainer, "expand");
- b.disabled = true;
- b.parentElement
- .querySelector("button.collapse")
- .removeAttribute("disabled");
- });
- });
- document.querySelectorAll("button.collapse").forEach(function (b) {
- b.addEventListener("click", function () {
- detailsContainer = b.parentElement;
- expandCollapseDetails(detailsContainer, "collapse");
- b.disabled = true;
- b.parentElement
- .querySelector("button.expand")
- .removeAttribute("disabled");
- });
- });