From 8974b7241491b6b27f78575d16cc4153a6efbe2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anssi Kostiainen
- Please consult the Security and Privacy Self-Assessment
- based upon the [[security-privacy-questionnaire]].
- Exposing hardware related events related to low -level details such as exact CPU
- utilization or frequency
- increases the risk of harming the user's privacy.
+ It may be possible to identify users across non-[=same origin=] sites if unique
+ or very precise values can be accessed at the same time by sites not sharing
+ origin.
+ This attack is mitigated by [[[#data-minimization]]], [[[#rate-limiting-change-notifications]]],
+ and [[[#same-origin-restriction]]].
- To mitigate this risk, no such low level details are exposed.
+ This specification adheres to the generic
+ data minimization principles
+ to limit exposure of data related to low-level details of the underlying platform to the minimum required to
+ address its high-value use cases. This includes consideration for limiting exposure of
+ identifying information about devices.
- The subsections below describe the processing model. At a high level, the
- information exposed is reduced by the following steps:
- We propose exposing the pressure state via
- rate-limited change notifications. This aims to remove the ability to observe
- the precise time when a value transitions between two states.
+ By rate-limited the delivery of the pressure state information we remove the
+ attacker's ability to observe the precise time when a value transitions between two states.
More precisely, once the pressure observer is activated, it will be
- called once with initial values, and then be called when the values change.
+ called once with initial values, and then is called when the values change.
The subsequent calls will be rate-limited. When the callback is
called, the most recent value is reported.
Handle unloading document and closing of workers
Security and privacy considerations
- Minimizing information exposure
+ Types of privacy and security threats
+ Timing attacks
Mitigation strategies
+ Data minimization
+ The specific application of data minimization principles in the context of this specification
+ are discussed in [[[#rate-limiting-change-notifications]]] and [[[#same-origin-restriction]]].
Rate-limiting change notifications
Rate-limiting change notifications
- It is possible to identify users across non-[=same origin=] sites if unique - or very precise values can be accessed at the same time by sites not sharing - origin. -
-- If the same [=pressure state=] and timestamp is observed by two origins, that - would be a good indication that the origin is used by the same user on the - same machine. For this reason, the API limits reporting [=pressure - state=] changes to one origin at the time. -
-- A common way to do this, is only to report changes to the focused page, but - one of the main users of this API are video conferencing sites. These sites - want to make sure that the video streams and effects doesn't negatively affect - the system and thus the conferencing experience - but there are two common - cases where the site will usually not be focused: -
By default data delivery is restricted to documents served from the same-origin as an
@@ -1230,6 +1203,10 @@
The documents qualifying for data delivery, under the above rules, can delegate it to documents in [=child navigables=].
+ The feature can be extended to third-party contexts such as iframes only by a
+ declared policy.
+ Same-origin contexts
- By rate-limited the delivery of the pressure state information we remove the + By rate-limiting the delivery of the pressure state information we remove the attacker's ability to observe the precise time when a value transitions between two states.