From 3f6a94ba55c44339069237cbd5d25741fa72ac8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Kubo da Costa
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:58:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add an Automation section with WebDriver support to the spec
Add WebDriver endpoints which allow manipulating virtual pressure sources,
which are pressure sources whose behavior and samples are entirelly
user-controlled. Also contrary to regular pressure sources, the provided
samples (or, in spec parlance, a virtual pressure source's latest sample's
data) are already PressureState instances rather than raw telemetry data
that will be transformed into an adjusted pressure state.
- Shared workers are unsupported at the moment (i.e. the WebDriver endpoints
only have an effect on Window and DedicaredWorkerGlobalScope globals).
Storing virtual pressure source information in a top-level traversable
does not play well with shared workers, for which the concept is somewhat
We need to think of a different solution in the future if support for
shared workers is important.
- Once `PressureObserver.observe()` resolves, the same platform collector
will be used until `disconnect()` or `unobserve()` are called. In other
words, if a PressureObserver instance is active and using a real pressure
source, adding a virtual pressure source of the same type will only have
an effect on it and other instances in the same global once they all
disconnect from the existing pressure source first.
In terms of changes to the existing algorithms and concepts:
- A top-level traversable has a mapping of source types to virtual pressure
sources that is manipulated by the WebDriver endpoints.
- When creating a new platform collector, `PressureObserver.observe()` first
attempts to use a virtual pressure source when one exists and can be used.
- The data collection algorithm distinguishes between the data format used
by a virtual pressure source (which already is a PressureState) and by a
real pressure source (which needs to be transformed into a PressureState).
Co-authored with @kenchris in #265. It was split off as a separate pull
request to make it easier to review and understand.
Fixes #282.
index.html | 521 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
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diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index e41190f..8c616fa 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -257,7 +257,8 @@
Sampling and Reporting Rate
data: [=contributing
- factors=] obtained from the underlying hardware or operating system.
+ factors=] obtained from the underlying hardware or operating system or,
+ in the case of a [=virtual pressure source=], a {{PressureState}}.
timestamp: the
@@ -307,6 +308,12 @@
Sampling and Reporting Rate
For this specification's purposes, [=platform collectors=] are scoped to a
[=global object=] via the [=platform collector mapping=].
+ For automation purposes, a [=platform collector=] must have the ability to
+ connect to [=virtual pressure sources=] and use their simulated [=pressure
+ source sample/data=] as [=pressure states=] rather than raw platform data
+ that must be transformed into an [=adjusted pressure state=].
As collecting telemetry data often means polling hardware counters, it is not a free operation and thus,
it should not happen if there are no one observing the data. See [[[#life-cycle]]] for more information.
@@ -670,13 +677,43 @@
The observe() method
[=platform collector/associated pressure source=] is null.
- Let |pressureSource| be an [=implementation-defined=]
- [=pressure source=] that provides telemetry data about
- |source|, or null if none exists.
+ Let |virtualPressureSource:virtual pressure source or null|
+ be the result of invoking [=get a virtual pressure source=]
+ with |source| and |relevantGlobal|.
- Set |newCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated pressure
- source=] to |pressureSource|.
+ If |virtualPressureSource| is not null:
+ If |virtualPressureSource|'s [=virtual pressure
+ source/can provide samples=] is true:
+ Set |newCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated
+ pressure source=] to |virtualPressureSource|.
+ Let |realPressureSource| be an [=implementation-defined=]
+ [=pressure source=] that provides telemetry data about
+ |source|, or null if none exists.
+ Set |newCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated
+ pressure source=] to |realPressureSource|.
If |newCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated
@@ -1203,6 +1240,59 @@
Supporting algorithms
+ To get a virtual pressure source, given a [=source type=]
+ |source| and |relevantGlobal|, perform the following steps. They return a
+ [=virtual pressure source=] or null.
Let |topLevelTraversable| be null.
+ If |relevantGlobal| is a {{Window}} object:
+ Set |topLevelTraversable| to |relevantGlobal|'s [=Window/navigable=]'s [=top-level traversable=].
+ If |relevantGlobal| is a {{DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope}} object:
+ Let |owningDocuments| be |relevantGlobal|'s [=owning document set=].
+ If |owningDocuments| is [=set/empty=], return null.
+ [=Assert=]: |owningDocuments|'s [=set/size=] is 1.
+ Set |topLevelTraversable| to |owningDocuments|[0]'s [=node navigable=]'s [=top-level traversable=].
+ If |topLevelTraversable| is null, return null.
+ Let |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| be the |topLevelTraversable|'s [=virtual pressure source mapping=].
+ Let |virtualPressureSource| be null.
+ If |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| [=map/contains=] |source|:
+ Set |virtualPressureSource| to |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping|[|source|].
+ Return |virtualPressureSource|.
Data Collection and Delivery
@@ -1265,7 +1355,18 @@
Data Collection and Delivery
Set |platformCollector|'s [=platform collector/activated=] to false.
- Perform any [=implementation-defined=] steps to signal to
+ If |platformCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated pressure
+ source=] is a [=virtual pressure source=]:
+ [=set/Remove=] |platformCollector| from its [=platform
+ collector/associated pressure source=]'s [=virtual pressure
+ source/connected platform collectors=].
+ Otherwise, perform any [=implementation-defined=] steps to signal to
|platformCollector|'s [=platform collector/associated pressure source=]
to stop retrieving telemetry data.
@@ -1288,17 +1389,33 @@
Data Collection and Delivery
If |sample| is null, abort these steps.
- Let |state| be an [=adjusted pressure state=] calculated from
- |source| and |sample|'s [=pressure source sample/data=].
+ Let |state:PressureState| be null.
+ If |pressureSource| is a [=virtual pressure source=]:
+ Set |state| to |sample|'s [=pressure source sample/data=].
+ Otherwise:
+ Set |state| to an [=adjusted pressure state=] calculated from
+ |source| and |sample|'s [=pressure source sample/data=].
[=Assert=]: |state| is not null.
@@ -1824,6 +1941,374 @@
+ Automation
+ The Compute Pressure API poses a challenge to test authors, as fully
+ exercising interface requires physical hardware devices that respond in
+ predictable ways.
+ To address this challenge this document defines a [[!WEBDRIVER2]] [=extension
+ commands=] that allows defining and controlling virtual pressure sources that behave
+ like real ones and which can have particular properties and whose readings can be
+ entirely defined by users.
+ Virtual Pressure Source
+ A virtual pressure source is a [=pressure source=] that
+ simulates the behavior of a real one in controlled ways. It reports
+ pressure changes to zero or more [=platform collectors=] connected to it.
+ Contrary to a real [=pressure source=], however, it reports [=pressure
+ state=] values directly instead of [=implementation-defined=] values that
+ must be processed into [=pressure states=] by a [=platform collector=]. In
+ other words, a [=virtual pressure source=]'s [=pressure source sample=]'s
+ [=pressure source sample/data=] is a {{PressureState}}.
+ In addition to the data associated with all [=pressure sources=] (such as
+ [=pressure source sample=]), each [=virtual pressure source=] has:
+ a can provide samples
+ boolean.
+ a connected platform
+ collectors [=set=] of [=platform collectors=].
+ Each [=top-level traversable=] has a virtual pressure source mapping, which is an [=ordered map=] of
+ [=source types=] to [=virtual pressure source=].
+ Extension Commands
+ Create virtual pressure source
+ HTTP Method
+ [=extension command URI Template|URI Template=]
+ /session/{session id}/pressuresource
+ This [=extension command=] creates a new [=virtual pressure source=] of a specified
+ [=source type=]. Calls to {{PressureObserver/observe()}} from {{PressureObserver}} instances
+ of the same [=source type=] will cause this [=virtual pressure source=] to be used as their
+ backing [=pressure source=] until [[[#delete-virtual-pressure-source]]] is run.
+ Properties of the parameters argument used by this algorithm
+ Parameter name
+ Value type
+ Required
+ type
+ String
+ yes
+ supported
+ Boolean
+ no
+ The [=remote end steps=] given |session|, |URL variables| and |parameters| are:
+ Let |virtualPressureSourceType| be the result of invoking
+ get a property "type" from |parameters|.
+ If the [=user agent=]'s [=supported source types=] does not
+ [=list/contain=] |virtualPressureSourceType|, return [=error=] with
+ [=error code|WebDriver error code=] [=invalid argument=].
+ Let |topLevelTraversable| be the current browsing
+ context's [=browsing context/top-level traversable=].
+ Let |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| be the |topLevelTraversable|'s [=virtual pressure source mapping=].
+ If |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| contains |virtualPressureSourceType|, return [=error=] with
+ [=error code|WebDriver error code=] [=invalid argument=].
+ Let |supported| be the result of invoking get a
+ property with default
+ with "supported" and true from |parameters|.
+ Let |virtualPressureSource| be a new [=virtual pressure source=].
+ Set |virtualPressureSource|'s [=virtual pressure source/can provide
+ samples=] to |supported|.
+ Set |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping|[|virtualPressureSourceType|] to |virtualPressureSource|.
+ Return [=success=] with data null.
+ Delete virtual pressure source
+ HTTP Method
+ [=extension command URI Template|URI Template=]
+ /session/{session id}/pressuresource/{type}
+ This [=extension command=] deletes a given [=virtual pressure source=], meaning that,
+ if available, data for the given [=source type=] will be delivered the regular way, by non-virtual means.
+ The [=remote end steps=] given |session|, |URL variables| and |parameters| are:
+ Let |virtualPressureSourceType| be the value of the |URL variables|["type"].
+ If the [=user agent=]'s [=supported source types=] does not
+ [=list/contain=] |virtualPressureSourceType|, return [=error=] with
+ [=error code|WebDriver error code=] [=invalid argument=].
+ Let |topLevelTraversable| be the current browsing
+ context's [=browsing context/top-level traversable=].
+ Let |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| be the |topLevelTraversable|'s [=virtual pressure source mapping=].
+ Let |pressureSource| be |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping|[|virtualPressureSourceType|].
+ [=extension command URI Template|URI Template=]
+ /session/{session id}/pressuresource/{type}
+ This [=extension command=] allows updating the state of a [=virtual pressure source=] by pushing
+ a new [=pressure source sample=].
+ Properties of the parameters argument used by this algorithm
+ Parameter name
+ Value type
+ Required
+ sample
+ {{PressureState}}
+ yes
+ The [=remote end steps=] given |session|, |URL variables| and |parameters| are:
+ Let |virtualPressureSourceType| be the value of the |URL variables|["type"].
+ If the [=user agent=]'s [=supported source types=] does not
+ [=list/contain=] |virtualPressureSourceType|, return [=error=] with
+ [=error code|WebDriver error code=] [=invalid argument=].
+ Let |topLevelTraversable| be the current browsing
+ context's [=browsing context/top-level traversable=].
+ Let |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| be the |topLevelTraversable|'s [=virtual pressure source mapping=].
+ If |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping| does not [=map/contain=] |virtualPressureSource|,
+ return [=error=] with [=error code|WebDriver error code=]
+ unsupported operation.
+ Let |virtualPressureSource| be |topLevelVirtualPressureSourceMapping|[|virtualPressureSourceType|].
+ Let |sample| be the result of invoking
+ get a property "sample" from |parameters|.
+ If |sample| is not of type {{PressureState}}, return [=error=] with [=error code|WebDriver error code=] [=invalid argument=].
+ Set |virtualPressureSource|'s [=pressure source/latest sample=] to a new
+ [=pressure source sample=] whose [=pressure source sample/data=] is
+ |sample| and [=pressure source sample/timestamp=] is the [=unsafe shared
+ current time=].
+ In an [=implementation-defined=] way, make |virtualPressureSource|'s
+ [=pressure source/latest sample=] available to |virtualPressureSource|'s
+ [=virtual pressure source/connected platform collectors=].