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July 8th notes on Options for symbol

John Foliot edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

Currently favoring a hybrid of Option 4 with ideas from Option 6.

Option 4 - A hybrid of BIC reference numbers or common terms

<span data-symbol="12322">ability</span>


<span data-symbol="ability">ability</span>

In discussion, using the BIC reference number as our #Key number (or Master numeric ID number) allows both common term references (precedent: CSS color values) as well as the ability to create a custom mapping table, which allows for the support of multiple symbol sets - all that is required is a mapping table against the common #Key number.

I believe we are also in agreement that providing a full URL to the specific symbol is too heavy an author burden, and demands a lot of repeated (and thus redundant) code. Helper applications should be created in such a fashion as to take the #Key number or common term and "run with it" without the author providing a fully resolving URI.

Open questions

  • How many 'common terms' should we support? 100? 250? 500? 1000? (Bliss currently supports 5825 symbols as of July 8, 2019)
  • Where will the mapping table of common terms to Master ID Numbers be hosted?
  • Who is responsible for the drafting and maintenance of that mapping table?
  • How do we reference the Master ID Numbers in a document? (see Option 6 Ideas below)

Option 6 - additional implementation - linking in metadata to a mapping file

  • We need to continue to explore HOW we can reference the Master ID Numbers or an external or custom mapping file.
  • Suggestions include using <link rel="personalization" scr="mymappingsfile.html> or's accessibilityFeature property (although we will need to create/request a new Accessibility term to meet our purpose). One advantage of using's mechanism is that it supports Microdata, RDFa and JSON notation formats.
  • John expressed wariness of using an XML format

Example mapping file showing both "common terms" as well as an illustration of mapping to the Wordnet taxonomy.

Master Numeric ID (Will reference the Bliss numbers taxonomy ONLY) Bliss Definition Common Term (precedent: CSS named color values - i.e. "red" = "#ff0000") Custom Mapping to specific symbols taxonomy
(such as wordnet or other corpus)
Rendered Symbol (defaults to the Bliss set unless there is a specific mapping file provided*)
12322 ability,capability,capacity,potential ability {05207437} Symbol for ability
12328 accessory accessory {02674410} Symbol for accessory
12340 adolescence adolescence {15172810} Symbol for adolescence
12345 advice, counsel, recommendation advice {06684229} Symbol for advice
12362 alligator, crocodile {none**} {01701075} Symbol for alligator
* How to map the external file is TBD - there are multiple options/proposals.
** While the taxonomical term of 'alligator, crocodile' is part of the terms in Bliss, I am excluding it as being 'outside' of a Common list of 500 terms, for illustrative purposes only.