Name | Type | Description | Notes |
UserData | string | The user-supplied, base64 encoded user data to attach to this instance. | [optional] |
Label | string | The user-supplied label. | [optional] |
Tag | string | Use `tags` instead. The user-supplied tag. | [optional] |
OsId | int | If supplied, reinstall the instance using this Operating System id. | [optional] |
AppId | int | If supplied, reinstall the instance using this Application id. | [optional] |
ImageId | string | If supplied, reinstall the instance using this Application image_id. | [optional] |
EnableIpv6 | bool | Enable IPv6. * true | [optional] |
AttachVpc2 | List<string> | An array of VPC IDs to attach to this Bare Metal Instance. This parameter takes precedence over `enable_vpc2`. Please choose one parameter. | [optional] |
DetachVpc2 | List<string> | An array of VPC IDs to detach from this Bare Metal Instance. This parameter takes precedence over `enable_vpc2`. | [optional] |
EnableVpc2 | bool | If `true`, VPC 2.0 support will be added to the new server. This parameter attaches a single VPC 2.0 netowrk. When no VPC 2.0 network exists in the region, it will be automatically created. If there are multiple VPC 2.0 networks in the instance's region, use `attach_vpc2` instead to specify a VPC 2.0 network. | [optional] |
Tags | List<string> | Tags to apply to the instance. | [optional] |
UserScheme | string | Linux-only: The user scheme used for logging into this instance. The instance must be reinstalled for this change to take effect. * root * limited | [optional] |