Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Region | string | The Region id to create this Load Balancer. | |
BalancingAlgorithm | string | The balancing algorithm. * roundrobin (default) * leastconn | [optional] |
SslRedirect | bool | If `true`, this will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. You must have an HTTPS rule and SSL certificate installed on the load balancer to enable this option. * true * false | [optional] |
Http2 | bool | If `true`, this will enable HTTP2 traffic. You must have an HTTPS forwarding rule combo (HTTPS -> HTTPS) to enable this option. * true * false | [optional] |
Nodes | int | The number of nodes to add to the load balancer (1-99), must be an odd number. This defaults to 1. | [optional] |
ProxyProtocol | bool | If `true`, you must configure backend nodes to accept Proxy protocol. * true * false (Default) | [optional] |
HealthCheck | CreateLoadBalancerRequestHealthCheck | [optional] | |
ForwardingRules | List<CreateLoadBalancerRequestForwardingRulesInner> | An array of forwarding rule objects. | [optional] |
StickySession | CreateLoadBalancerRequestStickySession | [optional] | |
Ssl | CreateLoadBalancerRequestSsl | [optional] | |
Label | string | Label for your Load Balancer. | [optional] |
Instances | List<string> | An array of instances IDs that you want attached to the load balancer. | [optional] |
FirewallRules | List<CreateLoadBalancerRequestFirewallRulesInner> | An array of firewall rule objects. | [optional] |
PrivateNetwork | string | Use `vpc` instead. ID of the private network you wish to use. If private_network is omitted it will default to the public network. | [optional] |
Vpc | string | ID of the VPC you wish to use. If a VPC ID is omitted it will default to the public network. | [optional] |