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// http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring const ERROR_LEVELS = Object.freeze({ off: 0, warn: 1, error: 2, }) const indentWidth = 3 const minItemsForLineBreak = 4 const warnInDevErrorInProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? ERROR_LEVELS.error : ERROR_LEVELS.warn const globalComponentPatterns = Object.freeze([ // Custom components '^[Tt]ippy$', '^[Rr]adio-?[Bb]uttons$', '^[Cc]heckbox$', '^[Mm]ulti-?[Ss]elect-?[Cc]-?[Ff]-?[Mm]$', // Package-provided components '^[Mm]ultiselect$', '^[Pp]ortal$', '^[Pp]ortal-?[Tt]arget$', '^[Rr]outer-?[Ll]ink$', '^[Rr]outer-?[Vv]iew$', '^[Ss]crollactive$', '^[Vv]alidation-?[Pp]rovider$', '^[Vv]alidation-?[Oo]bserver$', // Vue Bootstrap '^[Bb]-?[Bb]tn$', '^[Bb]-?[Ll]ink$', '^[Bb]-?[Cc]ollapse$', '^[Bb]-?[Dd]ropdown$', '^[Bb]-?[Dd]ropdown-?[Tt]ext$', '^[Bb]-?[Ff]orm-?[Gg]roup$', '^[Bb]-?[Ff]orm-?[Ss]elect$', '^[Bb]-?[Mm]odal$', '^[Bb]-?[Pp]agination$', '^[Bb]-?[Tt]ab$', '^[Bb]-?[Tt]abs$', '^[Bb]-?[Tt]able$', ]) const eslintSettings = { root: true, parserOptions: { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: '2022', }, env: { browser: true, node: true, 'jest/globals': true, }, globals: { aptrinsic: 'readonly' }, // https://github.com/feross/standard/blob/master/RULES.md#javascript-standard-style extends: [ 'eslint:recommended', 'plugin:vue/recommended' /* 'plugin:jest/recommended' */ ], // Required to lint *.vue files plugins: [ 'vue', 'jest', 'newline-destructuring', 'import-newlines', 'import', ], reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true, overrides: [ { files: [ '*.spec.js', 'tests/**/*.js' ], rules: { 'no-magic-numbers': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'no-empty-function': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'require-await': ERROR_LEVELS.off, // Probably safe, since tests run in separate scopes & use arrow functions 'no-loop-func': ERROR_LEVELS.off, }, }, { files: [ '**/store/**/*.js', '**/stores/**/*.js', '*[Ss]tore.js', 'src/modules/event/components/sectionComponents/analysis/**/*.js', ], rules: { // Vuex store getters force us to reach the 4th argument to access rootGetters. 'max-params': ERROR_LEVELS.off, }, }, { files: [ '**/tests/**/*.js' ], rules: { // mock file like --> store.default = x, router.default = x 'no-import-assign': ERROR_LEVELS.off, }, }, { // Big constants that should stay in alphabetical order files: [ '**/tests/_testData/_entityTypes.js', '**/src/components/IconSprite/spriteIcons.js' ], rules: { 'sort-keys': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'asc', { caseSensitive: false, natural: true, }, ], }, }, ], rules: { // ****************************************************************************************************** // Possible errors // ****************************************************************************************************** //#region Possible errors 'no-console': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-debugger': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-alert': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-unused-vars': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Possible errors // ****************************************************************************************************** // Best practices & declarations // ****************************************************************************************************** //#region Best practices & declarations //#region Optimization 'no-magic-numbers': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { ignoreArrayIndexes: true, ignoreDefaultValues: true, ignore: [ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ], }, ], 'prefer-regex-literals': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'prefer-arrow-callback': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { allowNamedFunctions: true } ], //#endregion Optimization //#region Mistakes 'no-invalid-this': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-lone-blocks': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-loop-func': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-new': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-self-compare': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-unmodified-loop-condition': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-unused-expressions': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-duplicate-imports': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { includeExports: true } ], 'no-useless-rename': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Mistakes //#region Confusing code curly: [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'all' ], 'no-eq-null': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-floating-decimal': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-implicit-coercion': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-sequences': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-confusing-arrow': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'prefer-numeric-literals': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Confusing code //#region Deprecated & risky instructions 'no-extend-native': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-new-func': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-implied-eval': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-eval': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-iterator': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-labels': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-new-wrappers': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-script-url': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-void': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'prefer-rest-params': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Deprecated & risky instructions //#region Redundant & useless instructions 'no-extra-bind': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-useless-call': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-useless-catch': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-useless-concat': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-useless-return': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, strict: ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Redundant & useless instructions //#region Classes 'grouped-accessor-pairs': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'getBeforeSet' ], 'class-methods-use-this': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-constructor-return': ERROR_LEVELS.error, //#endregion Classes //#region Functions 'no-caller': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-empty-function': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { allow: [ 'arrowFunctions' ] } ], 'consistent-return': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'require-await': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-return-assign': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Functions //#region Variable declaration & assignment 'vars-on-top': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-undef-init': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'one-var': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'operator-assignment': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'no-var': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-implicit-globals': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-multi-assign': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'prefer-const': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Variable declaration & assignment //#region Variable & function naming camelcase: [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { ignoreImports: true, allow: [ // Pascal_SnakeCase (stuff from back-end) '^([A-Za-z\\d]*_?)+$', ], }, ], //#endregion Variable & function naming //#endregion Best practices & declarations // ****************************************************************************************************** // Stylistic issues // ****************************************************************************************************** //#region Stylistic issues //#region Commas & semicolons 'comma-dangle': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always-multiline' ], 'comma-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { before: false, after: true, }, ], semi: [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'semi-spacing': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Commas & semicolons //#region Indentation & line format indent: [ warnInDevErrorInProd, indentWidth, { SwitchCase: 1 } ], 'no-tabs': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'max-len': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'no-trailing-spaces': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'eol-last': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'max-statements-per-line': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { max: 1 } ], 'no-multiple-empty-lines': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { max: 3, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0, }, ], // No need to enforce this because Git handles it for us. 'linebreak-style': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'unicode-bom': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], //#endregion Indentation & line format //#region Inline whitespace 'keyword-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { before: true, after: true, }, ], 'space-infix-ops': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { int32Hint: false } ], 'space-unary-ops': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { words: true, nonwords: false, }, ], 'no-multi-spaces': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { ignoreEOLComments: true } ], //#endregion Inline whitespace //#region Comments 'lines-around-comment': ERROR_LEVELS.off, // This is super annoying when commenting/uncommenting code, so no. 'capitalized-comments': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'spaced-comment': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'always', { markers: [ '*', '#region', '#endregion' ], block: { balanced: true }, }, ], //#endregion Comments //#region Confusing code 'no-mixed-operators': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'no-unexpected-multiline': ERROR_LEVELS.error, 'new-parens': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'newline-per-chained-call': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { ignoreChainWithDepth: 2 } ], //#endregion Confusing code //#region Strings & quotes quotes: [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'single', { avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: true, }, ], 'template-curly-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], //#endregion Strings & quotes //#region Objects & arrays 'computed-property-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'no-useless-computed-key': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#region Object functionality 'no-new-object': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'dot-location': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'property' ], 'dot-notation': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Object functionality //#region Object look & feel 'object-curly-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'object-curly-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { multiline: true, minProperties: minItemsForLineBreak, }, ], 'object-property-newline': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'key-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { beforeColon: false, afterColon: true, mode: 'strict', }, ], 'no-whitespace-before-property': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'quote-props': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'as-needed' ], // 'consistent' causes issues with objects containing both properties: values and methods(). 'object-shorthand': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'methods' ], 'rest-spread-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], //#endregion Object look & feel //#region Array functionality 'no-array-constructor': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'array-callback-return': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Array functionality //#region Array look & feel 'array-bracket-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { multiline: true, minItems: minItemsForLineBreak, }, ], 'array-element-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { multiline: true, minItems: minItemsForLineBreak, }, ], 'array-bracket-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always', { singleValue: true } ], //#endregion Array look & feel //#endregion Objects & arrays //#region Blocks & functions 'no-empty': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#region Braces & parentheses 'block-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'padded-blocks': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'brace-style': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, '1tbs', { allowSingleLine: false } ], 'space-before-blocks': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'space-in-parens': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], //#endregion Braces & parentheses //#region Functions 'func-call-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], 'function-call-argument-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'consistent' ], 'function-paren-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'consistent' ], 'max-params': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { max: 3 } ], 'space-before-function-paren': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { anonymous: 'never', named: 'never', asyncArrow: 'always', }, ], 'template-tag-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'generator-star-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { before: true, after: false, }, ], 'prefer-spread': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Functions //#region Anonymous & arrow functions 'implicit-arrow-linebreak': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'beside' ], 'wrap-iife': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'arrow-body-style': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'as-needed' ], 'arrow-parens': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'always' ], 'arrow-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { before: true, after: true, }, ], //#endregion Anonymous & arrow functions //#region Classes 'lines-between-class-members': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always', { exceptAfterSingleLine: true } ], 'new-cap': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'no-useless-constructor': warnInDevErrorInProd, //#endregion Classes //#region Loops 'no-continue': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, //#endregion Loops //#region If, conditions & ternaries 'multiline-ternary': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always-multiline' ], 'no-lonely-if': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-unneeded-ternary': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'operator-linebreak': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'before' ], yoda: [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'never' ], //#endregion If, conditions & ternaries //#region Switch/case 'default-case': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { commentPattern: 'default' } ], 'default-case-last': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'no-fallthrough': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { commentPattern: 'break' } ], 'switch-colon-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { before: false, after: true, }, ], //#endregion Switch/case //#endregion Blocks & functions //#endregion Stylistic issues // ****************************************************************************************************** // Plugins // ****************************************************************************************************** //#region plugin: newline-destructuring 'newline-destructuring/newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { items: minItemsForLineBreak - 1 } ], //#endregion plugin: newline-destructuring //#region plugin: import-newlines 'import-newlines/enforce': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { items: minItemsForLineBreak - 1, semi: false, }, ], //#endregion plugin: import-newlines //#region plugin: import // TODO: Implement more rules. Use .eslintrc.js from branch SDT/AB/Eslint/import for a first iteration of all rules set. //#region Import - Style guide 'import/extensions': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always', { ignorePackages: true } ], //#endregion Import - Style guide //#endregion plugin: import //#region plugin: vue //#region Vue - Global 'vue/component-api-style': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, [ 'composition-vue2', 'options', 'script-setup' ] ], //#endregion Vue - Global //#region Vue - HTML 'vue/html-indent': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, indentWidth ], 'vue/html-self-closing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { html: { void: 'any' } } ], 'vue/no-v-html': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'vue/html-closing-bracket-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { singleline: 'never', multiline: 'always', }, ], 'vue/html-quotes': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'double', { avoidEscape: true } ], 'vue/max-attributes-per-line': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { singleline: indentWidth, multiline: 1, }, ], 'vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/mustache-interpolation-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'vue/no-multi-spaces': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { ignoreProperties: true } ], 'vue/no-spaces-around-equal-signs-in-attribute': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/require-explicit-emits': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/require-prop-types': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/v-bind-style': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'shorthand' ], 'vue/v-on-style': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'shorthand' ], 'vue/attributes-order': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/html-button-has-type': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'vue/order-in-components': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/component-tags-order': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { order: [ 'script', 'template', 'style' ] } ], 'vue/component-definition-name-casing': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/block-tag-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { singleline: 'consistent', multiline: 'always', }, ], 'vue/component-name-in-template-casing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'PascalCase' ], 'vue/html-comment-content-newline': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { singleline: 'never', multiline: 'always', }, ], 'vue/html-comment-content-spacing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'always' ], 'vue/html-comment-indent': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, indentWidth ], 'vue/no-bare-strings-in-template': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { allowlist: [ 'Slot default HTML' ] } ], 'vue/no-template-target-blank': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/no-static-inline-styles': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'vue/v-for-delimiter-style': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'in' ], 'vue/v-on-event-hyphenation': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'always', { autofix: false } ], 'vue/v-on-function-call': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'never' ], 'vue/no-useless-mustaches': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/no-child-content': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { additionalDirectives: [ 't' ] } ], 'vue/prefer-separate-static-class': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'vue/no-v-text-v-html-on-component': ERROR_LEVELS.error, //#endregion Vue - HTML //#region Vue - JS 'vue/match-component-file-name': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { extensions: [ 'vue' ], shouldMatchCase: true, }, ], 'vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { minLineOfMultilineProperty: minItemsForLineBreak } ], 'vue/no-potential-component-option-typo': ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'vue/no-reserved-component-names': [ ERROR_LEVELS.error, { disallowVueBuiltInComponents: true, disallowVue3BuiltInComponents: true, }, ], // TODO: Make this warnInDevErrorInProd & fix the components where parents call child components' methods. 'vue/no-unused-properties': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, { groups: [ 'props', 'data', 'computed', 'methods', ], }, ], // Way too many false positives due to mixins and Vuex map methods. Maybe later. 'vue/no-undef-properties': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'vue/no-unused-components': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/no-undef-components': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, { // Remove these exceptions once we're rid of global components. ignorePatterns: globalComponentPatterns, }, ], 'vue/padding-line-between-blocks': [ ERROR_LEVELS.warn, 'always' ], 'vue/require-name-property': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/no-expose-after-await': warnInDevErrorInProd, 'vue/component-options-name-casing': [ warnInDevErrorInProd, 'PascalCase' ], //#endregion Vue - JS //#region Vue - Extension rules // Handled with a loop below. //#endregion Vue - Extension rules // Temporarily disabled rules. // TODO: Work to re-enable ASAP 'vue/custom-event-name-casing': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'vue/no-mutating-props': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'vue/no-lone-template': ERROR_LEVELS.off, 'vue/one-component-per-file': ERROR_LEVELS.off, //#endregion plugin: vue }, } // ************************************************************************************************************ // Vue extension rules // // We want them to act identically to their normal counterparts, so let's copy them all. // ************************************************************************************************************ const vueExtensionRules = [ 'array-bracket-newline', 'array-bracket-spacing', 'arrow-spacing', 'block-spacing', 'brace-style', 'camelcase', 'comma-dangle', 'comma-spacing', 'comma-style', 'dot-location', 'dot-notation', 'eqeqeq', 'func-call-spacing', 'key-spacing', 'keyword-spacing', 'max-len', 'no-constant-condition', 'no-empty-pattern', 'no-extra-parens', 'no-irregular-whitespace', 'no-restricted-syntax', 'no-sparse-arrays', 'no-useless-concat', 'object-curly-newline', 'object-curly-spacing', 'object-property-newline', 'object-shorthand', 'operator-linebreak', 'prefer-template', 'quote-props', 'space-in-parens', 'space-infix-ops', 'space-unary-ops', 'template-curly-spacing', ] for (const ruleName of vueExtensionRules) { const origRule = eslintSettings.rules[ruleName] if (typeof origRule != 'undefined') { eslintSettings.rules[`vue/${ ruleName }`] = origRule } } module.exports = eslintSettings
What did you do?
This DOES give me an error.
<script> export default { name: 'DataTable', props: { getColumnOptionsMethod: { type: Function, default: undefined, }, }, data() { return { columnOptions: undefined } }, computed: { finalGetColumnOptionsMethod() { return this.getColumnOptionsMethod ?? this.pretendAllColumnOptionsAreDefault }, }, created() { return this.fetchColumnOptions() .then((columnOptions) => { this.columnOptions = columnOptions }) }, methods: { fetchColumnOptions() { return this.finalGetColumnOptionsMethod() .then((response) => response.columns) }, }, } </script> <template> <div /> </template>
This, which is very similar, does NOT give me an error.
<script> export default { name: 'DataTable', props: { getColumnOptionsMethod: { type: Function, default: undefined, }, }, data() { return { columnOptions: undefined } }, computed: { finalGetColumnOptionsMethod() { return this.getColumnOptionsMethod ? this.getColumnOptionsMethod : this.pretendAllColumnOptionsAreDefault }, }, created() { return this.fetchColumnOptions() .then((columnOptions) => { this.columnOptions = columnOptions }) }, methods: { fetchColumnOptions() { return this.finalGetColumnOptionsMethod() .then((response) => response.columns) }, }, } </script> <template> <div /> </template>
What did you expect to happen?
Neither of the two examples above should raise errors.
What actually happened?
> eslint --max-warnings 0 **/*.*{vue,js} --fix C:\Users\ArianeBouchard\source\eslint-plugin-vue-no-use-computed-property-like-method-nullish-coalescing-error\src\components\DataTable.vue 32:17 error Use this.finalGetColumnOptionsMethod instead of this.finalGetColumnOptionsMethod() vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method ✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
Repository to reproduce this issue
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
@tyankatsu0105 As the original author of the rule, would you like to give this a try?
Sorry, something went wrong.
Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.
Tell us about your environment
Please show your full configuration:
What did you do?
This DOES give me an error.
This, which is very similar, does NOT give me an error.
What did you expect to happen?
Neither of the two examples above should raise errors.
What actually happened?
Repository to reproduce this issue
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: