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File metadata and controls

485 lines (344 loc) · 11.3 KB

The Umka Standard Library Reference

All standard library modules are embedded into the Umka interpreter binary. They are not provided as standalone files.

Basic library:

Error handling


type ErrPos* = struct {
    file: str
    func: str
    line: int

Call stack trace position from where error() has been called.

type Err* = struct {
    code: int
    msg: str
    sender: any
    trace: []ErrPos

Error description. A zero code means no error.

type StdErr* = enum {
    ok     = 0           // No error
    buffer = 1           // Wrong buffer size
    ptr    = 2           // Pointers cannot be read or written
    nullf  = 3           // File is null
    eof    = 4           // End of file

Error codes set by the standard library functions in the Err structure.


fn error*(code: int = 0, msg: str = "", sender: any = null): Err

Generates an error description with a call stack trace.

fn exitif*(err: Err)

If err.code is not zero, terminates the program, prints the error message and the call stack trace stored in err.

fn assert*(cond: bool, msg: str = "")

If cond is false, terminates the program, prints the error message msg and the call stack trace.



fn tobytes*(buf: any): []uint8

Copies the bytes of buf to a byte array.

fn frombytes*(buf: any, bytes: []uint8): Err

Copies the bytes array to buf. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.buffer or StdErr.ptr in Err.



type File* = ^struct {}

File handle.

type SeekFrom* = enum {
    begin                   // Beginning of file
    cur                     // Current position
    end                     // End of file

File seek origin. Used by fseek().


fn stdin* (): File
fn stdout*(): File
fn stderr*(): File

Return file handles for standard input, output, and error output devices.

fn fopen*(name: str, mode: str): (File, Err)

Opens the file specified by the name in the given mode (identical to C):

"r"   read from a text file
"rb"  read from a binary file
"w"   write to a text file
"wb"  write to a binary file

Returns the file handle. If unsuccessful, returns null as a file handle and StdErr.nullf in Err.

fn fclose*(f: File): Err

Closes the file f. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn fseek*(f: File, offset: int, origin: SeekFrom): Err

Sets the file pointer in the file f to the given offset from the origin. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn ftell*(f: File): (int, Err)

Returns the file pointer position in the file f. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn remove*(name: str): Err

Removes the file specified by the name. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.eof in Err.

fn feof*(f: File): bool

Returns true if the file pointer position in the file f has reached the end of file.

fn fflush*(f: File): Err

Flushes the buffer for the file f. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn fread*(f: File, buf: any): (int, Err)

Reads the buf variable from the file f. buf can be of any type that doesn't contain pointers, strings, dynamic arrays, interfaces, closures or fibers, except for ^[]int8, ^[]uint8, ^[]char. Returns the number of bytes read. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.ptr, StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn freadall*(f: File): ([]char, Err)

Reads all the contents of the file f to a dynamic array of char and returns this array. f should be opened in the "rb" mode. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.ptr, StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn fwrite*(f: File, buf: any): (int, Err)

Writes the buf variable to the file f. buf can be of any type that doesn't contain pointers, strings, dynamic arrays, interfaces, closures or fibers, except for ^[]int8, ^[]uint8, ^[]char. Returns the number of bytes written. If unsuccessful, returns StdErr.ptr, StdErr.nullf or StdErr.eof in Err.

fn println*(s: str): int
fn fprintln*(f: File, s: str): int

Write the string s followed by a newline character to the console or to the file f. Return the number of bytes written.

fn getchar*(): char

Returns a character read from the console.



fn ltrim*(s: str): str                  // Trim leading spaces and tabs
fn rtrim*(s: str): str                  // Trim trailing spaces and tabs
fn trim*(s: str): str                   // Trim leading and trailing spaces and tabs

Trim all leading and/or trailing spaces and tabs from string s. Return a new string.



fn atoi*(s: str): int                   // String to integer
fn atof*(s: str): real                  // String to real
fn itoa*(x: int): str                   // Integer to string
fn ftoa*(x: real, decimals: int): str   // Real to string with `decimals` decimal places 



const pi* = 3.14159265358979323846
const randMax* = /* Implementation-defined */


fn srand*(seed: int)

Initializes the pseudo-random number generator with seed.

fn rand*(): int

Returns an integer pseudo-random number between 0 and randMax inclusive.

fn frand*(): real

Returns a real pseudo-random number between 0 and 1 inclusive.



type DateTime* = struct {
    second, minute, hour: int
    day, month, year: int
    dayOfWeek, dayOfYear: int
    isDST: bool

Date/time structure.


fn time*(): int

Returns the number of seconds since 00:00, January 1, 1970 UTC.

fn clock*(): real

Returns the number of seconds since the start of the program.

fn localtime*(t: int): DateTime

Converts the time t to a date/time structure. t is treated as local time.

fn gmtime*(t: int): DateTime

Converts the time t to a date/time structure. t is treated as UTC time.

fn mktime*(d: DateTime): int

Converts the date/time structure d to time.

fn timestr*(d: DateTime): str

Returns the string representation of the date/time structure d.

Command line and environment


fn argc*(): int

Returns the number of command line parameters.

fn argv*(i: int): str

Returns the i-th command line parameter, where i should be between 0 and argc() - 1 inclusive.

fn getenv*(name: str): str

Returns the environment variable with the specified name.

fn system*(command: str): int

Invokes the command processor to execute a command. Returns a platform-specific result.

Functional programming library:


type Array* = []any

Array of any items.


fn (a: ^Array) transform*(f: fn (x: any): any): Array

Computes the function f for each item x of the array a^ and returns the array of results.

fn (a: ^Array) filter*(f: fn (x: any): bool): Array 

Computes the function f for each item x of the array a^ and returns the array of all the items of a^ for which f evaluates to true.

fn (a: ^Array) reduce*(f: fn (x, y: any): any): any

Computes the function f for each item y of the array a^ starting from index i = 1 to len(a^) - 1. The previous result of f computed for items 1 to i - 1 is passed as x. For i = 1 it is assumed that x = a[0]. Returns the result of f computed for the last item of a^.


import ""

fn main() {
    data := []int{3, 7, 1, -4, 2, 5}
    printf("Array = %v\n", data)

    max := 30
    sqr  := fn (x: any): any        {return int(x) * int(x)}
    less := fn (x: any): bool |max| {return int(x) < max} 
    sum  := fn (x, y: any): any     {return int(x) + int(y)}     
    result := int(fnc.Array(data).transform(sqr).filter(less).reduce(sum))   
    printf("Sum of all squares less than %lld = %lld \n", max, result)     

3D vector/matrix library:

Vector operations


type Vec* = [3]real

A 3D vector.


fn (u: ^Vec) add*(v: Vec): Vec         // Addition: u + v
fn (u: ^Vec) sub*(v: Vec): Vec         // Subtraction: u - v
fn (u: ^Vec) mul*(a: real): Vec        // Multiplication by a scalar: u * a 
fn (u: ^Vec) div*(a: real): Vec        // Division by a scalar: u / a
fn (u: ^Vec) dot*(v: Vec): real        // Dot product: u * v
fn (u: ^Vec) cross*(v: Vec): Vec       // Cross product: u x v
fn (u: ^Vec) elementwise*(v: Vec): Vec // Element-wise multiplication
fn (v: ^Vec) norm*(): real             // Norm: |v|
fn (v: ^Vec) normalize*(): Vec         // Normalized vector: v / |v|

Matrix operations


type Mat* = [3]Vec

A 3x3 matrix.


fn (m: ^Mat) add*(n: Mat): Mat         // Addition: m + n
fn (m: ^Mat) sub*(n: Mat): Mat         // Subtraction: m - n
fn (m: ^Mat) mul*(a: real): Mat        // Multiplication by a scalar: m * a 
fn (m: ^Mat) div*(a: real): Mat        // Division by a scalar: m / a
fn (m: ^Mat) mulv*(v: Vec): Vec        // Multiplication by a vector: m * v
fn (m: ^Mat) mulm*(n: Mat): Mat        // Multiplication by a matrix: m * n
fn identity*(): Mat                    // Identity matrix 
fn (m: ^Mat) transpose*(): Mat         // Transpose 
fn (m: ^Mat) normalize*(): Mat         // Orthogonalized matrix



fn (v: ^Vec) toRateMat*(): Mat

Returns the skew-symmetric angular rate matrix o given the angular rate vector v, such that for any attitude matrix m, its value after the infinitesimal time interval dt will be m + m * o * dt.

fn (v: ^Vec) toAttMat*(): Mat

Returns the attitude matrix m given the attitude angles (roll, pitch, yaw) formally combined into the vector v. Attitude angles are in radians. Any vector u can be transformed from the rotating to the non-rotating coordinate system as m * u.

fn (m: ^Mat) toAttAngles*(): Vec 

Returns the attitude angles (roll, pitch, yaw) formally combined into a vector given the attitude matrix m. Attitude angles are in radians. Any vector u can be transformed from the rotating to the non-rotating coordinate system as m * u.

Unicode library:


type Rune* = int32                                

A rune, i.e., an integer value identifying a Unicode code point.


const (
    errRune* = Rune(0xFFFD)
    errStr* = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"                          

The invalid rune and its UTF-8 encoding. Returned from functions on encoding/decoding errors.


fn (r: ^Rune) size*(): int

Returns the size in bytes of the rune r encoded in UTF-8.

fn (r: ^Rune) encode*(): str

Returns the string encoded in UTF-8 corresponding to the rune r.

fn encode*(runes: []Rune): str

Returns the string encoded in UTF-8 corresponding to the array runes.

fn decodeRune*(chars: []char, pos: int): Rune

Returns the rune contained in the array chars starting at index pos.

fn decode*(s: str): []Rune

Returns the array of runes corresponding to the string s encoded in UTF-8.

fn runeCount*(s: str): int

Returns the number of runes contained in the string s encoded in UTF-8.