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Vince Buffalo edited this page Dec 17, 2015 · 4 revisions

First, many important hacks have been incorporated in my ipython default profile configuration, available in my dotfiles repository.

Get a qtconsole from iPython notebook

Even with a notebook, sometimes you need scratch paper:


opens up a ipython qtconsole running the same kernel.

Enable higher resolution matplotlib for Retina displays

Change the configuration:

%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina' 

or add this to your ipython configuration.

Slots and xreload

There appears to be an issue with classes that use __slots__ and xreload, which I believe is used by iPython. Here's a quick note here. My error:

*** TypeError: descriptor 'segments' for 'Individual' objects doesn't apply to 'Individual' objec

Commenting out __slots__ solves this issue, but is rather annoying.

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