Understanding that attackers are constantly developing new methods of attack, uncovering new vulnerabilities and exploiting known weaknesses in commonly deployed systems, the Talos Security Intelligence and Research Team ensures our customers stay one step ahead of the latest threats. With this subscription service, Snort users can benefit from the hard work of the team at the same time Cisco customers do. All Snort Subscriber Rule Set rules will be made available to subscribers in real-time as they are released.
Subscribers receive:
- The fastest access to Snort Subscriber Rule Set rule updates - The same ruleset developed for Cisco customers - 30 days faster than registered users.
- Coverage in advance of exploits - Talos proactively focuses on the underlying vulnerability, rather than simply reacting to known attacks.
- The ability to submit false positives/negatives directly to Talos for support, assigned a ticket and worked with through the process.