Before we begin, we would like to state this is a COMMUNITY DRIVEN PROJECT. This means that everything you read on here was written by the community itself and is not officially supported by VRChat. The documentation is provided "AS IS", and any action you take towards VRChat is completely your own responsibility.
The documentation and additional libraries SHALL ONLY be used for applications interacting with VRChat's API in accordance with their Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, and MUST NOT be used for modifying the client, "avatar ripping", or other illegal activities. Malicious usage or spamming the API may result in account termination. Certain parts of the API are also more sensitive than others, for example moderation, so please tread extra carefully and read the warnings when present.
Finally, use of the API using applications other than the approved methods (website, VRChat application, Unity SDK) is not officially supported. VRChat provides no guarantee or support for external applications using the API. Access to API endpoints may break at any time, without notice. Therefore, please do not ping VRChat Staff in the VRChat Discord if you are having API problems, as they do not provide API support. We will make a best effort in keeping this documentation and associated language libraries up to date, but things might be outdated or missing. If you find that something is no longer valid, please contact us on Discord or create an issue and tell us so we can fix it.
The VRChat API can be used to programmatically retrieve or update information regarding your profile, friends, avatars, worlds and more. The API consists of two parts, "Photon" which is only used in-game, and the "Web API" which is used by both the game and the website. This documentation focuses only on the Web API.
The API is designed around the REST ideology, providing semi-simple and usually predictable URIs to access and modify objects. Requests support standard HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE and standard status codes. Response bodies are always UTF-8 encoded JSON objects, unless explicitly documented otherwise.
Photon is only used by the in-game client and should not be touched. Doing so may result in permanent account termination.
Read Authentication for how to log in.
For simply exploring what the API can do it is strongly recommended to download Insomnia, a free and open-source API client that's great for sending requests to the API in an orderly fashion. Insomnia allows you to send data in the format that's required for VRChat's API. It is also possible to try out the API in your browser, by first logging in at and then going to, but the information will be much harder to work with.
For more permanent operation such as software development it is instead recommended to use one of the existing language SDKs. This community project maintains API libraries in several languages, which allows you to interact with the API with simple function calls rather than having to implement the HTTP protocol yourself. Most of these libraries are automatically generated from the API specification, sometimes with additional helpful wrapper code to make usage easier. This allows them to be almost automatically updated and expanded upon as soon as a new feature is introduced in the specification itself. The libraries can be found on GitHub or following:
Most endpoints enforce pagination, meaning they will only return 10 entries by default, and never more than 100.
Using both the limit and offset parameters allows you to easily paginate through a large number of objects.
Query Parameter | Type | Description |
n |
integer | The number of objects to return. This value often defaults to 10. Highest limit is always 100. |
offset |
integer | A zero-based offset from the default object sorting. |
If a request returns fewer objects than the limit
parameter, there are no more items available to return.
Do you want to get involved in the documentation effort? Do you want to help improve one of the language API libraries? This project is an OPEN Open Source Project! This means that individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project. It also means we are very open and welcoming of new people making contributions, unlike some more guarded open-source projects.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.19.0
- Generator version: 7.11.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen For more information, please visit
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (
- JSON Serializable 6.1.5+ (
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
vrchat_dart_generated: 1.12.0
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/vrchat_dart_generated
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/vrchat_dart_generated.dart';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getAuthenticationApi();
final String email = email_example; // String | Filter by email.
final String displayName = displayName_example; // String | Filter by displayName.
final String username = username_example; // String | Filter by Username.
final String excludeUserId = excludeUserId_example; // String | Exclude by UserID.
try {
final response = await api.checkUserExists(email, displayName, username, excludeUserId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print("Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->checkUserExists: $e\n");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthenticationApi | checkUserExists | GET /auth/exists | Check User Exists |
AuthenticationApi | deleteUser | PUT /users/{userId}/delete | Delete User |
AuthenticationApi | getCurrentUser | GET /auth/user | Login and/or Get Current User Info |
AuthenticationApi | logout | PUT /logout | Logout |
AuthenticationApi | verify2FA | POST /auth/twofactorauth/totp/verify | Verify 2FA code |
AuthenticationApi | verify2FAEmailCode | POST /auth/twofactorauth/emailotp/verify | Verify 2FA email code |
AuthenticationApi | verifyAuthToken | GET /auth | Verify Auth Token |
AuthenticationApi | verifyRecoveryCode | POST /auth/twofactorauth/otp/verify | Verify 2FA code with Recovery code |
AvatarsApi | createAvatar | POST /avatars | Create Avatar |
AvatarsApi | deleteAvatar | DELETE /avatars/{avatarId} | Delete Avatar |
AvatarsApi | getAvatar | GET /avatars/{avatarId} | Get Avatar |
AvatarsApi | getFavoritedAvatars | GET /avatars/favorites | List Favorited Avatars |
AvatarsApi | getOwnAvatar | GET /users/{userId}/avatar | Get Own Avatar |
AvatarsApi | searchAvatars | GET /avatars | Search Avatars |
AvatarsApi | selectAvatar | PUT /avatars/{avatarId}/select | Select Avatar |
AvatarsApi | selectFallbackAvatar | PUT /avatars/{avatarId}/selectFallback | Select Fallback Avatar |
AvatarsApi | updateAvatar | PUT /avatars/{avatarId} | Update Avatar |
EconomyApi | getBalance | GET /user/{userId}/balance | Get Balance |
EconomyApi | getCurrentSubscriptions | GET /auth/user/subscription | Get Current Subscriptions |
EconomyApi | getLicenseGroup | GET /licenseGroups/{licenseGroupId} | Get License Group |
EconomyApi | getProductListing | GET /listing/{productId} | Get Product Listing |
EconomyApi | getProductListings | GET /user/{userId}/listings | Get User Product Listings |
EconomyApi | getSteamTransaction | GET /Steam/transactions/{transactionId} | Get Steam Transaction |
EconomyApi | getSteamTransactions | GET /Steam/transactions | List Steam Transactions |
EconomyApi | getSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions | List Subscriptions |
EconomyApi | getTiliaStatus | GET /tilia/status | Get Tilia Status |
EconomyApi | getTiliaTos | GET /user/{userId}/tilia/tos | Get Tilia TOS Agreement Status |
EconomyApi | getTokenBundles | GET /tokenBundles | List Token Bundles |
FavoritesApi | addFavorite | POST /favorites | Add Favorite |
FavoritesApi | clearFavoriteGroup | DELETE /favorite/group/{favoriteGroupType}/{favoriteGroupName}/{userId} | Clear Favorite Group |
FavoritesApi | getFavorite | GET /favorites/{favoriteId} | Show Favorite |
FavoritesApi | getFavoriteGroup | GET /favorite/group/{favoriteGroupType}/{favoriteGroupName}/{userId} | Show Favorite Group |
FavoritesApi | getFavoriteGroups | GET /favorite/groups | List Favorite Groups |
FavoritesApi | getFavoriteLimits | GET /auth/user/favoritelimits | Get Favorite Limits |
FavoritesApi | getFavorites | GET /favorites | List Favorites |
FavoritesApi | removeFavorite | DELETE /favorites/{favoriteId} | Remove Favorite |
FavoritesApi | updateFavoriteGroup | PUT /favorite/group/{favoriteGroupType}/{favoriteGroupName}/{userId} | Update Favorite Group |
FilesApi | createFile | POST /file | Create File |
FilesApi | createFileVersion | POST /file/{fileId} | Create File Version |
FilesApi | deleteFile | DELETE /file/{fileId} | Delete File |
FilesApi | deleteFileVersion | DELETE /file/{fileId}/{versionId} | Delete File Version |
FilesApi | downloadFileVersion | GET /file/{fileId}/{versionId} | Download File Version |
FilesApi | finishFileDataUpload | PUT /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/finish | Finish FileData Upload |
FilesApi | getFile | GET /file/{fileId} | Show File |
FilesApi | getFileAnalysis | GET /analysis/{fileId}/{versionId} | Get File Version Analysis |
FilesApi | getFileAnalysisSecurity | GET /analysis/{fileId}/{versionId}/security | Get File Version Analysis Security |
FilesApi | getFileAnalysisStandard | GET /analysis/{fileId}/{versionId}/standard | Get File Version Analysis Standard |
FilesApi | getFileDataUploadStatus | GET /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/status | Check FileData Upload Status |
FilesApi | getFiles | GET /files | List Files |
FilesApi | startFileDataUpload | PUT /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/start | Start FileData Upload |
FriendsApi | deleteFriendRequest | DELETE /user/{userId}/friendRequest | Delete Friend Request |
FriendsApi | friend | POST /user/{userId}/friendRequest | Send Friend Request |
FriendsApi | getFriendStatus | GET /user/{userId}/friendStatus | Check Friend Status |
FriendsApi | getFriends | GET /auth/user/friends | List Friends |
FriendsApi | unfriend | DELETE /auth/user/friends/{userId} | Unfriend |
GroupsApi | addGroupGalleryImage | POST /groups/{groupId}/galleries/{groupGalleryId}/images | Add Group Gallery Image |
GroupsApi | addGroupMemberRole | PUT /groups/{groupId}/members/{userId}/roles/{groupRoleId} | Add Role to GroupMember |
GroupsApi | addGroupPost | POST /groups/{groupId}/posts | Create a post in a Group |
GroupsApi | banGroupMember | POST /groups/{groupId}/bans | Ban Group Member |
GroupsApi | cancelGroupRequest | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/requests | Cancel Group Join Request |
GroupsApi | createGroup | POST /groups | Create Group |
GroupsApi | createGroupAnnouncement | POST /groups/{groupId}/announcement | Create Group Announcement |
GroupsApi | createGroupGallery | POST /groups/{groupId}/galleries | Create Group Gallery |
GroupsApi | createGroupInvite | POST /groups/{groupId}/invites | Invite User to Group |
GroupsApi | createGroupRole | POST /groups/{groupId}/roles | Create GroupRole |
GroupsApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /groups/{groupId} | Delete Group |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupAnnouncement | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/announcement | Delete Group Announcement |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupGallery | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/galleries/{groupGalleryId} | Delete Group Gallery |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupGalleryImage | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/galleries/{groupGalleryId}/images/{groupGalleryImageId} | Delete Group Gallery Image |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupInvite | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/invites/{userId} | Delete User Invite |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupPost | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/posts/{notificationId} | Delete a Group post |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupRole | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/roles/{groupRoleId} | Delete Group Role |
GroupsApi | getGroup | GET /groups/{groupId} | Get Group by ID |
GroupsApi | getGroupAnnouncements | GET /groups/{groupId}/announcement | Get Group Announcement |
GroupsApi | getGroupAuditLogs | GET /groups/{groupId}/auditLogs | Get Group Audit Logs |
GroupsApi | getGroupBans | GET /groups/{groupId}/bans | Get Group Bans |
GroupsApi | getGroupGalleryImages | GET /groups/{groupId}/galleries/{groupGalleryId} | Get Group Gallery Images |
GroupsApi | getGroupInstances | GET /groups/{groupId}/instances | Get Group Instances |
GroupsApi | getGroupInvites | GET /groups/{groupId}/invites | Get Group Invites Sent |
GroupsApi | getGroupMember | GET /groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | Get Group Member |
GroupsApi | getGroupMembers | GET /groups/{groupId}/members | List Group Members |
GroupsApi | getGroupPermissions | GET /groups/{groupId}/permissions | List Group Permissions |
GroupsApi | getGroupPost | GET /groups/{groupId}/posts | Get posts from a Group |
GroupsApi | getGroupRequests | GET /groups/{groupId}/requests | Get Group Join Requests |
GroupsApi | getGroupRoles | GET /groups/{groupId}/roles | Get Group Roles |
GroupsApi | joinGroup | POST /groups/{groupId}/join | Join Group |
GroupsApi | kickGroupMember | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | Kick Group Member |
GroupsApi | leaveGroup | POST /groups/{groupId}/leave | Leave Group |
GroupsApi | removeGroupMemberRole | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/members/{userId}/roles/{groupRoleId} | Remove Role from GroupMember |
GroupsApi | respondGroupJoinRequest | PUT /groups/{groupId}/requests/{userId} | Respond Group Join request |
GroupsApi | searchGroups | GET /groups | Search Group |
GroupsApi | unbanGroupMember | DELETE /groups/{groupId}/bans/{userId} | Unban Group Member |
GroupsApi | updateGroup | PUT /groups/{groupId} | Update Group |
GroupsApi | updateGroupGallery | PUT /groups/{groupId}/galleries/{groupGalleryId} | Update Group Gallery |
GroupsApi | updateGroupMember | PUT /groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | Update Group Member |
GroupsApi | updateGroupPost | PUT /groups/{groupId}/posts/{notificationId} | Edits a Group post |
GroupsApi | updateGroupRole | PUT /groups/{groupId}/roles/{groupRoleId} | Update Group Role |
InstancesApi | closeInstance | DELETE /instances/{worldId}:{instanceId} | Close Instance |
InstancesApi | createInstance | POST /instances | Create Instance |
InstancesApi | getInstance | GET /instances/{worldId}:{instanceId} | Get Instance |
InstancesApi | getInstanceByShortName | GET /instances/s/{shortName} | Get Instance By Short Name |
InstancesApi | getShortName | GET /instances/{worldId}:{instanceId}/shortName | Get Instance Short Name |
InviteApi | getInviteMessage | GET /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Get Invite Message |
InviteApi | getInviteMessages | GET /message/{userId}/{messageType} | List Invite Messages |
InviteApi | inviteMyselfTo | POST /invite/myself/to/{worldId}:{instanceId} | Invite Myself To Instance |
InviteApi | inviteUser | POST /invite/{userId} | Invite User |
InviteApi | requestInvite | POST /requestInvite/{userId} | Request Invite |
InviteApi | resetInviteMessage | DELETE /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Reset Invite Message |
InviteApi | respondInvite | POST /invite/{notificationId}/response | Respond Invite |
InviteApi | updateInviteMessage | PUT /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Update Invite Message |
JamsApi | getJam | GET /jams/{jamId} | Show jam information |
JamsApi | getJamSubmissions | GET /jams/{jamId}/submissions | Show jam submissions |
JamsApi | getJams | GET /jams | Show jams list |
NotificationsApi | acceptFriendRequest | PUT /auth/user/notifications/{notificationId}/accept | Accept Friend Request |
NotificationsApi | clearNotifications | PUT /auth/user/notifications/clear | Clear All Notifications |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotification | PUT /auth/user/notifications/{notificationId}/hide | Delete Notification |
NotificationsApi | getNotification | GET /auth/user/notifications/{notificationId} | Show notification |
NotificationsApi | getNotifications | GET /auth/user/notifications | List Notifications |
NotificationsApi | markNotificationAsRead | PUT /auth/user/notifications/{notificationId}/see | Mark Notification As Read |
PermissionsApi | getAssignedPermissions | GET /auth/permissions | Get Assigned Permissions |
PermissionsApi | getPermission | GET /permissions/{permissionId} | Get Permission |
PlayermoderationApi | clearAllPlayerModerations | DELETE /auth/user/playermoderations | Clear All Player Moderations |
PlayermoderationApi | getPlayerModerations | GET /auth/user/playermoderations | Search Player Moderations |
PlayermoderationApi | moderateUser | POST /auth/user/playermoderations | Moderate User |
PlayermoderationApi | unmoderateUser | PUT /auth/user/unplayermoderate | Unmoderate User |
SystemApi | getCSS | GET /css/app.css | Download CSS |
SystemApi | getConfig | GET /config | Fetch API Config |
SystemApi | getCurrentOnlineUsers | GET /visits | Current Online Users |
SystemApi | getHealth | GET /health | Check API Health |
SystemApi | getInfoPush | GET /infoPush | Show Information Notices |
SystemApi | getJavaScript | GET /js/app.js | Download JavaScript |
SystemApi | getSystemTime | GET /time | Current System Time |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /users/{userId} | Get User by ID |
UsersApi | getUserByName | GET /users/{username}/name | Get User by Username |
UsersApi | getUserFeedback | GET /users/{userId}/feedback | Get User Feedback |
UsersApi | getUserGroupInstances | GET /users/{userId}/instances/groups | Get User Group Instances |
UsersApi | getUserGroupRequests | GET /users/{userId}/groups/requested | Get User Group Requests |
UsersApi | getUserGroups | GET /users/{userId}/groups | Get User Groups |
UsersApi | getUserNote | GET /userNotes/{userNoteId} | Get User Note |
UsersApi | getUserNotes | GET /userNotes | Get User Notes |
UsersApi | getUserRepresentedGroup | GET /users/{userId}/groups/represented | Get user's current represented group |
UsersApi | searchUsers | GET /users | Search All Users |
UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /users/{userId} | Update User Info |
UsersApi | updateUserNote | POST /userNotes | Update User Note |
WorldsApi | createWorld | POST /worlds | Create World |
WorldsApi | deleteWorld | DELETE /worlds/{worldId} | Delete World |
WorldsApi | getActiveWorlds | GET /worlds/active | List Active Worlds |
WorldsApi | getFavoritedWorlds | GET /worlds/favorites | List Favorited Worlds |
WorldsApi | getRecentWorlds | GET /worlds/recent | List Recent Worlds |
WorldsApi | getWorld | GET /worlds/{worldId} | Get World by ID |
WorldsApi | getWorldInstance | GET /worlds/{worldId}/{instanceId} | Get World Instance |
WorldsApi | getWorldMetadata | GET /worlds/{worldId}/metadata | Get World Metadata |
WorldsApi | getWorldPublishStatus | GET /worlds/{worldId}/publish | Get World Publish Status |
WorldsApi | publishWorld | PUT /worlds/{worldId}/publish | Publish World |
WorldsApi | searchWorlds | GET /worlds | Search All Worlds |
WorldsApi | unpublishWorld | DELETE /worlds/{worldId}/publish | Unpublish World |
WorldsApi | updateWorld | PUT /worlds/{worldId} | Update World |
- APIConfig
- APIConfigAnnouncement
- APIConfigAvatarPerfLimiter
- APIConfigConstants
- APIConfigConstantsGROUPS
- APIConfigConstantsINSTANCE
- APIConfigConstantsLANGUAGE
- APIConfigDownloadURLList
- APIConfigEvents
- APIConfigMinSupportedClientBuildNumber
- APIConfigOfflineAnalysis
- APIConfigReportCategories
- APIConfigReportReasons
- APIHealth
- AccountDeletionLog
- AddFavoriteRequest
- AddGroupGalleryImageRequest
- AgeVerificationStatus
- Avatar
- AvatarStyles
- AvatarUnityPackageUrlObject
- Badge
- Balance
- BanGroupMemberRequest
- CreateAvatarRequest
- CreateFileRequest
- CreateFileVersionRequest
- CreateGroupAnnouncementRequest
- CreateGroupGalleryRequest
- CreateGroupInviteRequest
- CreateGroupPostRequest
- CreateGroupRequest
- CreateGroupRoleRequest
- CreateInstanceRequest
- CreateWorldRequest
- CurrentUser
- CurrentUserPresence
- DeploymentGroup
- DeveloperType
- DynamicContentRow
- Error
- Favorite
- FavoriteGroup
- FavoriteGroupLimits
- FavoriteGroupVisibility
- FavoriteLimits
- FavoriteType
- FavoritedWorld
- Feedback
- File
- FileAnalysis
- FileAnalysisAvatarStats
- FileData
- FileStatus
- FileUploadURL
- FileVersion
- FileVersionUploadStatus
- FinishFileDataUploadRequest
- FriendStatus
- GetUserGroupInstances200Response
- Group
- GroupAccessType
- GroupAnnouncement
- GroupAuditLogEntry
- GroupGallery
- GroupGalleryImage
- GroupInstance
- GroupJoinRequestAction
- GroupJoinState
- GroupLimitedMember
- GroupMember
- GroupMemberLimitedUser
- GroupMemberStatus
- GroupMyMember
- GroupPermission
- GroupPermissions
- GroupPost
- GroupPostVisibility
- GroupPrivacy
- GroupRole
- GroupRoleTemplate
- GroupSearchSort
- GroupUserVisibility
- InfoPush
- InfoPushData
- InfoPushDataArticle
- InfoPushDataArticleContent
- InfoPushDataClickable
- Instance
- InstancePlatforms
- InstanceRegion
- InstanceShortNameResponse
- InstanceType
- InviteMessage
- InviteMessageType
- InviteRequest
- InviteResponse
- Jam
- JamStateChangeDates
- License
- LicenseAction
- LicenseGroup
- LicenseType
- LimitedGroup
- LimitedUnityPackage
- LimitedUser
- LimitedUserGroups
- LimitedWorld
- MIMEType
- ModerateUserRequest
- Notification
- NotificationDetailInvite
- NotificationDetailInviteResponse
- NotificationDetailRequestInvite
- NotificationDetailRequestInviteResponse
- NotificationDetailVoteToKick
- NotificationType
- OrderOption
- PaginatedGroupAuditLogEntryList
- PastDisplayName
- PerformanceLimiterInfo
- PerformanceRatings
- Permission
- PlatformBuildInfo
- PlayerModeration
- PlayerModerationType
- Product
- ProductListing
- ProductListingType
- ProductListingVariant
- ProductType
- Region
- ReleaseStatus
- ReportCategory
- ReportReason
- RepresentedGroup
- RequestInviteRequest
- RespondGroupJoinRequest
- Response
- SentNotification
- SortOption
- Submission
- Subscription
- SubscriptionPeriod
- Success
- TiliaStatus
- TiliaTOS
- TokenBundle
- Transaction
- TransactionAgreement
- TransactionStatus
- TransactionSteamInfo
- TransactionSteamWalletInfo
- TwoFactorAuthCode
- TwoFactorEmailCode
- UnityPackage
- UpdateAvatarRequest
- UpdateFavoriteGroupRequest
- UpdateGroupGalleryRequest
- UpdateGroupMemberRequest
- UpdateGroupRequest
- UpdateGroupRoleRequest
- UpdateInviteMessageRequest
- UpdateUserNoteRequest
- UpdateUserRequest
- UpdateWorldRequest
- User
- UserExists
- UserNote
- UserNoteTargetUser
- UserState
- UserStatus
- UserSubscription
- Verify2FAEmailCodeResult
- Verify2FAResult
- VerifyAuthTokenResult
- World
- WorldMetadata
- WorldPublishStatus
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: auth
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: twoFactorAuth
- Location: