diff --git a/manifests/interface.pp b/manifests/interface.pp index 6bc4d61..308a173 100644 --- a/manifests/interface.pp +++ b/manifests/interface.pp @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ String[1] $input_interface = $facts['networking']['primary'], Boolean $manage_firewall = true, Array[Stdlib::IP::Address] $source_addresses = [], - Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::CIDR,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::CIDR]]] $addresses = [], + Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6]]] $addresses = [], Optional[String[1]] $description = undef, Optional[Integer[1280, 9000]] $mtu = undef, Optional[String[1]] $public_key = undef, diff --git a/manifests/provider/systemd.pp b/manifests/provider/systemd.pp index 8a9e55c..2ad7ba9 100644 --- a/manifests/provider/systemd.pp +++ b/manifests/provider/systemd.pp @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present', Wireguard::Peers $peers = [], Integer[1024, 65000] $dport = Integer(regsubst($title, '^\D+(\d+)$', '\1')), - Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::CIDR,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::CIDR]]] $addresses = [], + Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6]]] $addresses = [], Optional[String[1]] $description = undef, Optional[Integer[1280, 9000]] $mtu = undef, Array[Hash[String[1], Variant[String[1], Boolean]]] $routes = [], diff --git a/manifests/provider/wgquick.pp b/manifests/provider/wgquick.pp index 45b47e7..1a1d76b 100644 --- a/manifests/provider/wgquick.pp +++ b/manifests/provider/wgquick.pp @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present', Wireguard::Peers $peers = [], Integer[1024, 65000] $dport = Integer(regsubst($title, '^\D+(\d+)$', '\1')), - Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::CIDR,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::CIDR]]] $addresses = [], + Array[Hash[String,Variant[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4,Stdlib::IP::Address::V6]]] $addresses = [], ) { assert_private() $params = { diff --git a/spec/defines/interface_spec.rb b/spec/defines/interface_spec.rb index 2d18bf3..498a4ac 100644 --- a/spec/defines/interface_spec.rb +++ b/spec/defines/interface_spec.rb @@ -336,6 +336,36 @@ class {"systemd": it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/wireguard/#{title}.conf") } it { is_expected.not_to contain_ferm__rule("allow_wg_#{title}") } end + + context 'with required params and defined private key and without firewall rules and with configured addresses with dns' do + let :params do + { + public_key: 'blabla==', + private_key: 'gFYpkdIuGG3EhXKdGmuMJs/3rp/88wkFv2Go+shtu08=', + endpoint: 'wireguard.example.com:1234', + manage_firewall: false, + # we need to set destination_addresses to overwrite the default + # that would configure IPv4+IPv6, but GHA doesn't provide IPv6 for us + destination_addresses: [facts[:networking]['ip'],], + addresses: [{ 'Address' => '', 'DNS' => '', 'Peer' => '' }, { 'Address' => 'fe80::ade1/64', },], + } + end + + it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } + it { is_expected.to contain_class('wireguard') } + it { is_expected.not_to contain_exec("generate private key #{title}") } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/wireguard/#{title}").with_content('gFYpkdIuGG3EhXKdGmuMJs/3rp/88wkFv2Go+shtu08=') } + it { is_expected.to contain_exec("generate public key #{title}") } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/wireguard/#{title}.pub") } + it { is_expected.to contain_systemd__network("#{title}.netdev") } + it { is_expected.to contain_systemd__network("#{title}.network") } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/systemd/network/#{title}.network").with_content(%r{[Address]}) } # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/systemd/network/#{title}.network").with_content(%r{Address=}) } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/systemd/network/#{title}.network").with_content(%r{DNS=}) } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/systemd/network/#{title}.network").with_content(%r{Peer=}) } + it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/systemd/network/#{title}.network").with_content(%r{Address=fe80::ade1/64}) } + it { is_expected.not_to contain_ferm__rule("allow_wg_#{title}") } + end end end end diff --git a/templates/wireguard_conf.epp b/templates/wireguard_conf.epp index 4ee039d..7b721f6 100644 --- a/templates/wireguard_conf.epp +++ b/templates/wireguard_conf.epp @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ # THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET [Interface] <% $addresses.each |$address| { -%> -Address = <%= $address['Address'] %> +<%= $key %>=<%= $value %> <% } -%> ListenPort = <%= $dport %> PostUp = wg set %i private-key /etc/wireguard/<%= $interface %>