Major refactor, bug fixes and docs improvements thanks to @ecksun , @fivdi , @gfcittolin , @jacobrosenthal , @mhart , @nebrius , @pabigot , @paulkaplan , @reconbot , @rodovich , @rwaldron , @sayanee , @tigoe and everyone who reported and helped debug issues!
Fix binary paths to confirm with modern standards
Integration tests on CI's that support it or for the folks at home with an arduino handy
Upgrade to nan-2.2.1 for memory leak fixes and node 6 compatibility (still not supported)
Confirm nw.js and electron compatibility
Make the outpout of .list
consistent between platforms and docs
Define ambiguous flow control flags and document them
Fix support systems who provide 0 as a valid file descriptor
Fix race conditions when opening and closing ports that led to errors while reading and writing while closing or opening the port.
[unix] Fix a double open bug on unix that would cause opening and closing ports repetitively to error.
[unix] Listing serialports on linux now include more ports (including bluetooth devices eg. /dev/rfcommXX
) and have less bugs in the output
[windows] Remove deprecated BuildCommDCB for windows 10 support
[windows] Fix a memory leak on windows
[windows] Fix a 100% cpu and possible hang bug when ports were disconnected on windows.
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