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Errors about lab-extension in console #1514

sherdim opened this issue Dec 14, 2024 · 1 comment

Errors about lab-extension in console #1514

sherdim opened this issue Dec 14, 2024 · 1 comment
bug Something isn't working


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sherdim commented Dec 14, 2024


Single ipynb voila app deployed on Ubuntu throws error in browser console

Plugin '@jupyter-notebook/lab-extension:interface-switcher' failed to activate. TypeError: No provider for: @jupyterlab/notebook:INotebookTracker. resolveRequiredService http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1 i http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1 activatePlugin http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1 t http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1 activatePlugins http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1 start http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1



  1. Install standard libraries for python3.10 on Ubuntu 20.04.6
  2. Deploy voila app that is not needed any extensions
  3. Normal launch in browser and look in console

Expected behavior

Not needed extensions do not cause errors.


  • voila 0.5.8
  • browser and version: Firefox 133.0

Tried --enable_nbextensions=False - does not change anything

Troubleshoot Output


3.10.16 (main, Dec 4 2024, 08:53:37) [GCC 9.4.0]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
Package Version
------------------------- --------------------
alembic 1.14.0
annotated-types 0.7.0
anyio 4.7.0
apturl 0.5.2
argon2-cffi 23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
arrow 1.3.0
asttokens 3.0.0
async-lru 2.0.4
attrs 24.2.0
babel 2.16.0
bcrypt 3.1.7
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
bleach 6.2.0
blinker 1.4
Brlapi 0.7.0
certifi 2019.11.28
certipy 0.2.1
cffi 1.17.1
cftime 1.6.4.post1
chardet 3.0.4
charset-normalizer 3.4.0
comm 0.2.2
command-not-found 0.3
contourpy 1.3.1
cryptography 2.8
cupshelpers 1.0
cycler 0.12.1
dbus-python 1.2.16
debugpy 1.8.9
decorator 5.1.1
defer 1.0.6
defusedxml 0.7.1
distro 1.4.0
distro-info 0.23+ubuntu1.1
entrypoints 0.3
exceptiongroup 1.2.2
executing 2.1.0
fasteners 0.14.1
fastjsonschema 2.21.1
fonttools 4.55.3
fqdn 1.5.1
future 0.18.2
greenlet 3.1.1
h11 0.14.0
httpcore 1.0.7
httplib2 0.14.0
httpx 0.28.1
idna 2.8
imageio 2.36.1
imageio-ffmpeg 0.5.1
ipykernel 6.29.5
ipympl 0.9.4
ipython 8.30.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 8.1.5
isoduration 20.11.0
jedi 0.19.2
Jinja2 3.1.4
joblib 1.4.2
json5 0.10.0
jsonpointer 3.0.0
jsonschema 4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications 2024.10.1
jupyter_client 8.6.3
jupyter_core 5.7.2
jupyter-events 0.10.0
jupyter-lsp 2.2.5
jupyter_server 2.14.2
jupyter_server_terminals 0.5.3
jupyterhub 5.2.1
jupyterlab 4.3.3
jupyterlab_pygments 0.3.0
jupyterlab_server 2.27.3
jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.13
keyring 18.0.1
kiwisolver 1.4.7
language-selector 0.1
launchpadlib 1.10.13
lazr.restfulclient 0.14.2
lazr.uri 1.0.3
lazy_loader 0.4
lockfile 0.12.2
louis 3.12.0
macaroonbakery 1.3.1
Mako 1.1.0
Markdown 3.7
MarkupSafe 3.0.2
matplotlib 3.9.3
matplotlib-inline 0.1.7
mistune 3.0.2
monotonic 1.5
moviepy 2.1.1
nbclient 0.10.1
nbconvert 7.16.4
nbformat 5.10.4
nest-asyncio 1.6.0
netCDF4 1.7.2
netifaces 0.10.4
notebook 7.3.1
notebook_shim 0.2.4
numpy 2.2.0
oauthlib 3.1.0
ofed-le-utils 1.0.3
olefile 0.46
overrides 7.7.0
packaging 24.2
pamela 1.2.0
pandas 2.2.3
pandocfilters 1.5.1
paramiko 2.6.0
parso 0.8.4
patsy 1.0.1
pexpect 4.6.0
pillow 10.4.0
pip 24.3.1
platformdirs 4.3.6
plotly 5.24.1
pooch 1.8.2
proglog 0.1.10
prometheus_client 0.21.1
prompt_toolkit 3.0.48
protobuf 3.6.1
psutil 6.1.0
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure_eval 0.2.3
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pycparser 2.22
pycups 1.9.73
pydantic 2.10.3
pydantic_core 2.27.1
Pygments 2.18.0
PyGObject 3.36.0
PyJWT 1.7.1
pymacaroons 0.13.0
PyNaCl 1.3.0
pyparsing 3.2.0
pyRFC3339 1.1
python-apt 2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-debian 0.1.36+ubuntu1.1
python-dotenv 1.0.1
python-json-logger 3.2.0
pytz 2024.2
pyxdf 1.16.8
pyxdg 0.26
PyYAML 5.3.1
pyzmq 26.2.0
referencing 0.35.1
reportlab 3.5.34
requests 2.32.3
requests-unixsocket 0.2.0
rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
rpds-py 0.22.3
scikit-learn 1.6.0
scipy 1.14.1
screen-resolution-extra 0.0.0
seaborn 0.13.2
SecretStorage 2.3.1
Send2Trash 1.8.3
setuptools 45.2.0
simplejson 3.16.0
six 1.14.0
sniffio 1.3.1
soupsieve 2.6
SQLAlchemy 2.0.36
ssh-import-id 5.10
stack-data 0.6.3
statsmodels 0.14.4
systemd-python 234
tenacity 9.0.0
terminado 0.18.1
threadpoolctl 3.5.0
tinycss2 1.4.0
tomli 2.2.1
tornado 6.4.2
tqdm 4.67.1
traitlets 5.14.3
typing_extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.2
ubuntu-advantage-tools 20.3
ubuntu-drivers-common 0.0.0
ufw 0.36
unattended-upgrades 0.1
uri-template 1.3.0
urllib3 1.25.8
usb-creator 0.3.7
voila 0.5.8
wadllib 1.3.3
wcwidth 0.2.13
webcolors 24.11.1
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.8.0
websockets 14.1
wheel 0.34.2
widgetsnbextension 4.0.13
xarray 2024.11.0
xkit 0.0.0

Browser Output
Unsatisfied version 2.2.0 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @lumino/coreutils (required ^1.11.0) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 2.5.0 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @lumino/widgets (required ^1.37.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 6.0.10 of shared singleton module @jupyter-widgets/base (required ^1.0 || ^2.0 || ^3.0 || ^4.0) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 6.0.10 of shared singleton module @jupyter-widgets/base (required ^1 || ^2 || ^3 || ^4) 2 [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.3.5 of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/apputils (required ^3.6.7) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 2.0.2 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @lumino/messaging (required ^1.10.0) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 2.5.0 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @lumino/widgets (required ^1.37.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 6.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/coreutils (required ^6.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/translation (required ^4.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/application (required ^4.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.3.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/apputils (required ^4.4.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/ui-components (required ^4.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/notebook (required ^4.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
No satisfying version (^4.3.2) of shared module @jupyterlab/docregistry found in shared scope default.
Available versions: 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Unsatisfied version 4.2.5 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/rendermime (required ^4.3.2) [plank:8800:36:14](http://plank:8800/)
Plugin '@jupyter-notebook/lab-extension:interface-switcher' failed to activate. TypeError: No provider for: @jupyterlab/notebook:INotebookTracker.
    resolveRequiredService http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    i http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    activatePlugin http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    t http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    activatePlugins http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    start http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    9212 http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    9212 http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    x http://plank:8800/voila/static/voila.js:1
    promise callback*31068 http://plank:8800/voila/static/voila.js:1
    x http://plank:8800/voila/static/voila.js:1
    error http://plank:8800/:41
    t http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    activatePlugins http://plank:8800/voila/static/5764.voila.js:1
    start http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    9212 http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    9212 http://plank:8800/voila/static/9212.voila.js:1
    x http://plank:8800/voila/static/voila.js:1

If using JupyterLab

  • JupyterLab version:
Installed Labextensions
JupyterLab v4.3.3
        jupyter-matplotlib v0.11.4 enabled OK
        jupyterlab-datawidgets v7.1.2 enabled OK
        jupyterlab-plotly v5.24.1 enabled  X
        jupyter-webrtc v0.6.0 enabled OK
        jupyter-vuetify v1.9.4 enabled  X
        jupyter-threejs v2.4.1 enabled OK (python, pythreejs)
        jupyter-vue v1.11.1 enabled OK
        jupyterlab_pygments v0.3.0 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_pygments)
        ipyvolume v0.6.3 enabled OK
        bqplot v0.5.44 enabled  X (python, bqplot)
        @jupyter-notebook/lab-extension v7.3.1 enabled OK
        @voila-dashboards/jupyterlab-preview v2.3.8 enabled OK (python, voila)
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v5.0.13 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_widgets)

The following extensions may be outdated or specify dependencies that are incompatible with the current version of jupyterlab:

@sherdim sherdim added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 14, 2024
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jtpio commented Dec 18, 2024

Thanks @sherdim for the report.

This is probably because you also have the notebook package installed in the environment. That package includes the @jupyter-notebook/lab-extension extension which adds a button to the notebook toolbar.

This error can likely be ignored in the case of Voila. Maybe it could be fixed in the notebook repo by making INotebookTracker optional here:

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bug Something isn't working
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2 participants