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vmenier edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 38 revisions

Running the nozzle model requires the following elements to be installed:

  • meshutils : a simple in-house C code embedded in MULTIF used for CAD and pre-/post-processing,
  • SU2 : CFD code developed at Stanford,
  • GMsh : an open source mesh generator,
  • AEROS : finite element code developed at Stanford.


Meshutils is a simple in-house C code embedded in the MULTIF python module. It computes the nozzle shape parameterization and performs all the pre- post-processing operations. The C functions are directly called from python.

To compile meshutils, first change the current directory to the one containing the core of multif:

$ cd /Path/to/MULTIF
$ cd multif/

Then, run the following command, which require to specify the location of the Gmsh include files and library.

$ python build_ext --inplace --include-dirs=/path/to/Gmsh/include/gmsh --library-dirs=/path/to/Gmsh/install/lib

This will compile meshutils and create a python module to be imported in multif.

NB: Running the setup requires to have SWIG installed. SWIG is a widely used software development tool that connects programs written in C with python. More information:


A custom version of SU2 is available on github:

$ git clone -b darpa

All the information needed to compile SU2 can be found here:

Specific information for windows users:

This version of SU2 includes a local under-relaxation coefficient and a local CFL value for implicit simulations. To enable them, the following options were added to the configuration file:

 % ---- Local CFL options ----

 % Activate local CFL? (YES/NO)

 % Parameters of the adaptive CFL number (factor down, factor up, CFL min value,   
 %                                        CFL max value )       
 CFL_ADAPT_LOCAL_PARAM= ( 0.1, 1.5, 1e-12, 30.0 ) 

 % ---- Under-relaxation options ----
 % Activate local under-relaxation? (YES/NO)

 % Maximum local variation percentage of the density at each time step,
 % and minimum value for the density
 HARD_LIMITING_PARAM= (0.25, 1e-5)


Gmsh can also be installed by either downloading one of the binaries available (see, or by compiling the source code (see

Note that if you are a mac user, you can install Gmsh using Homebrew ( by running the following command line: brew install gmsh


Aero-S is the general-purpose finite element code developed by the FRG at Stanford.