Note: This software is not production ready. Do not use in production.
Welcome to the RISC Zero View Call Proofs ERC20 Example Ethereum Deployment guide!
You can either:
You can deploy your contracts and run an end-to-end test or demo as follows:
Start a local testnet with
by running:anvil
Once anvil is started, keep it running in the terminal, and switch to a new terminal.
Set your environment variables:
Note: This requires having access to a Bonsai API Key. To request an API key complete the form here.
Alternatively you can generate your proofs locally, assuming you have a machine with an x86 architecture and Docker installed. In this case do not export Bonsai related env variables.
# Anvil sets up a number of default wallets, and this private key is one of them. export ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 export BONSAI_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY" # see form linked in the previous section export BONSAI_API_URL="BONSAI_API_URL" # provided with your api key
Build the Project:
cargo build
Deploy the Counter contract. During creation, the Counter gets linked with an ERC20 token. To also deploy such a new token, you need to specify any
address which will get funded with Toyken ERC20 tokens, for example the address of the private key:export TOKEN_OWNER=0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266
Then, deploy the contracts running the following script:
forge script --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast DeployCounter
This command should output something similar to:
... == Logs == Deployed ERC20 TOYKEN to 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3 Deployed RiscZeroGroth16Verifier to 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512 Deployed Counter to 0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0 ...
Save the
ERC20 Toyken
contract address to an env variable:export TOYKEN_ADDRESS=#COPY ERC20 TOYKEN ADDRESS FROM DEPLOY LOGS
You can also use the following command to set the contract address if you have
installed:export TOYKEN_ADDRESS=$(jq -re '.transactions[] | select(.contractName == "ERC20FixedSupply") | .contractAddress' ./broadcast/DeployCounter.s.sol/31337/run-latest.json)
Save the
contract address to an env variable:export COUNTER_ADDRESS=#COPY COUNTER ADDRESS FROM DEPLOY LOGS
You can also use the following command to set the contract address if you have
installed:export COUNTER_ADDRESS=$(jq -re '.transactions[] | select(.contractName == "Counter") | .contractAddress' ./broadcast/DeployCounter.s.sol/31337/run-latest.json)
Query the state:
cast call --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 $COUNTER_ADDRESS 'get()(uint256)'
Publish a new state
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin publisher -- \ --eth-wallet-private-key=$ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY \ --eth-rpc-url=http://localhost:8545 \ --counter-address=$COUNTER_ADDRESS \ --token-contract=$TOYKEN_ADDRESS \ --account=$TOKEN_OWNER
Query the state again to see the change:
cast call --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 $COUNTER_ADDRESS 'get()(uint256)'
You can deploy the Counter contract on any Ethereum network such as Sepolia
(in this example we will be using PublicNode) and run an end-to-end test or demo as follows:
Note: we'll be using an existing ERC20 contract for this example, specifically the USDT ERC20 contract deployed on Sepolia at address 0xaA8E23Fb1079EA71e0a56F48a2aA51851D8433D0.
Get access to Bonsai and an Ethereum node running on a given testnet, e.g., Sepolia and export the following environment variables:
Note: This requires having access to a Bonsai API Key. To request an API key complete the form here.
Alternatively you can generate your proofs locally, assuming you have a machine with an x86 architecture and Docker installed. In this case do not export Bonsai related env variables.
export BONSAI_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY" # see form linked in the previous section export BONSAI_API_URL="BONSAI_API_URL" # provided with your api key export ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY="YOUR_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY" # the private hex-encoded key of your Sepolia testnet wallet export TOKEN_CONTRACT=0xaA8E23Fb1079EA71e0a56F48a2aA51851D8433D0 # Sepolia USDT
Build the project:
cargo build
Deploy the Counter contract by running:
forge script --rpc-url --broadcast DeployCounter
This command should output something similar to:
... == Logs == Using ERC20 USDT at 0xaA8E23Fb1079EA71e0a56F48a2aA51851D8433D0 Deployed RiscZeroGroth16Verifier to 0x5a1677454B5530a15536EF662C6b27b14F699aBd Deployed Counter to 0xb0827e4F251d29685170837C2C0eE204Dfef522c ...
Save the
contract address to an env variable:export COUNTER_ADDRESS=#COPY COUNTER ADDRESS FROM DEPLOY LOGS
Query the state. It should return
for a newly deployed Counter contract:cast call --rpc-url $COUNTER_ADDRESS 'get()(uint256)'
Publish a new state
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin publisher -- \ --eth-wallet-private-key=$ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY \ --eth-rpc-url= \ --counter-address=$COUNTER_ADDRESS \ --token-contract=$TOKEN_CONTRACT \ --account=0x9737100D2F42a196DE56ED0d1f6fF598a250E7E4
Query the state again to see the change:
cast call --rpc-url $COUNTER_ADDRESS 'get()(uint256)'