# uMTP Responder config file
# Must be copied to /etc/umtprd/umtprd.conf

# Loop / daemon mode
# Set to 1 to don't shutdown uMTPrd when the link is disconnected.

loop_on_disconnect 0

# Force the default UID/GID to use for each storage file operations.
# Note : When no default UID/GID are specified the umtprd process UID/GID
#        are used instead.

#default_uid 33

## group: mtp
#default_gid 33

# umask value for uploaded folders and files
# Uncomment the umask command line if you want to
# override the system default umask value for
# the uploaded folders and files.
# umask format description :
# umask 022
#       ugo
# u : user/owner part of mask
# g : group part of mask
# o : others/not-in-group part of mask
# Octal digit definition in umask command :
# 0 : Any permission may be set. (Read, Write, eXecute)
# 1 : Setting of execute permission is prohibited. (Read and Write)
# 2 : Setting of write permission is prohibited. (Read and eXecute)
# 3 : Setting of write and execute permissions is prohibited. (Read only)
# 4 : Setting of read permission is prohibited. (Write and eXecute)
# 5 : Setting of read and execute permissions is prohibited. (Write only)
# 6 : Setting of read and write permissions is prohibited. (eXecute only)
# 7 : All permissions are prohibited from being set. (No permission)

# Example :
# User   : Read, Write, eXecute.       (0)
# Group  : Read, eXecute but no Write. (2)
# Others : Read, eXecute but no Write, (2)

#umask 022

# Storage command : Create add a storage entry point. Up to 16 entry points supported
# Syntax : storage "PATH" "NAME" "OPTIONS"
# Possible store options :
#     "rw" = read/write access
#     "ro" = read only
#     "notmounted" = not mounted by default
#     "locked" = lock/unlock feature enabled

storage "/"      "root folder" "rw"
storage "/home"  "home folder" "ro"
storage "/www"   "www folder" "ro,notmounted"

# Add the "locked" option to enable the store lock/unlock feature.
# Execute "umtprd -cmd:unlock" to unlock the locked stores and "umtprd -cmd:lock" to lock them again.

storage "/"      "lockable root folder" "rw,locked"

# A user storage using another UID/GID for file operations.

storage "/home/user" "user folder" "rw,locked,uid=33,gid=33"

# Set the USB manufacturer string

manufacturer "Viveris Technologies"

# Set the USB Product string

product "Viveris Technologies"

# Set the USB Serial number string

serial "01234567"

# Set the MTP firmware version

firmware_version "Rev A"

# Set the USB interface string. Should be always "MTP"

interface "MTP"

# Set the USB Vendor ID, Product ID and class

usb_vendor_id  0x1D6B # Linux Foundation
usb_product_id 0x0100 # PTP Gadget
usb_class 0x6         # Image
usb_subclass 0x1      # Still Imaging device
usb_protocol 0x1      #

# Device version

usb_dev_version 0x3008

# inotify support
# If you want disable the events support (beta), uncomment the following line :

# no_inotify 0x1

# Sync when close
# Set this option to 0x1 to request all file data to be flushed from the RAM buffer to the
# internal storage after transfer is completed, this prevents data loss in the case where
# user un-plugged a non-battery-powered device too soon when there are still buffered data
# stayed in the RAM

# sync_when_close 0x0

# Internal buffers size

# Internal default usb_max_rd_buffer_size and usb_max_wr_buffer_size value set to 0x10000.
# Internal default read_buffer_cache_size value set to 0x100000.
# Uncomment the following lines to reduce the buffers sizes to fix USB issues on iMX6 based systems.

# usb_max_rd_buffer_size 0x200      # MAX usb read size. Must be a multiple of 512 and be less than read_buffer_cache_size
# usb_max_wr_buffer_size 0x200      # MAX usb write size. Must be a multiple of 512.
# read_buffer_cache_size 0x4000     # Read file cache buffer. Must be a 2^x value.

# USB gadget device driver path

# -- Generic FunctionFS Mode --

usb_functionfs_mode 0x1

usb_dev_path   "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep0"
usb_epin_path  "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep1"
usb_epout_path "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep2"
usb_epint_path "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep3"

usb_max_packet_size 0x200

# -- GadgetFS Mode : Atmel Sama5D2Xplained board --

#usb_functionfs_mode 0x0

#usb_dev_path   "/dev/gadget/atmel_usba_udc"
#usb_epin_path  "/dev/gadget/ep1"
#usb_epout_path "/dev/gadget/ep2"
#usb_epint_path "/dev/gadget/ep3"

# Max USB packet size

#usb_max_packet_size 0x200

# -- GadgetFS Mode : Raspberry PI Zero / Raspberry PI Zero W Boards --

#usb_functionfs_mode 0x0

#usb_dev_path   "/dev/gadget/20980000.usb"
#usb_epin_path  "/dev/gadget/ep1in"
#usb_epout_path "/dev/gadget/ep2out"
#usb_epint_path "/dev/gadget/ep3in"

# Max USB packet size

#usb_max_packet_size 0x200